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ECM2414 Software Development CA 1 Continuous Assessment: Card playing simulation

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EXETERECM2414Software DevelopmentJavaCard Play

ECM2414 Software Development CA 1 Continuous Assessment CourseNana.COM

In this assignment you will implement an application using the various techniques that you are learning about during this module. You will tackle this task using the pair programming development paradigm that will reinforce the idea of programming as a team exercise. CourseNana.COM

1. Development Paradigm CourseNana.COM

Pair programming [1] is a popular development approach, primarily associated with agile development, but used across the software industry. In pair programming, two programmers work together to generate the solution to a given problem. One (the driver) physically writes the code while the other (the navigator) reviews each line of code as it is generated. During the development, the roles are switched between the two programmers regularly. The aim of the split role is for the two programmers to concern themselves with different aspects of the software being developed, with the navigator considering the strategic direction of the work (how it fits with the whole, and the deliverables), and the driver principally focussed on tactical aspects of the current task at hand (block, method, class, etc.), as well as allowing useful discussion between the developers regarding different possible solutions and design approaches. CourseNana.COM

Research has indicated that pair programming leads to fewer bugs and more concise (i.e., shorter) programs. Additionally, it also facilitates knowledge sharing and flow between developers, which can be crucial for a software house, with pair programming often cycling through developers on a team so everyone is eventually paired with everyone else at some point. This assignment will introduce you to the paired programming approach in a practical fashion, through the development of a threaded Java game. Please find the pair information on ELE (in the Assessment tile). It is either paired by yourself or module leader will do it for you if you can’t find a partner. Note, any changes of the members to the pairs need to be approved by the module leader, otherwise a mark of zero for the relevant teams may be applied. CourseNana.COM

2. Task Specification CourseNana.COM

You will develop, in Java, a multi-threaded card playing simulation. Within your design you will need to implement (at least) a thread-safe Card class and a thread-safe Player class (depending upon your design, you may also implement additional classes, for instance a CardDeck class). You will also develop an executable CardGame class. CourseNana.COM

The game has n players, each numbered 1 to n (which for clarity in the illustration below are named “player 1”, “player 2”, ... , “player n”), with n being a positive integer, and n decks of cards, again, each numbered 1 to “n” (which for clarity in the illustration below are named “deck1”,“deck2”,...,“deckn”). Each player will hold a hand of 4 cards. Both these hands and the decks will be drawn from a pack which contains “8n” cards. Each card has a face value (denomination) of a nonnegative integer1. CourseNana.COM

The decks and players will form a ring topology (see illustration in the figure below for the case where n = 4). At the start of the game, each player will be distributed four cards in a round-robin fashion, from the top of the pack, starting by giving one card to player1, then one card to player2, etc. After the hands have been distributed, the decks will then be filled from the remaining cards in the pack, again in a round-robin fashion. CourseNana.COM

Topological relationship of the game players and card decks, in the situation where n = 4. CourseNana.COM

To win the game, a player needs four cards of the same value in their hand. If a player is given four cards which are all the same value at the start of the game, they should immediately declare this (by their thread printing “Player i wins”, where i should be replaced with the player index), that player thread should then notify the other threads, and exit2. CourseNana.COM

If the game is not won immediately, then the game progresses as follows: each player picks a card from the top of the deck to their left, and discards one to the bottom of the deck to their right3. This process continues until the first player declares that they have four cards of the same value, at which point the game ends4. CourseNana.COM

  1. 1  It is legal for the face value of a card exceeding n. CourseNana.COM

  2. 2  There is a chance that, two or more players are given four cards with the same value at the start of the game. You CourseNana.COM

    don’t need to handle this situation in your development. CourseNana.COM

  3. 3  By multi-threading, players should NOT play the game sequentially, i.e., NOT in a way that, when one player finishes CourseNana.COM

    actions another player starts. CourseNana.COM

  4. 4  By multi-threading, there is a chance that, two or more players have their four cards of the same value at the same CourseNana.COM

    time. You don’t need to handle this situation in your development. 2 CourseNana.COM

Game playing strategy CourseNana.COM

If a player does not start with a winning hand, they will implement a simple game strategy, as specified below (note, the strategy is not optimal). CourseNana.COM

Each player will prefer certain card denominations, which reflect their index value, e.g., player1 will prefer 1s, player2 will prefer 2s, etc. After drawing a card from their left, a player will discard one of their cards to the deck on their right, (e.g. player1 will draw from deck1 and discard to deck2). The card they discard must display a value which is not of their preferred denomination. Additionally, a player must not hold onto a non-preferred denomination card indefinitely, so you must implement your Player class to reflect this restriction (otherwise the game may stagnate). CourseNana.COM

Developing a solution CourseNana.COM

You will need to implement an executable class called CardGame, whose main method requests via the command line (terminal window) the number of players in the game (i.e. ‘n’), and on receiving CourseNana.COM

this, the location of a valid input pack. The screenshot below shows how this works (note, I put the pack file in the same directory of CardGame, so there is no path needed in the example shown below.) CourseNana.COM

A valid input pack is a plain text file, where each row contains a single non-negative integer value, and has 8n rows. The screenshot below shows a partial pack CourseNana.COM

After reading in the input pack, the CardGame class should distribute the hands to the players, fill the decks and start the required threads for the players. If the pack is invalid, the program should inform the user of this, and request a valid pack file5. CourseNana.COM

If a player does not start with a winning hand, as a player processes their hand, each of its actions should be printed to an output file which is named after that particular player (i.e. the output file for the first player should be named player1_output.txt)6. In game actions should be printed to the file in a similar form to the following example: CourseNana.COM

player 1 draws a 4 from deck 1 player 1 discards a 3 to deck 2 player 1 current hand is 1 1 2 4 CourseNana.COM

5 The game should not start until there are valid inputs for the ‘number of players’ and the ‘pack’ file. 6 Each player should have its own output file, NOT a combined output file for all players. CourseNana.COM

Additionally, at the start of the game the first line of the file should give the hand dealt, e.g. player 1 initial hand 1 1 2 3 CourseNana.COM

and at the end of the game the last lines of the file should read either: CourseNana.COM

player 1 wins
player 1 exits
player 1 final hand: 1 1 1 1

if for instance player 1 wins, or CourseNana.COM

player 3 has informed player 1 that player 3 has won player 1 exits
player 1 hand: 2 2 3 5

in the case where player 3 has won (and the values displayed match the hands and decks concerned). CourseNana.COM

There should also be a message printed to the terminal window (as is the case when a player wins immediately), i.e. if the 4th player wins, then CourseNana.COM

player 4 wins CourseNana.COM

should be printed to the screen. CourseNana.COM

There should only be one player declaring it has won for any single game7. If the game is won immediately (a winning hand is initially dealt), the output files should still be written for all players (although each file will only contain four lines). In addition to the player output files, there should also be n deck output file written at the end of the game (named, e.g. deck1_output.txt), which should contain a single line of text detailing the contents of the deck at the end of the game, e.g. CourseNana.COM

deck2 contents: 1 3 3 7 CourseNana.COM

The combination of a card draw and a discard should be treated as a single atomic action. Therefore, at the end of the game every player should hold four cards. The program developed should follow the object-oriented paradigm. CourseNana.COM

You are encouraged to use a version control system, but this will not contribute to your final mark. CourseNana.COM

3. Submission CourseNana.COM

Your submission consists of a code part and a report part. You need to ZIP both parts into one file and submit it electronically using ELE2, by 12 noon on the hand in date. Note, only one member of each team needs to submit the paired work. CourseNana.COM

7 By multi-threading, there is a chance that, two or more players declare they have won the game simultaneously. You don’t need to handle this situation in your development. You can simply give it another run. CourseNana.COM

The Code Part. Your code part includes the following two files (i.e., cards.jar and cardsTest.zip). CourseNana.COM

  • A copy of your finished classes in an executable jar file named cards.jar. The jar file should include both the bytecode (.class) and source files (.java) of your submission. CourseNana.COM

  • A copy of your finished classes, and associated test classes and test suites, and any supporting files, in a zip file named cardsTest.zip. The zip file should include both the bytecode (.class) and source files (.java) of your submission (plus any testing files the tests may rely upon), and a README file, detailing how to run your test suite. CourseNana.COM

    The Report Part. The report, with minimum 2 cm margins and 11-point text, should contain the items listed below. CourseNana.COM

  • A cover page which details how you would like the final mark to be allocated to the developers, based upon your agreed input (i.e., 50:50 if both parties took equal roles, or perhaps 55:45 if you both agree that one party may have contributed a bit more than the other – do remember however that in pair programming both the driver and observer roles are vital, and should be switched frequently between developers). The maximum divergence allowed is 60:40, although non-contributors will receive a zero. Note, if a split is missing, a 50:50 will be used to calculate your marks. CourseNana.COM

  • A (max 1 page) development log, which includes date, time and duration of pair programming sessions, and which role(s) developers took in these sessions, with each log entry signed by both members (using your candidate number as your signature). This part of the document should be no more than one side of A4. CourseNana.COM

  • A (max 2 pages) document detailing your design choice and reasons with respect to both your production code, and any known performance issues. This part of the document should be no more than two sides of A4. CourseNana.COM

  • A (max 3 page) document detailing the design choice and reasons with respect to your tests. You may use either of the JUnit 4.x or 5.x frameworks, but you should explicitly detail which framework you are using in your document. This part of the document should be no more than three sides of A4. CourseNana.COM

    4. Some Questions You May Have CourseNana.COM

  1. Which card a player should choose to discard?
    Answer: You can randomly choose one which is not the preferred denomination to discard.

  2. Can a player who is given four cards which are all the same value at the start of the game, but the value is not their preferred denomination, still win?
    Answer: Yes, it still can win the game.

  3. How many output files from the production code are required? Answer: 2n, where n is the number of players. CourseNana.COM

  4. Do I need to use Javadoc? Answer: No, you don’t need. CourseNana.COM

  5. Do I need to test private methods?
    Answer: Yes, you can consider using Java Reflection.

  1. My code reads in a valid pack file which doesn’t contain the cards that allow a winning hand. What should I do?
    Answer: It’s normal. You don’t need to do anything. The code and pack are two separate things. You need to make sure your code is correct, which means if it takes in a valid pack that allows a winning hand, it can output a winning hand.

  2. What should I do if my partner is a non-contributor?
    Answer: You need provide evidence to me, e.g., the evidence from the version control system. The module lead, maybe along with other colleagues, will evaluate and make a decision. You may be asked to attend a hearing meeting. The person who is doing ALL the work will be marked with more weights, which will be determined in the evaluation process.

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