1 Digital Communications 4: Bit Errors and Parity Checking
1.1 Introduction
This laboratory project will introduce you to some issues that occur in digital communication
channels. In particular we will study the effects of additive white gaussian noise on the communication
channel and how its effects can be mitigated using a simple parity checking and
Automatic Repeat-reQuest (ARQ). In your previous laboratories on this course you will have
studied modulation formats. Here we will circumvent some of the low-level coding by using the
komm Python library https://pypi.org/project/komm/ to provide the appropriate functionality.
If you are using your own computer, make sure the Python libraries scipy, numpy,
matplotlib and pillow as well as komm are installed. It is recommended that you use a
suitable IDE for your project, such as Spyder.
Each project will be scheduled over a twoweek period, within which there will be 2 scheduled
online consultation sessions where you will be able to ask teaching staff for guidance. The project
should be written up as a short report describing what you’ve done and the results you have
taken along with any conclusions that you draw. Include your python code(s) in the appendices.
Make sure your name and student ID number is on the report. The report should be uploaded to
the Moodle assignment by the stated deadline, either using Moodle’s inbuilt html editor, or as a
single PDF file.
Figure 1: example 150 100 and 300 200 grayscale images
1.2 Obtaining Digital Data
A number of 8 bit depth grayscale images of various sizes have been provided for you to use
in this laboratory project. You may also consider the use of the numpy.random.randint()
command to create random binary streams for testing purposes. As the runtime depends on the
size of the data, you should generally use the smallest data set first, although in terms of accuracy
it may be advisable to use the larger datasets where the smallest images result in a small number
of bit errors, say . 25, to improve your accuracy in determining the bit-error-rate.
The following code reads in a grayscale image from a file to a 2 dimensional array of unsigned
integer values, and displays the image. If you are using Spyder, you can show graphics in
separate windows by setting Tools>Preferences>IPython console>Graphics>Backend
from Inline to Automatic. The unpackbits() command converts the integer values into a
flattened (1D) binary array.
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import komm
tx_im = Image.open("DC4_150x100.pgm")
Npixels = tx_im.size[1]*tx_im.size[0]
tx_bin = np.unpackbits(np.array(tx_im))
1.3 Noisy Channel Simulation
Now we turn to the channel simulation which consists of 3 parts, namely (1) the channel coding,
(2) the transmission and reception over a noisy channel, and (3) the channel decoding. We shall
start with binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) which has two symbols. We will examine other
keying schemes with more symbols later.
The komm library provides functions for PSK modulation and demodulation and for simulating
an additive white gaussian noise source, as shown below. The modulated psk waveform
is by default unit average power. The scalar snr specifies the (linear) signal-to-noise ratio for
the channel, and the example below corresponds to 6 dB. tx_data and rx_data will consist of
complex arrays.
psk = komm.PSKModulation(2)
awgn = komm.AWGNChannel(snr=10**(6./10.))
tx_data = psk.modulate(tx_bin)
rx_data = awgn(tx_data)
rx_bin = psk.demodulate(rx_data)
In Spyder, use the variable explorer and write down the value of Npixels, and the data type
and sizes of tx_bin, tx_data, rx_data and rx_bin. Check that the data types are correct,
and the comparison of the sizes of tx_data, rx_data to tx_bin, rx_bin corresponds to the
number of bits per symbol for the modulation scheme used.
1.4 Measuring Bit Error Ratio
Here we will investigate the influence of noise on the received data. An I-Q constellation
diagram can be displayed and inspected visually using the following where just the first 10000
elements from rx_data is used so that the detail of the constellation is not obscured.
You can also visually inspect the recovered image by rearranging the received data into a
decimal valued matrix corresponding to the original image dimensions, and using imshow as
you did previously.
rx_im = np.packbits(rx_bin).reshape(tx_im.size[1],tx_im.size[0])
To determine the number of bit errors a bitwise comparison of the transmitted and received
binary matrices should be made, summing the case of unequal elements. The bit error ratio
(ber) is obtained by dividing the number of errors by the total number of bits, 8*Npixels.
Calculate the ber for a range of decibel values for the signal-to-noise ratio and plot them as ???
(logarithmic axis) vs ??? in decibel. The following python code excerpt can be used to plot the
data contained in x and y arrays (same length) with a logarithmic vertical axis.
plt.scatter(x, y) #plot points
plt.plot(x, y) #plot lines
Include a curve showing the theoretical dependence for BPSK or QPSK,
10??? ÅdBº.10
where erfc is the complementary error function (available in the python scipy library, i.e.
scipy.special.erfc(x)) and ??? is the signal to noise in dB with ? bits per symbol.
1.5 Parity Check
In this task consider the data as consisting Npixels 8-bit words and replace the least significant
bit of each 8-bit word with a parity bit, which doesn’t make any discernable difference to your
view of the grayscale image. You are free to select whether you use even parity or odd parity:
setting the 8th bit to the modulo 2 (%2 in python) sum of the previous 7 bits corresponds to even
The parity test of the received data is done by looking at the modulo 2 sum of each 8-bit
word. If this is different from the parity setting you should do an Automatic Repeat-reQuest
(ARQ) and resend the word. Therefore you should amend your code to simulate the transmission
of an 8-bit word at a time as a step within a loop. Place a counter in your code to add up the
total number of ARQs. If you are unfamiliar with python, please note that control blocks, such
as initiated by
for i in range(start,stop,step):
are defined by indentation, that counters begin at i=start and the block is not executed for the
final value i=stop.
Visually inspect the received image and determine the bit error ratio. Plot the ??? as a
function of ??? in dB as before. Additionally plot the log of the ratio of the total number of
ARQs to the number of pixels as a function of ??? in dB.
Once you have obtained satisfactory results for BPSK format, repeat the exercise for Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) by setting
psk = komm.PSKModulation(4,phase_offset=np.pi/4)
Check that psk.bits_per_symbol is commensurate with your data array sizes. Note also that
the komm implementation uses gray coding by default (so that symbol errors will give rise to
mostly single-bit errors), which you can verify by inspecting psk.labeling.
1.6 QAM
Now adapt your code to undertake similar simulations with square QAM: 4-QAM (identical
to QPSK so verify that this matches the previous exercise), 16-QAM and 256-QAM. Again,
the komm implementation uses gray coding by default, which you can verify by inspecting
psk.labeling. The following code excerpts demonstrates the implementation of 4-QAM.
qam = komm.QAModulation(4,base_amplitudes=...)
tx_data = qam.modulate(...)
Check that qam.bits_per_symbol is commensurate with your data array sizes. base_amplitudes
is unity by default. However, to draw appropriate comparisons with PSK we should be
consistent with the average power per symbol (unity by default with PSK). Therefore inspect
the value qam.energy_per_symbol and set base_amplitudes to a value such that
qam.energy_per_symbol becomes unity.
1.7 Documentation
Python 3 https://docs.python.org/3/
komm https://komm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
numpy and scipy https://docs.scipy.org/doc/
matplotlib https://matplotlib.org/contents.html
pillow https://pillow.readthedocs.io
spyder https://docs.spyder-ide.org/
Getting the python libraries
If you are using your own computer, make sure the Python libraries scipy, numpy, matplotlib
and pillow are installed. These libraries are installed by default with the Anaconda python
distribution. It is recommended that you use a suitable IDE for your project, such as Spyder. The
komm Python library is available from PyPI repository and, if required, can be installed using
pip. From a python-activated command line (such as Anaconda prompt), use the following
command to install in your user App config
pip install komm --user