Internet Technology (M) 3 (of 3) – Implementation Report
Code of Assessment Rules for Coursework Submission
Deadlines for the submission of coursework which is to be formally assessed will be published in course documentation, and work which is submitted later than the deadline will be subject to penalty as set out below. The primary grade and secondary band awarded for coursework which is submitted after the published deadline will be calculated as follows: (i) in respect of work submitted not more than five working days after the deadline a. the work will be assessed in the usual way; b. the primary grade and secondary band so determined will then be reduced by two secondary bands for each working day (or part of a working day) the work was submitted late. (ii) work submitted more than five working days after the deadline will be awarded Grade H.
Penalties for late submission of coursework will not be imposed if good cause is established for the late submission. You should submit documents supporting good cause via MyCampus.
Web app implementation (25%)
The group project is based on the development of a web application of your choosing, as you described in the Design Specification. You can make changes to the web application you develop but you will need to provide a justification for this if you do.
The implementation of your web application should draw on the skills that you have built up during the course. Your web application should be developed using Python, Django, HTML, CSS and associated technologies including Javascript, JQuery or AJAX.
• Main functionality should have been implemented reflecting the design specification • Application includes some JavaScript / jQuery / AJAX o Your application should not be based solely on Python and Django, and there should be evidence of usage of one or more of some of the technologies covered in the course including JavaScript / jQuery / AJAX.
Look and Feel
• Polished / refined interface, not clunky • Uses a responsive CSS framework
• Templates inherit from base • URLs are relative i.e. use the {% url ... %} tag • Code contains helper functions/classes (if required) • Code is readable, clear and commented where appropriate • CSS and JavaScript kept separate from templates (i.e., not inline) • No repetition of code blocks in the views or templates • Unit tests are included
What should be submitted
You will need to submit a report and provide the web application code as a zip file. You should host your application for public access and include the URL in your report. The report should cover the following:
- An introduction giving an overview of the application and any adjustments to the design specification. Please include the public URL of your web app here. (1 page max)
- A (updated) design specification including an overview of the implemented application, a list of requirements, the system architecture diagram, the ER diagram, site map, and wireframes (9 pages max)
- A description of the implementation, listing all the main components and demonstrating how the functionality, look and feel and code were achieved (3 pages max)
- Results of system testing (1 page max). In an appendix to this (1 page), you also must specify each team member’s contribution to this part of the coursework (in %) and what they contributed to it.
How to submit
Your report must be saved as a PDF document. One member of the team should submit the pdf document via the “Implementation” submission area on the Moodle page of the course. The person making the submission will be required to complete a Declaration of Originality on behalf of all team members when submitting via Moodle. If you have used any external sources, be sure to acknowledge them in your submission.
Working in a team
You should think about how the tasks associated with the development of your team’s web app should be divided. Try to ensure that activities are assigned so that every member of the team can be involved at all times. A possible breakdown of responsibilities for a team might be (this is just an example and you should feel free to organize things differently if you prefer):
- user authentication, unit testing
- models
- views
- templates and CSS
- Javascript, AJAX
Please note that under normal circumstances all members in a team will be assigned the same mark.
All members of a team will usually receive the same mark. Where members of a team find the contribution of other members to be unsatisfactory, you are encouraged to resolve the issue internally by negotiation first. However, if this is not possible, the course coordinators should be asked to intervene as soon as possible.
The mark awarded to individual members of the team may be adjusted to reflect the individual’s contribution. We will be using Deltas as a way of adjusting the team mark in order to arrive at an individual’s mark for the team-based components of the course. Each member of a team will be required to submit a form, giving their own as well as their team members’ contributions. A Delta typically adjusts the team mark up or down by 0 or more bands for a given individual according to the contribution. The computation of these Deltas will be informed by the percentage scores that each member of the team will provide, which gives a numerical estimate of the proportion of the overall effort undertaken by each person (including themselves). If in doubt, we will also require evidence of contributions, e.g. emails, GitHub commits, etc. We will also look at the contributions listed in the appendix to validate any adjustments.