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EEEN60161 Digital Image Processing LABORATORY 3: Spatial frequency and Discrete Cosine Transformation

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ManchesterEEEN60161Digital Image ProcessingSpatial frequencyDiscrete Cosine Transformation

EEEN4/60161 Digital Image Processing LABORATORY 3 (2023/24) CourseNana.COM

Objectives: CourseNana.COM

  •   Understand and practise frequency-domain image processing CourseNana.COM

  •   Understand block-based image processing and DCT-based image coding CourseNana.COM

    Equipment: Matlab, Simulink, Computer Vision Systems Toolbox, Image Acquisition Toolbox, camera, tripod. CourseNana.COM

    Introduction CourseNana.COM

    Spatial frequency is an important concept in image processing and vision. Frequency-domain image processing involves 2D Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) and filtering images in the frequency domain. In first part of this laboratory you will first practise 2D DFT (forward and inverse) and appreciate the meaning of spatial frequencies, before practise lowpass and highpass filtering in the frequency-domain. CourseNana.COM

    Block-based coding may not be the best way to code image data but it is simple, relatively easy to implement. For these reasons it is widely used in existing and commercial image codecs. In the second part of this laboratory you will explore the properties of block-based processing, especially the Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) that is widely used in image coding. The DCT is a reversible transformation, that is, the transformed can be reversed to provide an exact replica of the input image. For efficient coding we abandon the requirement that the input be transmitted exactly and seek only a good approximation to the input. This process is known as lossy coding. In this lab the image quality will be evaluated for representations using different numbers of DCT coefficients. CourseNana.COM

    Procedure CourseNana.COM

1. 1.1. CourseNana.COM

Frequency Domain Processing Spatial frequencies CourseNana.COM

(1). Generate a 128-point sine wave/sequence as follows: CourseNana.COM

x=sin(2*pi*n./16); % i.e. f=fs/16; format: 2*pi*f*n/fs figure();plot(x);

% Apply (1D) DFT (Matlab function: fft) to the signal and display the magnitude spectrum: CourseNana.COM

y=fft(x); %do a 128-point DFT
figure(); plot(abs(y)); % magnitude spectrum, uncentred, 0(DC) to fs
% You can centre the spectrum, so spectrum is from -fs/2 to fs/2, with dc at the middle point: CourseNana.COM


Can you see that f = fs/16 or fs is 16 times of f from the spectrum? If not, discuss with the staff. CourseNana.COM

[Note. fs is the sampling frequency, inverse of the sampling period, the interval between two consecutive samples), say Ts (whose value isn’t known in this case, let’s just note it as Ts). As the sine wave here is generated with setting its f = fs/16. The DFT analysis on its generated sequence should reveal this relationship. Entire points (128) of the spectrum span by fs. In this case, there is a peak at the 8th point (uncentred) denoting the frequency o the signal. So, fs = 16xf, or f =fs/16. In real signal analysis, we would know the sampling frequency, e.g. Ts=44.1kHz for audio signals, then you can work out the exact frequencies in Hz of the signal.] CourseNana.COM

       for i=1:128

end CourseNana.COM

Now, X is an image of 128x128 pixels with each (horizontal) line being a sine wave. So it is a set of vertical bars of sine waves. CourseNana.COM

Display the image. Apply 2D DFT (Matlab function: fft2) to analyse its magnitude spectrum (uncentred and centred) and spatial frequency (horizontal) in respect to size of the image. CourseNana.COM

[Note, here horizontally points in X are treated as pixels and assume the gap between consecutive pixels is Ts (whose unit is mm or angle, its inverse is the horizontal sampling frequency fs), then the analysis should reveal a peak at the 8th point of the first row of the 2D DFT (spectrum), which is 16th of the entire spectrum, i.e. fs, the horizontal sampling frequency.] CourseNana.COM

Vary the fs/f ratio in x (and so X) from 16 to 8 and 4, generate the signal and image again and plot the spectra again to appreciate the relationships. CourseNana.COM

Forward and inverse 2D DFT CourseNana.COM

(1). Recreate the example of 2D DFT in page 5 of the lecture handouts. First generate an image of a small white rectangle in black background with the code given. Display the image. Then perform 2D DFT and display the magnitude spectrum. Centre the spectrum, and display in logarithm scale. CourseNana.COM

(2). Load a real image (e.g. [I,map]=imread('lena_gray.png');) (image Lena of 512x512 8-bit grey scale: lena_gray.png, available on Blackboard, under Laboratory (Lab 3). Then display the image (e.g. imshow(I, map);). Perform 2D DFT on the grey level image (e.g. after, X=ind2gray(I,map)) and display the magnitude spectrum. What can you see from the spectrum (uncentred, centred, and/or log scaled)? Discuss with staff if you wish. CourseNana.COM

(3). Now apply the inverse 2D DFT (Matlab: ifft2) on the raw spectrum and display the result. Is it the same as the original image?
Try to recover the image in (1) by applying the inverse 2D DFT to the spectrum of (1). Is the recovered image different from the originally generated image? Why?

Frequency-domain image filtering CourseNana.COM

(1). Based on the definitions (formulae in following table) on the lecture notes (section 8.4), generate the ideal and Butterworth or Gaussian filters, respectively, with the cut-off frequency D0 set to 40. CourseNana.COM

(2). Extend the signal x in (1) to 2D, i.e. an image (call it X), by the following: CourseNana.COM

Note: D(u,v) = [(u-M/2)2+(v-N/2)2]1/2 , image size: M ×N, n is the order of the filter, e.g. n=2. CourseNana.COM

Plot the generated filters (i.e. their frequency response). Are they as you expected? CourseNana.COM

(2). Apply these filters to the Lena image in the frequency domain, respectively. f (x, y)h(x, y) F(u,v)H(u,v) CourseNana.COM

That is, multiply the spectrum of the image with the filter’s frequency response (element by element) and then apply inverse 2D DFT. Display the filtered image (inverse of the multiplied spectrum), respectively. What is the effect of the filtering? Comment on the differences of these different filters. CourseNana.COM

(3). (Optional) Convert these filters to high-pass filters (again using D0=40). Refer to the lecture notes for the definitions of these filters. Then apply them to the Lena image (in the frequency domain). What are the effect and differences among them? With this in place, you should be able to design and apply the homomorphic filtering to enhance the part affected by poor illumination (to some extent). CourseNana.COM

2. 2.1. CourseNana.COM

Image Coding Block processing CourseNana.COM

Simulink provides a model called “Block Processing” to allow an input image to be divided into smaller blocks for processing and re-assembled. Set up the system below as a model. CourseNana.COM

The video input block can be found in the Image Acquisition toolbox and the block processing block and video display block are from the CVST. Set the video device to 640x480 resolution and YCbCr output (with separate colour signals). Click the “show subsystem” option on the block processing to confirm that the processing is “straight through” (i.e. no change should be introduced by the encoder or decoder). The default simulation time is 10 seconds you should set this to something longer (say 100 seconds). Now run the model and confirm image display. If you do not have a USB camera or if it is not supported, you can use an image file as input, e.g. grey scale Lena image (Lena tif image, also set its output data type to double). CourseNana.COM

Next introduce some distortion into the encoder stream using the subsystem below in the encoder block CourseNana.COM

The block marked 8x8 is a constant matrix. Set the upper triangle of the matrix to ‘1’ and the upper triangle to ‘0’. This is achieved by using ‘;’ to delimit rows. For example: CourseNana.COM

11111111 11111110 11111100 11111000 11110000 11100000 11000000 10000000 CourseNana.COM

would be represented by: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0; 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0; 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] CourseNana.COM

Now run the model. Observe the output image and explain any distortion visible. You could vary the matrix by changing its numbers and observe the output images, for examples, using more 1s or more 0s, or using different 1and 0patterns. CourseNana.COM

DCT-based coding CourseNana.COM

Now set up DCT encoder and decoder subsystems as shown below (the constant 128should be 0.5 in the new version of the toolbox). CourseNana.COM

  1. (i)  Encoder CourseNana.COM

  2. (ii)  Decoder CourseNana.COM

The 2-D DCT block can be found in CVST. Set the 8x8 constant matrix to all ‘1’s so that all DCT coefficients are transmitted without distortion. Now run the model and confirm correct output. This is straight through, so no distortion should be expected. If any of the 8x8 constant matrix is set to ‘0’, then corresponding DCT coefficients are discarded and resulting decoded image is degraded (may be visually noticeable or not, depending on which coefficients are discarded). Experience this and find out from the output. CourseNana.COM

Amend the model from to give a numerical display of PSNR (PSRN block is available from CVST) and measure the PSNR for different scenes. Now introduce some approximation into the system by setting some elements of the constant matrix (e.g. the upper triangle) to zero. CourseNana.COM

Observe the image quality. Produce a plot of the PSNR values and comment on the subjective image quality CourseNana.COM

DCT with different numbers of coefficients CourseNana.COM

For this part the input image should remain constant. Ideally the image should be full of content. Carefully fix the camera position if the camera is allowed to move then your results may be invalid. Use the Simulink model above to calculate the variation in PSNR for different
numbers of horizontal and vertical DCT coefficients. For example, the following two types of matrix:

Type-I: (upper-left triangle with “1” and lower-right triangle with “0”), CourseNana.COM

11111111 11111110 11111100 11111000 11110000 11100000 11000000 10000000 CourseNana.COM

With representation: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0; 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0; 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0; 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] CourseNana.COM

You can start with single ‘1’ in the top-left (set the rest to ‘0’); then add the second diagonal ‘1’s; ... and so on; to fully 15 diagonal lines of ‘1’s. Measure the PSNR of each case (on the same fixed scene) to compare the effect. You can also explore the effect by adding ‘1’s gradually from top-left corner in zigzag similar to the quality control used in JPEG coding. CourseNana.COM

Type-II: (upper-left triangle with “0” and lower-right triangle with “1”), rarely used in any scheme, only to appreciate the high frequency elements. CourseNana.COM

00000000 00000001 00000011 00000111 00001111 00011111 00111111 01111111 CourseNana.COM

With representation: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1; 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1; 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1; 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1; 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] CourseNana.COM

Vary the number of diagonal lines of “1” to see the effect in this type of matrix. Plot PSNRs against the number of coefficients (or diagonal ‘1’s), observe the effect.
You could also experiment other types of matrix such as varying the number of vertical columns of “1” or the number of horizontal rows of “1”. CourseNana.COM


DFT-based coding (optional) CourseNana.COM

If time permits repeat section 2.3 of this experiment using the Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT). The 2-D FFT block is in CVST. Is this transformation as effective when the coefficients are selected as before? CourseNana.COM

Effect of horizontal or vertical coefficients (optional) CourseNana.COM

If time permits repeat section 2.3 of this experiment but with the coefficients in horizontal or vertical rows (instead of diagonal ones), or in mirror-image sets, as the one shown below for example. Again, these are rarely used in practice, only to appreciate the effect. CourseNana.COM

11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 CourseNana.COM

3. Reporting CourseNana.COM

Produce a brief report up to 6 pages (excluding cover page and appendix) summarising your experiments (sections 1.3 and 2.3), observations, key results and conclusions. Describe your modification to measure and display PSNR. Present clear plots of PSNR for different numbers of coefficients. Discuss the reason for any difference in the number of coefficients needed in the horizontal and vertical directions. Suggest the most effective coding transformation based on your results. Additional results can be included in Appendix. CourseNana.COM

Suggested structure:
Cover page with course/experiment, name and registration number

  1. Introduction (e.g. objectives and applications) CourseNana.COM

  2. Experiments (sections 1.3 and 2.3), results and analysis CourseNana.COM

  3. General discussion and conclusions CourseNana.COM

Submit your report (preferably in pdf file) to the Blackboard before the deadline. Please name your report file meaningfully, e.g. DCTlab-xxxxxxx.pdf, where xxxxxxx is your ID number. CourseNana.COM

Assessment criteria
Completion of experiment and correct set up Reporting results, graphs and tables
Analysis of results and data
Discussion and conclusions
Presentation (structure, format, clarity, English)

Marks (Out of 25) (Out of 25) (Out of 20) (Out of 15) (Out of 15)  CourseNana.COM

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