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FIT2096 Game Programming 1 - Individual Assessment: MicroGame & Debugging Tasks

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AustraliaMonash UniversityFIT2096Game Programming 1MicroGame

ASSIGNMENT 1 [20%] - Individual Assessment CourseNana.COM

MicroGame & Debugging Tasks CourseNana.COM

SUBMISSION DUE: Friday Week 04, 11:55 PM Covers Topics from Weeks 1 - 4 CourseNana.COM

Late Penalty: 10% of total marks per day late CourseNana.COM

Learning Outcomes CourseNana.COM

Completion of this assignment demonstrates the following learning outcomes: CourseNana.COM

  1. Describe the geometric meaning behind vectors and matrices, and create code that

demonstrates how these can be applied practically in game programming, including for CourseNana.COM

object movement and collision CourseNana.COM

  1. Create game programs that demonstrate an understanding of the programming game loop

and how to set it up CourseNana.COM

4. Create game programs that demonstrate an understanding of physics in the games CourseNana.COM

programming context, including basic movement and interaction CourseNana.COM

Brief CourseNana.COM

Across the first four weeks of semester you are expected to build a small microgame based on the lab tasks from weeks 2 - 4. This includes the main set of tasks as well as extension tasks outlined in the weekly lab notes. CourseNana.COM

This assessment involves the following: CourseNana.COM

●  Follow and complete the guided lab exercise from weeks 2 - 4 CourseNana.COM

●  Complete extension tasks for the lab exercises from week 3 CourseNana.COM

●  Maintain a git repository using GitLFS and weekly commits CourseNana.COM

●  Debug and logging code for key variables CourseNana.COM

Task: MicroGame and Debugging CourseNana.COM

The main lab tasks each week are structured as a step-by-step guide to assist in their completion. The extension tasks are provided with an overview of the task to be completed with general pointers and information to get you started on the right track. CourseNana.COM

The extension tasks are intended to be more difficult and require some enquiry and initiative from your part. If you get stuck on the extension activities, you can of course seek assistance from your demonstrator, via the Ed forum or during consultations. CourseNana.COM

For the debugging tasks, you are required to add debug logging for each of the major functionalities created through the Week 2 and 3 labs. CourseNana.COM

The submission of this prototype must include the following components: CourseNana.COM

●  Version Control via Git & GitLab CourseNana.COM

●  Week 2 Lab Tasks CourseNana.COM

●  Week 3 Lab Tasks CourseNana.COM

●  Week 3 Extension Tasks CourseNana.COM

●  Week 4 Debugging Tasks CourseNana.COM

Version Control via Git & GitLab: CourseNana.COM

Suggested Completion Date: End of Week 1 CourseNana.COM

When building your prototype you must store your work within a Git Repository using the Monash FIT GitLab serverThis repository should use GitLFS for all files within the Content folder (game assets). GitIgnore File CourseNana.COM

The repository must use a .gitignore file to exclude the following folders from the repository: CourseNana.COM

DerivedDataCache Intermediate
Saved CourseNana.COM

Instructions for setting up this repository can be found in the week 1 lab tasks on Moodle. Additional material is also available in the software installation guide under week 1. CourseNana.COM

Commits to the repository are to be made weekly. CourseNana.COM

Week 2 Lab Tasks: CourseNana.COM

Suggested Completion Date: End of Week 2 CourseNana.COM

As part of the assignment, you are required to complete the entirety of the guided Week 2 Lab, with emphasis on: CourseNana.COM

●  Spaceship Creation CourseNana.COM

●  Input Mapping/Actions CourseNana.COM

●  Asteroid Collision CourseNana.COM

●  Asteroid Spawning CourseNana.COM

More information on these tasks can be found in the Week 2 Lab. CourseNana.COM

Week 3 Lab Tasks: CourseNana.COM

Suggested Completion Date: End of Week 3 CourseNana.COM

As part of the assignment, you are required to complete the entirety of the guided Week 3 Lab, with emphasis on: CourseNana.COM

●  Spaceship Movement CourseNana.COM

●  Spaceship Rotation CourseNana.COM

●  Laser Spawning/Despawning CourseNana.COM

●  Laser Collision CourseNana.COM

●  Homing Asteroid Homing CourseNana.COM

●  Homing Asteroid Spawning CourseNana.COM

More information on these tasks can be found in the Week 3 Lab. CourseNana.COM

Week 3 Extension Tasks: CourseNana.COM

Suggested Completion Date: End of Week 3 CourseNana.COM

As part of the assignment, you must also complete the extension tasks on the last page of the Week 3 Lab. This includes: CourseNana.COM

●  Asteroids Explode into Precious Resources CourseNana.COM

●  Orbiting Shield CourseNana.COM

●  Space Station that Shoots Lasers CourseNana.COM

More information on these tasks can be found on the last page of the Week 3 Lab. CourseNana.COM

Week 4 Debugging Tasks: CourseNana.COM

Suggested Completion Date: End of Week 4 CourseNana.COM

Completion of the additional debugging tasks on the last page of the Week 4 lab. CourseNana.COM

●  Hitpoints CourseNana.COM

●  Ship Collision CourseNana.COM

●  Homing Asteroid Homing CourseNana.COM

●  Player Controller Input CourseNana.COM

●  Laser Collision and Despawning CourseNana.COM

●  Asteroid Spawner CourseNana.COM

More information on these tasks can be found in the Week 4 Lab. CourseNana.COM

Assessment Criteria CourseNana.COM

Your assignment will be marked on the following criteria listed below. CourseNana.COM

Git Repository Setup - 10 marks
Setup of git repository with GitLFS and gitignore being utilised CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Completion of Week 2 Lab Tasks - 15 marks

○  Spaceship Creation CourseNana.COM

○  Input Mapping/Actions CourseNana.COM

○  Asteroid Collision CourseNana.COM

○  Asteroid Spawning CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Completion of Week 3 Lab Tasks - 25 marks

○  Spaceship Movement CourseNana.COM

○  Spaceship Rotation CourseNana.COM

○  Laser Spawning/Despawning CourseNana.COM

○  Laser Collision CourseNana.COM

○  Homing Asteroid Homing CourseNana.COM

○  Homing Asteroid Spawning CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Completion of Week 3 Extension Tasks - 35 marks

○  Asteroids Explode into Precious Resources CourseNana.COM

○  Orbiting Shield CourseNana.COM

○  Space Station that Shoots Lasers CourseNana.COM

  • ●  Completion of Week 4 Debugging Tasks - 15 marks

○  Hitpoints CourseNana.COM

○  Ship Collision CourseNana.COM

○  Homing Asteroid Homing CourseNana.COM

○  Player Controller Input CourseNana.COM

○  Laser Collision and Despawning CourseNana.COM

○  Asteroid Spawner CourseNana.COM

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Australia代写,Monash University代写,FIT2096代写,Game Programming 1代写,MicroGame代写,Australia代编,Monash University代编,FIT2096代编,Game Programming 1代编,MicroGame代编,Australia代考,Monash University代考,FIT2096代考,Game Programming 1代考,MicroGame代考,Australiahelp,Monash Universityhelp,FIT2096help,Game Programming 1help,MicroGamehelp,Australia作业代写,Monash University作业代写,FIT2096作业代写,Game Programming 1作业代写,MicroGame作业代写,Australia编程代写,Monash University编程代写,FIT2096编程代写,Game Programming 1编程代写,MicroGame编程代写,Australiaprogramming help,Monash Universityprogramming help,FIT2096programming help,Game Programming 1programming help,MicroGameprogramming help,Australiaassignment help,Monash Universityassignment help,FIT2096assignment help,Game Programming 1assignment help,MicroGameassignment help,Australiasolution,Monash Universitysolution,FIT2096solution,Game Programming 1solution,MicroGamesolution,