Assignment 2: basin: a file synchronsiser
- building a concrete understanding of file system objects;
- practising C, including bitwise operations and robust error handling;
- understanding file operations, including input-output operations on binary data
- building a concrete understanding of file system objects;
- practising C, including bitwise operations and robust error handling;
- understanding file operations, including input-output operations on binary data
The Task
The rsync
utility is a useful and popular tool which efficiently transfers files between computers. In this assignment you will be implementing basin, which is a simplified version of rsync.
To copy a file from a sending computer to a receiver, it would theoretically be sufficient to just naïvely send over the entire contents (and possibly metadata) of the file.
However, if the receiver already has an older version of the file which is very close to the sender's version (or even an identical copy!), then a large amount of redundant data is being transmitted. With slow networks or large file sizes this can translate to a unnecessary waiting and cost.
Both the real rsync utility and the basin utility that you'll be implementing in this assignment avoid unnecessary data transfer by only sending the chunks of a file which differ between sender and receiver. The basin algorithm takes place over four stages:
- Stage 1: the sender constructs a Type A Basin Index (TABI) file containing a record for each file the sender wants to send. Each record contains metadata about the file, as well as a hash for each block in the file (see the subset 1 description for more information).
- Stage 2: the receiver uses the TABI file to construct a Type B Basin Index (TBBI) file containing a record for each TABI record. The TBBI file contains information about which blocks the receiver already has an up-to-date copy of (see the subset 2 description for more information).
- Stage 3: the sender uses the Type B Basin Index file to construct a Type C Basin Index (TCBI) file containing a record for each TBBI record. The TCBI file contains the contents of the blocks which the receiver did not have an up-to-date copy of (see the subset 3 description for more information).
- Stage 4: the receiver uses the TCBI file to reconstruct an up-to-date copy of the files it is receiving. (see the subset 4 description for more information).
The first four subsets of this assignment correspond to implementing each of these stages for a given list of files. The fifth subset involves adding support for directories.
The real rsync utility is able to transfer files both over a network to a remote computer; where the sender would be one computer and the receiver would be another. It can also transfer files locally, where the 'sender' and 'receiver' are two different directories on the same computer. In this assignment, you will only be implementing the local version of basin, where the sender and receiver are two different directories on the same computer.
The rsync
utility is a useful and popular tool which efficiently transfers files between computers. In this assignment you will be implementing basin, which is a simplified version of rsync.
To copy a file from a sending computer to a receiver, it would theoretically be sufficient to just naïvely send over the entire contents (and possibly metadata) of the file.
However, if the receiver already has an older version of the file which is very close to the sender's version (or even an identical copy!), then a large amount of redundant data is being transmitted. With slow networks or large file sizes this can translate to a unnecessary waiting and cost.
Both the real rsync utility and the basin utility that you'll be implementing in this assignment avoid unnecessary data transfer by only sending the chunks of a file which differ between sender and receiver. The basin algorithm takes place over four stages:
- Stage 1: the sender constructs a Type A Basin Index (TABI) file containing a record for each file the sender wants to send. Each record contains metadata about the file, as well as a hash for each block in the file (see the subset 1 description for more information).
- Stage 2: the receiver uses the TABI file to construct a Type B Basin Index (TBBI) file containing a record for each TABI record. The TBBI file contains information about which blocks the receiver already has an up-to-date copy of (see the subset 2 description for more information).
- Stage 3: the sender uses the Type B Basin Index file to construct a Type C Basin Index (TCBI) file containing a record for each TBBI record. The TCBI file contains the contents of the blocks which the receiver did not have an up-to-date copy of (see the subset 3 description for more information).
- Stage 4: the receiver uses the TCBI file to reconstruct an up-to-date copy of the files it is receiving. (see the subset 4 description for more information).
The first four subsets of this assignment correspond to implementing each of these stages for a given list of files. The fifth subset involves adding support for directories.
The real rsync utility is able to transfer files both over a network to a remote computer; where the sender would be one computer and the receiver would be another. It can also transfer files locally, where the 'sender' and 'receiver' are two different directories on the same computer. In this assignment, you will only be implementing the local version of basin, where the sender and receiver are two different directories on the same computer.
Getting Started
Create a new directory for this assignment, change to this directory, and fetch the provided code by running
mkdir -m 700 basin
cd basin
1092 fetch basin
If you're not working at CSE, you can download the provided files as a zip file or a tar file.
This will give you the following files:
- is the only file you need to change: it contains partial definitions of four functions, stage_1, stage_2, stage_3, and stage_4, to which you need to add code to complete the assignment. You can also add your own functions to this file.
- contains a main, which has code to parse the command line arguments, and which then calls one of stage_1, stage_2, stage_3, and stage_4, depending on the command line arguments given to basin. Do not change this file.
- contains shared function declarations and some useful constant definitions. Do not change this file.
- contains the hash_block function; you should call this function to calculate hashes for subset 1. Do not change this file.
- contains a Makefile fragment for basin.
- contains the source code for the
1092 basin-hash-block
helper utility which we have provided you. You may find it useful to look at this code to better understand how the hash_block function can be used. Do not change, attempt to compile with, or submit this file.
You can run make to compile the provided code; and you should be able to run the result.
dcc basin.c basin_main.c basin_provided.c -o basin
Usage: ./basin [--stage-1|--stage-2|--stage-3|--stage-4]
You may optionally create extra .c
or .h
files. You can modify the provided Makefile fragment if you choose to do so.
You should run 1092 basin-examples
to get a directory called examples/
full of test files and example Basin Index files to test your program against.
1092 basin-examples
ls examples
aaa bbb ccc ddd eee tabi tbbi tcbi
Create a new directory for this assignment, change to this directory, and fetch the provided code by running
mkdir -m 700 basin cd basin 1092 fetch basin
If you're not working at CSE, you can download the provided files as a zip file or a tar file.
This will give you the following files:
- is the only file you need to change: it contains partial definitions of four functions, stage_1, stage_2, stage_3, and stage_4, to which you need to add code to complete the assignment. You can also add your own functions to this file.
- contains a main, which has code to parse the command line arguments, and which then calls one of stage_1, stage_2, stage_3, and stage_4, depending on the command line arguments given to basin. Do not change this file.
- contains shared function declarations and some useful constant definitions. Do not change this file.
- contains the hash_block function; you should call this function to calculate hashes for subset 1. Do not change this file.
- contains a Makefile fragment for basin.
- contains the source code for the
1092 basin-hash-block
helper utility which we have provided you. You may find it useful to look at this code to better understand how the hash_block function can be used. Do not change, attempt to compile with, or submit this file.
You can run make to compile the provided code; and you should be able to run the result.
make dcc basin.c basin_main.c basin_provided.c -o basin ./basin Usage: ./basin [--stage-1|--stage-2|--stage-3|--stage-4]
You may optionally create extra .c
or .h
files. You can modify the provided Makefile fragment if you choose to do so.
You should run 1092 basin-examples
to get a directory called examples/
full of test files and example Basin Index files to test your program against.
1092 basin-examples ls examples aaa bbb ccc ddd eee tabi tbbi tcbi
Subset 1
To complete subset 1, you need to complete the provided stage_1
The stage_1
function should create a TABI file at the specified output path, based on a given array of filenames.
The TABI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TABI file section below.
It should then produce a TABI record for each file in the given array of in_filenames.
1092 basin-examples
cd examples/aaa
emojis.txt empty fizz fractal_bin little_endian_shorts long_path lyrics.txt short.txt
../../basin --stage-1 ../out.tabi emojis.txt empty
1092 basin-show ../out.tabi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 41 42 49 chr TABI
num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt
num blocks 0x00000011 03 00 00 dec 3
hashes[0] 0x00000014 90 30 e3 14 6e e7 0a 90 chr .0..n...
hashes[1] 0x0000001c 91 90 5c 46 fc 07 b3 93 chr ..\F....
hashes[2] 0x00000024 8c ec 01 86 4c dc 63 af chr ....L.c.
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x0000002c 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x0000002e 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
num blocks 0x00000033 00 00 00 dec 0
To complete subset 1, you need to complete the provided stage_1
The stage_1
function should create a TABI file at the specified output path, based on a given array of filenames.
The TABI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TABI file section below.
It should then produce a TABI record for each file in the given array of in_filenames.
1092 basin-examples cd examples/aaa ls emojis.txt empty fizz fractal_bin little_endian_shorts long_path lyrics.txt short.txt ../../basin --stage-1 ../out.tabi emojis.txt empty 1092 basin-show ../out.tabi Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric ----------------------------------------------------------------------- magic 0x00000000 54 41 42 49 chr TABI num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2 ============================= Record 0 ============================== pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10 pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t 0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt num blocks 0x00000011 03 00 00 dec 3 hashes[0] 0x00000014 90 30 e3 14 6e e7 0a 90 chr .0..n... hashes[1] 0x0000001c 91 90 5c 46 fc 07 b3 93 chr ..\F.... hashes[2] 0x00000024 8c ec 01 86 4c dc 63 af chr ....L.c. ============================= Record 1 ============================== pathname len 0x0000002c 05 00 dec 5 pathname 0x0000002e 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty num blocks 0x00000033 00 00 00 dec 0
Subset 2
To complete subset 2, you need to complete the provided stage_2
The stage 2 function receives a path to an input TABI file and a path to an output TBBI file.
The TBBI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TBBI file section below.
It should then produce a TBBI record for each file in the given TABI file.
[continued from subset 1 example]
cd ../bbb
../../basin --stage-2 ../out.tbbi ../out.tabi
1092 basin-show ../out.tbbi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 42 42 49 chr TBBI
num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt
num blocks 0x00000011 03 00 00 dec 3
matches[0] 0x00000014 a0 bin 10100000
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000015 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x00000017 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
num blocks 0x0000001c 00 00 00 dec 0
To complete subset 2, you need to complete the provided stage_2
The stage 2 function receives a path to an input TABI file and a path to an output TBBI file.
The TBBI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TBBI file section below.
It should then produce a TBBI record for each file in the given TABI file.
[continued from subset 1 example] cd ../bbb ../../basin --stage-2 ../out.tbbi ../out.tabi 1092 basin-show ../out.tbbi Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric ----------------------------------------------------------------------- magic 0x00000000 54 42 42 49 chr TBBI num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2 ============================= Record 0 ============================== pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10 pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t 0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt num blocks 0x00000011 03 00 00 dec 3 matches[0] 0x00000014 a0 bin 10100000 ============================= Record 1 ============================== pathname len 0x00000015 05 00 dec 5 pathname 0x00000017 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty num blocks 0x0000001c 00 00 00 dec 0
Subset 3
In subset 3, you will need to complete the provided stage_3
function, you will need to produce a TCBI file given a TBBI file as input.The TCBI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TCBI file section below. It should also contain a TCBI record for each file in the given TBBI file, containing the data for the blocks the receiver didn't already have an up-to-date copy of.
[continued from subset 2 example]
cd ../aaa
../../basin --stage-3 ../out.tcbi ../out.tbbi
1092 basin-show ../out.tcbi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 43 42 49 chr TCBI
num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt
file type 0x00000011 2d chr -
owner perms 0x00000012 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000015 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000018 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x0000001b 01 02 00 00 dec 513
num updates 0x0000001f 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) block num 0x00000022 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) update len 0x00000025 00 01 dec 256
(0) update data 0x00000027 54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f chr The seco
0x0000002f 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b chr nd block
[... omitted for brevity ...]
0x00000117 73 20 61 73 74 65 72 69 chr s asteri
0x0000011f 73 6b 20 2d 2d 3e 20 2a chr sk --> *
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000127 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x00000129 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
file type 0x0000012e 2d chr -
owner perms 0x0000012f 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000132 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000135 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x00000138 00 00 00 00 dec 0
num updates 0x0000013c 00 00 00 dec 0
function, you will need to produce a TCBI file given a TBBI file as input.The TCBI file should contain the appropriate header, as outlined in the format of the TCBI file section below. It should also contain a TCBI record for each file in the given TBBI file, containing the data for the blocks the receiver didn't already have an up-to-date copy of.
[continued from subset 2 example]
cd ../aaa
../../basin --stage-3 ../out.tcbi ../out.tbbi
1092 basin-show ../out.tcbi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 43 42 49 chr TCBI
num records 0x00000004 02 dec 2
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000007 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x0000000f 78 74 chr xt
file type 0x00000011 2d chr -
owner perms 0x00000012 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000015 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000018 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x0000001b 01 02 00 00 dec 513
num updates 0x0000001f 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) block num 0x00000022 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) update len 0x00000025 00 01 dec 256
(0) update data 0x00000027 54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f chr The seco
0x0000002f 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b chr nd block
[... omitted for brevity ...]
0x00000117 73 20 61 73 74 65 72 69 chr s asteri
0x0000011f 73 6b 20 2d 2d 3e 20 2a chr sk --> *
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000127 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x00000129 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
file type 0x0000012e 2d chr -
owner perms 0x0000012f 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000132 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000135 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x00000138 00 00 00 00 dec 0
num updates 0x0000013c 00 00 00 dec 0
Subset 4
So far, we've created several types of basin indices files in order to communicate the current state of the receiver's files to the sender, and to communicate updated blocks from the sender to the receiver. In this subset, you will need to complete the provided stage_4
function, which will be invoked with a TCBI file as input. You will then need to apply the changes described in the TCBI file to the receiver's files. This includes updating the contents of the receiver's files, and creating any new files that are required. You will also need to update the mode of the receiver's files such that the permissions match those described in the TCBI file.
function, which will be invoked with a TCBI file as input. You will then need to apply the changes described in the TCBI file to the receiver's files. This includes updating the contents of the receiver's files, and creating any new files that are required. You will also need to update the mode of the receiver's files such that the permissions match those described in the TCBI file.Subset 5
Subset 5 requires you to add support for directories. You will need to update your stage_1
, stage_2
, stage_3
and stage_4
implementations to complete subset 5:
In stage_1
, if the value of num_in_filenames
is zero, then you should create a TABI
file containing the contents of the entire current working directory. When num_in_filenames
is non-zero you can still make the assumption that all paths in in_filenames
are either regular files or don't exist.
When creating a TABI file for the current directory, you should include a record for every directory, as well as every file. Records for directories should have their number of blocks as zero. The record for a parent directory should be placed in the TABI file before any records for files or sub-directories in that parent directory. Apart from that restriction, you may choose any order for records in the generated TABI file.
In stage_2
, a record with a path which is a directory for the receiver should result in all match bits being set to zero.
Additionally, you must add checks in stage_2
, stage_3
and stage_4
to detect if any paths referenced in the input basin indices reference files outside the current working directory. When that occurs, you should output an appropriate error message and exit with status 1. In real code, it is important that untrusted user input such as paths cannot be used to do damage to the wider system. You may assume that if any initial segment of the path exits the current working directory then the whole path will exit the current working directory.
You are encouraged to use the reference implementation to check that your understanding of the above subset 5 requirements are correct.
Subset 5 requires you to add support for directories. You will need to update your stage_1
, stage_2
, stage_3
and stage_4
implementations to complete subset 5:
, if the value ofnum_in_filenames
is zero, then you should create aTABI
file containing the contents of the entire current working directory. Whennum_in_filenames
is non-zero you can still make the assumption that all paths inin_filenames
are either regular files or don't exist.When creating a TABI file for the current directory, you should include a record for every directory, as well as every file. Records for directories should have their number of blocks as zero. The record for a parent directory should be placed in the TABI file before any records for files or sub-directories in that parent directory. Apart from that restriction, you may choose any order for records in the generated TABI file.
, a record with a path which is a directory for the receiver should result in all match bits being set to zero.
Additionally, you must add checks in stage_2
, stage_3
and stage_4
to detect if any paths referenced in the input basin indices reference files outside the current working directory. When that occurs, you should output an appropriate error message and exit with status 1. In real code, it is important that untrusted user input such as paths cannot be used to do damage to the wider system. You may assume that if any initial segment of the path exits the current working directory then the whole path will exit the current working directory.
You are encouraged to use the reference implementation to check that your understanding of the above subset 5 requirements are correct.
Reference implementation
A reference implementation is a common, efficient, and effective method to provide or define an operational specification; and it's something you will likely work with after you leave UNSW.
We've provided a reference implementation, 1092 basin
, which you can use to find the correct outputs and behaviours for any input:
1092 basin-examples
cd examples
cd aaa
1092 basin --stage-1 ../out.tabi short.txt
1092 basin-show ../out.tabi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 41 42 49 chr TABI
num records 0x00000004 01 dec 1
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9
pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx
0x0000000f 74 chr t
num blocks 0x00000010 01 00 00 dec 1
hashes[0] 0x00000013 15 b8 4c 98 fe c3 b7 d6 chr ..L.....
Every concrete example shown below is runnable using the helper utilities; run 1092 basin
instead of ./basin
The command 1092 basin-show <name of index>
display the contents of TABI, TBBI and TCBI files in a human readable format. It is useful for understanding the output of both the reference implementation and your own implementation.
Where any aspect of this assignment is undefined in this specification, you should match the behaviour exhibited by the reference implementation. Discovering and matching the reference implementation's behaviour is deliberately a part of this assignment.
If you discover what you believe to be a bug in the reference implementation, please report it in the class forum. If it is a bug, we may fix the bug; or otherwise indicate that you do not need to match the reference implementation's behaviour in that specific case.
A reference implementation is a common, efficient, and effective method to provide or define an operational specification; and it's something you will likely work with after you leave UNSW.
We've provided a reference implementation, 1092 basin
, which you can use to find the correct outputs and behaviours for any input:
1092 basin-examples cd examples cd aaa 1092 basin --stage-1 ../out.tabi short.txt 1092 basin-show ../out.tabi Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric ----------------------------------------------------------------------- magic 0x00000000 54 41 42 49 chr TABI num records 0x00000004 01 dec 1 ============================= Record 0 ============================== pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9 pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx 0x0000000f 74 chr t num blocks 0x00000010 01 00 00 dec 1 hashes[0] 0x00000013 15 b8 4c 98 fe c3 b7 d6 chr ..L.....
Every concrete example shown below is runnable using the helper utilities; run 1092 basin
instead of ./basin
The command 1092 basin-show <name of index>
display the contents of TABI, TBBI and TCBI files in a human readable format. It is useful for understanding the output of both the reference implementation and your own implementation.
Where any aspect of this assignment is undefined in this specification, you should match the behaviour exhibited by the reference implementation. Discovering and matching the reference implementation's behaviour is deliberately a part of this assignment.
If you discover what you believe to be a bug in the reference implementation, please report it in the class forum. If it is a bug, we may fix the bug; or otherwise indicate that you do not need to match the reference implementation's behaviour in that specific case.
Helper utilities
Alongside 1092 basin-show
, which was used above, we have also provided you two additional utilities - 1092 basin-dump-blocks
and 1092 basin-hash-block
. These utilities have been provided to assist you in understanding the requirements of the assignment, and to help you debug your program.1092 basin-dump-blocks
takes a file as input and splits it into 256 (BLOCK_SIZE
) byte blocks, and outputs it to stdout
either in hex format or raw bytes. This is useful for ensuring that your program is correctly splitting files into blocks.
1092 basin-dump-blocks --raw examples/aaa/emojis.txt
=== block 0 ===
This file should be broken up by your program into three blocks: the
first 256 bytes spans lines one to four (and includes the newline on line
four), the second 256 bytes is from line 5 to the asterisk (inclusive), and
the final block is only 1 byte long!
=== block 1 ===
The second block started on this line. Now for an assortment of emoji:
✨ ✨ ✨ 1️⃣ 5️⃣ 2️⃣ 1️⃣ ✨ ✨ ✨
📚 🎓 📈 📈 💾 💽 💿 🖥️ 💻 🚀 🌌 🤯 🎉 🥳
The last character of this block is this asterisk --> *
=== block 2 ===
[... no newline after output ...]
1092 basin-dump-blocks ---hex examples/aaa/emojis.txt
=== block 0 ===
54 68 69 73 20 66 69 6c 65 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64
20 62 65 20 62 72 6f 6b 65 6e 20 75 70 20 62 79
20 79 6f 75 72 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 69 6e
74 6f 20 74 68 72 65 65 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 73 3a
20 74 68 65 0a 66 69 72 73 74 20 32 35 36 20 62
79 74 65 73 20 73 70 61 6e 73 20 6c 69 6e 65 73
20 6f 6e 65 20 74 6f 20 66 6f 75 72 20 28 61 6e
64 20 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 73 20 74 68 65 20 6e
65 77 6c 69 6e 65 20 6f 6e 20 6c 69 6e 65 0a 66
6f 75 72 29 2c 20 74 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64
20 32 35 36 20 62 79 74 65 73 20 69 73 20 66 72
6f 6d 20 6c 69 6e 65 20 35 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65
20 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 20 28 69 6e 63 6c 75
73 69 76 65 29 2c 20 61 6e 64 0a 74 68 65 20 66
69 6e 61 6c 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 69 73 20 6f 6e
6c 79 20 31 20 62 79 74 65 20 6c 6f 6e 67 21 0a
=== block 1 ===
54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b
20 73 74 61 72 74 65 64 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73
20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 20 4e 6f 77 20 66 6f 72 20 61
6e 20 61 73 73 6f 72 74 6d 65 6e 74 20 6f 66 20
65 6d 6f 6a 69 3a 0a e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2
9c a8 20 31 ef b8 8f e2 83 a3 20 35 ef b8 8f e2
83 a3 20 32 ef b8 8f e2 83 a3 20 31 ef b8 8f e2
83 a3 20 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 0a
f0 9f 93 9a 20 f0 9f 8e 93 20 f0 9f 93 88 20 f0
9f 93 88 20 f0 9f 92 be 20 f0 9f 92 bd 20 f0 9f
92 bf 20 f0 9f 96 a5 ef b8 8f 20 f0 9f 92 bb 20
f0 9f 9a 80 20 f0 9f 8c 8c 20 f0 9f a4 af 20 f0
9f 8e 89 20 f0 9f a5 b3 0a 54 68 65 20 6c 61 73
74 20 63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72 20 6f 66 20 74
68 69 73 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 69 73 20 74 68 69
73 20 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 20 2d 2d 3e 20 2a
=== block 2 ===
We have also provided a 1092 basin-hash-block
command that reads up to 256 (BLOCK_SIZE
) bytes from standard input and outputs the 64-bit hash of the data as a hex string, using the same hash_block
function as provided for the assignment. We've also provided you the source code for this command in basin_hash_block.c for your reference.
You can combine these commands to check the hash of any given block of an input file, for example:
1092 basin-dump-blocks --index 0 --raw examples/aaa/emojis.txt | 1092 basin-hash-block
It is important to use the --raw
option and specify a block index in order to produce the expected hash for that block.
1092 basin-show
, which was used above, we have also provided you two additional utilities - 1092 basin-dump-blocks
and 1092 basin-hash-block
. These utilities have been provided to assist you in understanding the requirements of the assignment, and to help you debug your program.1092 basin-dump-blocks
takes a file as input and splits it into 256 (BLOCK_SIZE
) byte blocks, and outputs it to stdout
either in hex format or raw bytes. This is useful for ensuring that your program is correctly splitting files into blocks.
1092 basin-dump-blocks --raw examples/aaa/emojis.txt
=== block 0 ===
This file should be broken up by your program into three blocks: the
first 256 bytes spans lines one to four (and includes the newline on line
four), the second 256 bytes is from line 5 to the asterisk (inclusive), and
the final block is only 1 byte long!
=== block 1 ===
The second block started on this line. Now for an assortment of emoji:
✨ ✨ ✨ 1️⃣ 5️⃣ 2️⃣ 1️⃣ ✨ ✨ ✨
📚 🎓 📈 📈 💾 💽 💿 🖥️ 💻 🚀 🌌 🤯 🎉 🥳
The last character of this block is this asterisk --> *
=== block 2 ===
[... no newline after output ...]
1092 basin-dump-blocks ---hex examples/aaa/emojis.txt
=== block 0 ===
54 68 69 73 20 66 69 6c 65 20 73 68 6f 75 6c 64
20 62 65 20 62 72 6f 6b 65 6e 20 75 70 20 62 79
20 79 6f 75 72 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 69 6e
74 6f 20 74 68 72 65 65 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 73 3a
20 74 68 65 0a 66 69 72 73 74 20 32 35 36 20 62
79 74 65 73 20 73 70 61 6e 73 20 6c 69 6e 65 73
20 6f 6e 65 20 74 6f 20 66 6f 75 72 20 28 61 6e
64 20 69 6e 63 6c 75 64 65 73 20 74 68 65 20 6e
65 77 6c 69 6e 65 20 6f 6e 20 6c 69 6e 65 0a 66
6f 75 72 29 2c 20 74 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64
20 32 35 36 20 62 79 74 65 73 20 69 73 20 66 72
6f 6d 20 6c 69 6e 65 20 35 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65
20 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 20 28 69 6e 63 6c 75
73 69 76 65 29 2c 20 61 6e 64 0a 74 68 65 20 66
69 6e 61 6c 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 69 73 20 6f 6e
6c 79 20 31 20 62 79 74 65 20 6c 6f 6e 67 21 0a
=== block 1 ===
54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b
20 73 74 61 72 74 65 64 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 69 73
20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 20 4e 6f 77 20 66 6f 72 20 61
6e 20 61 73 73 6f 72 74 6d 65 6e 74 20 6f 66 20
65 6d 6f 6a 69 3a 0a e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2
9c a8 20 31 ef b8 8f e2 83 a3 20 35 ef b8 8f e2
83 a3 20 32 ef b8 8f e2 83 a3 20 31 ef b8 8f e2
83 a3 20 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 20 e2 9c a8 0a
f0 9f 93 9a 20 f0 9f 8e 93 20 f0 9f 93 88 20 f0
9f 93 88 20 f0 9f 92 be 20 f0 9f 92 bd 20 f0 9f
92 bf 20 f0 9f 96 a5 ef b8 8f 20 f0 9f 92 bb 20
f0 9f 9a 80 20 f0 9f 8c 8c 20 f0 9f a4 af 20 f0
9f 8e 89 20 f0 9f a5 b3 0a 54 68 65 20 6c 61 73
74 20 63 68 61 72 61 63 74 65 72 20 6f 66 20 74
68 69 73 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b 20 69 73 20 74 68 69
73 20 61 73 74 65 72 69 73 6b 20 2d 2d 3e 20 2a
=== block 2 ===
We have also provided a 1092 basin-hash-block
command that reads up to 256 (BLOCK_SIZE
) bytes from standard input and outputs the 64-bit hash of the data as a hex string, using the same hash_block
function as provided for the assignment. We've also provided you the source code for this command in basin_hash_block.c for your reference.
You can combine these commands to check the hash of any given block of an input file, for example:
1092 basin-dump-blocks --index 0 --raw examples/aaa/emojis.txt | 1092 basin-hash-block 900ae76e14e33090It is important to use the
option and specify a block index in order to produce the expected hash for that block.
Formats of basin indices
The basin indices emitted by your implementation must follow the exact format produced by the reference implementation.
The basin indices emitted by your implementation must follow the exact format produced by the reference implementation.
Type A Basin Index format
When a sender wants to send files, it first creates a TABI file. This file contains a record for each file that is going to be sent. In each record is the pathname of the file, the number of blocks in the file (computed by number_of_blocks_in_file
), and the hash of each block in the file.
A TABI file consists of a header, followed by 0 or more records. The format of the header is:
name length type description magic number 4 B characters sequence The magic number for TABI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x41, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TABI
). number of records 1 B unsigned, 8-bit The number of records in this TABI file.
The TABI header is followed by the specified number of records. Each TABI record has the following format:
name length type description pathname length 2 B unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian The length of the pathname of this record. pathname pathname-length character sequence The pathname of the file of this record. It is not nul-terminated. number of blocks 3 B unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian The number of 256-byte blocks in the sender's version of the file (the final block may be shorter than 256 bytes). hashes 8 B × num-blocks sequence of unsigned, 64-bit, little-endian integers The hashes the sender has computed for their version of the file (using the hash_block
function), with one 64-bit hash for each block.
The above example shows that the sender is sending three files: short.txt
, emojis.txt
, and empty
. The file short.txt
has one block of data (so its length must be between 1 and 256), and that block has a hash 0xd6b7c3fe984cb815
The second file emojis.txt
has 3 blocks, so its length must be between 513 and 768. The first block (bytes at indices 0..255) hashes to 0x900ae76e14e33090
, the second block (bytes and indices 256..511) has a hash of 0x93b307fc465c9091
and the final block (bytes from index 512 to the end of the file) has a hash of 0xaf63dc4c8601ec8c
The final record is for the file named empty
. Since it has zero blocks it must be, as its name suggests, empty.
When a sender wants to send files, it first creates a TABI file. This file contains a record for each file that is going to be sent. In each record is the pathname of the file, the number of blocks in the file (computed by number_of_blocks_in_file
), and the hash of each block in the file.
A TABI file consists of a header, followed by 0 or more records. The format of the header is:
name | length | type | description |
magic number | 4 B | characters sequence | The magic number for TABI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x41, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TABI ). |
number of records | 1 B | unsigned, 8-bit | The number of records in this TABI file. |
The TABI header is followed by the specified number of records. Each TABI record has the following format:
name | length | type | description |
pathname length | 2 B | unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian | The length of the pathname of this record. |
pathname | pathname-length | character sequence | The pathname of the file of this record. It is not nul-terminated. |
number of blocks | 3 B | unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian | The number of 256-byte blocks in the sender's version of the file (the final block may be shorter than 256 bytes). |
hashes | 8 B × num-blocks | sequence of unsigned, 64-bit, little-endian integers | The hashes the sender has computed for their version of the file (using the hash_block function), with one 64-bit hash for each block. |
The above example shows that the sender is sending three files: short.txt
, emojis.txt
, and empty
. The file short.txt
has one block of data (so its length must be between 1 and 256), and that block has a hash 0xd6b7c3fe984cb815
The second file emojis.txt
has 3 blocks, so its length must be between 513 and 768. The first block (bytes at indices 0..255) hashes to 0x900ae76e14e33090
, the second block (bytes and indices 256..511) has a hash of 0x93b307fc465c9091
and the final block (bytes from index 512 to the end of the file) has a hash of 0xaf63dc4c8601ec8c
The final record is for the file named empty
. Since it has zero blocks it must be, as its name suggests, empty.
Type B Basin Index format
After a receiver receives a TABI file, it responds with a TBBI file, containing information about which blocks the receiver already has a copy of. A TBBI file contains a header, followed by zero or more records. The format for the header is:
name length type description magic number 4 B characters sequence The magic number for TBBI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x42, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TBBI
). number of records 1 B unsigned, 8-bit The number of records in this TBBI file.
Following the TBBI header are the records. The receiver creates one record for each record in the TABI file. Each TBBI record has the following format:
name length type description pathname length 2 B unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian The length of the pathname of this record. pathname pathname-length character sequence The pathname of the file of this record. It is not nul-terminated. number of blocks 3 B unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian The number of blocks in the sender's version of the file. This is the same value as the number of blocks in the TABI file. matches ceil(num-blocks ÷ 8)
) bit sequence A sequence of bits, with a single bit for each hash in the TABI file. For each hash in the TABI file, the receiver computes the hash for the corresponding block in their own copy of the file.
If the two hashes match, then the corresponding match bit is a 1. Otherwise (if the hashes don't match, there is no corresponding block because the receiver's file is too small, or the file doesn't exist) the corresponding bit is 0.
This means that if the file doesn't exist for the receiver, all the bits in the matches
field will be 0.
The first bit is the most significant bit of the first byte. In the case where the number of blocks is not a multiple of 8, the last byte of the matches
field is right-padded with 0 bits.
An example TBBI file, displayed using 1092 basin-show
1092 basin-examples
cd examples
1092 basin-show tbbi/bbb_text_files.tbbi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 42 42 49 chr TBBI
num records 0x00000004 03 dec 3
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9
pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx
0x0000000f 74 chr t
num blocks 0x00000010 01 00 00 dec 1
matches[0] 0x00000013 00 bin 00000000
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000014 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000016 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x0000001e 78 74 chr xt
num blocks 0x00000020 03 00 00 dec 3
matches[0] 0x00000023 a0 bin 10100000
============================= Record 2 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000024 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x00000026 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
num blocks 0x0000002b 00 00 00 dec 0
The above example file shows a response to the tabi/my_text_files.tabi
TABI file. The first file, short.txt
has only one block. Since the first bit of matches
is a 0
, this means that either the first block of the receiver's version of short.txt
didn't have a hash of 0xd6b7c3fe984cb815
, or the receiver didn't have the file short.txt
at all. The remaining 7 bits are padding bits, and so are all zero.
The second file, emojis.txt
has 3 blocks. The first of the 3 match bits is a 1
. This means that the the first block of the receiver's emojis.txt
had a hash which matched the hash of the first block in the TABI record (0x900ae76e14e33090). The second bit is a 0, meaning that the receiver's second block didn't match the second hash in the TABI record. The third bit is a 1, so the third block did match. The remaining 5 bits are padding bits, and so are all zero.
The final file, empty
, has zero blocks. Since num_tbbi_match_bytes(0) == 0
, this means that there are no match bytes included in the TBBI file.
After a receiver receives a TABI file, it responds with a TBBI file, containing information about which blocks the receiver already has a copy of. A TBBI file contains a header, followed by zero or more records. The format for the header is:
name | length | type | description |
magic number | 4 B | characters sequence | The magic number for TBBI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x42, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TBBI ). |
number of records | 1 B | unsigned, 8-bit | The number of records in this TBBI file. |
Following the TBBI header are the records. The receiver creates one record for each record in the TABI file. Each TBBI record has the following format:
name | length | type | description |
pathname length | 2 B | unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian | The length of the pathname of this record. |
pathname | pathname-length | character sequence | The pathname of the file of this record. It is not nul-terminated. |
number of blocks | 3 B | unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian | The number of blocks in the sender's version of the file. This is the same value as the number of blocks in the TABI file. |
matches | ceil(num-blocks ÷ 8) ( num_tbbi_match_bytes ) | bit sequence | A sequence of bits, with a single bit for each hash in the TABI file. For each hash in the TABI file, the receiver computes the hash for the corresponding block in their own copy of the file. If the two hashes match, then the corresponding match bit is a 1. Otherwise (if the hashes don't match, there is no corresponding block because the receiver's file is too small, or the file doesn't exist) the corresponding bit is 0. This means that if the file doesn't exist for the receiver, all the bits in the The first bit is the most significant bit of the first byte. In the case where the number of blocks is not a multiple of 8, the last byte of the |
An example TBBI file, displayed using 1092 basin-show
1092 basin-examples cd examples 1092 basin-show tbbi/bbb_text_files.tbbi Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric ----------------------------------------------------------------------- magic 0x00000000 54 42 42 49 chr TBBI num records 0x00000004 03 dec 3 ============================= Record 0 ============================== pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9 pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx 0x0000000f 74 chr t num blocks 0x00000010 01 00 00 dec 1 matches[0] 0x00000013 00 bin 00000000 ============================= Record 1 ============================== pathname len 0x00000014 0a 00 dec 10 pathname 0x00000016 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t 0x0000001e 78 74 chr xt num blocks 0x00000020 03 00 00 dec 3 matches[0] 0x00000023 a0 bin 10100000 ============================= Record 2 ============================== pathname len 0x00000024 05 00 dec 5 pathname 0x00000026 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty num blocks 0x0000002b 00 00 00 dec 0
The above example file shows a response to the tabi/my_text_files.tabi
TABI file. The first file, short.txt
has only one block. Since the first bit of matches
is a 0
, this means that either the first block of the receiver's version of short.txt
didn't have a hash of 0xd6b7c3fe984cb815
, or the receiver didn't have the file short.txt
at all. The remaining 7 bits are padding bits, and so are all zero.
The second file, emojis.txt
has 3 blocks. The first of the 3 match bits is a 1
. This means that the the first block of the receiver's emojis.txt
had a hash which matched the hash of the first block in the TABI record (0x900ae76e14e33090). The second bit is a 0, meaning that the receiver's second block didn't match the second hash in the TABI record. The third bit is a 1, so the third block did match. The remaining 5 bits are padding bits, and so are all zero.
The final file, empty
, has zero blocks. Since num_tbbi_match_bytes(0) == 0
, this means that there are no match bytes included in the TBBI file.
Type C Basin Index format
After the sender receives the TBBI file, it responds with a TCBI file, containing the data for the blocks which the receiver didn't already have a copy of. A TCBI file contains a header, followed by zero or more records. The format for the header is:
name length type description magic number 4 B characters sequence The magic number for TCBI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x43, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TCBI
). number of records 1 B unsigned, 8-bit The number of records in this TCBI file.
The second section of the record contains the updates for that file. An update contains a block of data which the receiver needs. The number of updates for a record is equal to the number of non-padding 0 bits in the TBBI record. Each non-padding 0 bit creates an update. An update has the following format:
name length type description block index 3 B unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian The index of the block that this update is for. This is zero-indexed - the first block in a file has an index of 0, the second block has an index of 1, and so on. update length 2 B unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian The number of bytes in the block that is being updated. For any block apart from the trailing block, this is equal to 256. But the final block in a file might be shorter than that. update data update-length bytes The block at block-index from the sender's version of the file.
An example TCBI file, displayed using 1092 basin-show
1092 basin-examples
cd examples
1092 basin-show tcbi/bbb_text_files.tcbi
Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric
magic 0x00000000 54 43 42 49 chr TCBI
num records 0x00000004 03 dec 3
============================= Record 0 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9
pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx
0x0000000f 74 chr t
file type 0x00000010 2d chr -
(0) block num 0x00000021 00 00 00 dec 0
(0) update len 0x00000024 40 00 dec 64
(0) update data 0x00000026 54 68 69 73 20 74 65 78 chr This tex
0x0000002e 74 20 66 69 6c 65 20 68 chr t file h
0x00000036 61 73 20 73 69 78 74 79 chr as sixty
0x0000003e 20 66 6f 75 72 20 62 79 chr four by
0x00000046 74 65 73 2c 20 74 77 65 chr tes, twe
0x0000004e 6c 76 65 20 77 6f 72 64 chr lve word
0x00000056 73 20 61 6e 64 20 6f 6e chr s and on
0x0000005e 65 20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 0a chr e line..
============================= Record 1 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000066 0a 00 dec 10
pathname 0x00000068 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t
0x00000070 78 74 chr xt
file type 0x00000072 2d chr -
owner perms 0x00000073 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000076 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000079 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x0000007c 01 02 00 00 dec 513
num updates 0x00000080 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) block num 0x00000083 01 00 00 dec 1
(0) update len 0x00000086 00 01 dec 256
(0) update data 0x00000088 54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f chr The seco
0x00000090 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b chr nd block
============================= Record 2 ==============================
pathname len 0x00000188 05 00 dec 5
pathname 0x0000018a 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty
file type 0x0000018f 2d chr -
owner perms 0x00000190 72 77 2d chr rw-
group perms 0x00000193 72 2d 2d chr r--
other perms 0x00000196 2d 2d 2d chr ---
file size 0x00000199 00 00 00 00 dec 0
num updates 0x0000019d 00 00 00 dec 0
The above example file shows a response to the tbbi/bbb_text_files.tbbi
TBBI file.
Since the receiver indicated that it didn't have the first block of shorts.txt
, a single update is sent containing the contents of that first block. Since the first block (which is also the last block) has a length of 64 bytes, the update length is also 64 bytes.
The second file, emojis.txt
has 3 blocks. But since the receiver indicated it had the first and third block, only the second block needs to be sent across, so there is only one update. The second block (since it's not the final block) has a length of 256 bytes.
The final file, empty
, does not require any updates (there are no non-padding zero bits in the TBBI file), so the number of updates is zero.
The file type (-
for file and d
for directory), as well as the permissions, are also included in every record, even if there are no updates.
After the sender receives the TBBI file, it responds with a TCBI file, containing the data for the blocks which the receiver didn't already have a copy of. A TCBI file contains a header, followed by zero or more records. The format for the header is:
name | length | type | description |
magic number | 4 B | characters sequence | The magic number for TCBI files, which is the sequence of bytes 0x54, 0x43, 0x42, 0x49 (ASCII TCBI ). |
number of records | 1 B | unsigned, 8-bit | The number of records in this TCBI file. |
The second section of the record contains the updates for that file. An update contains a block of data which the receiver needs. The number of updates for a record is equal to the number of non-padding 0 bits in the TBBI record. Each non-padding 0 bit creates an update. An update has the following format:
name | length | type | description |
block index | 3 B | unsigned, 24-bit, little-endian | The index of the block that this update is for. This is zero-indexed - the first block in a file has an index of 0, the second block has an index of 1, and so on. |
update length | 2 B | unsigned, 16-bit, little-endian | The number of bytes in the block that is being updated. For any block apart from the trailing block, this is equal to 256. But the final block in a file might be shorter than that. |
update data | update-length | bytes | The block at block-index from the sender's version of the file. |
An example TCBI file, displayed using 1092 basin-show
1092 basin-examples cd examples 1092 basin-show tcbi/bbb_text_files.tcbi Field name Offset Bytes ASCII/Numeric ----------------------------------------------------------------------- magic 0x00000000 54 43 42 49 chr TCBI num records 0x00000004 03 dec 3 ============================= Record 0 ============================== pathname len 0x00000005 09 00 dec 9 pathname 0x00000007 73 68 6f 72 74 2e 74 78 chr short.tx 0x0000000f 74 chr t file type 0x00000010 2d chr - (0) block num 0x00000021 00 00 00 dec 0 (0) update len 0x00000024 40 00 dec 64 (0) update data 0x00000026 54 68 69 73 20 74 65 78 chr This tex 0x0000002e 74 20 66 69 6c 65 20 68 chr t file h 0x00000036 61 73 20 73 69 78 74 79 chr as sixty 0x0000003e 20 66 6f 75 72 20 62 79 chr four by 0x00000046 74 65 73 2c 20 74 77 65 chr tes, twe 0x0000004e 6c 76 65 20 77 6f 72 64 chr lve word 0x00000056 73 20 61 6e 64 20 6f 6e chr s and on 0x0000005e 65 20 6c 69 6e 65 2e 0a chr e line.. ============================= Record 1 ============================== pathname len 0x00000066 0a 00 dec 10 pathname 0x00000068 65 6d 6f 6a 69 73 2e 74 chr emojis.t 0x00000070 78 74 chr xt file type 0x00000072 2d chr - owner perms 0x00000073 72 77 2d chr rw- group perms 0x00000076 72 2d 2d chr r-- other perms 0x00000079 2d 2d 2d chr --- file size 0x0000007c 01 02 00 00 dec 513 num updates 0x00000080 01 00 00 dec 1 (0) block num 0x00000083 01 00 00 dec 1 (0) update len 0x00000086 00 01 dec 256 (0) update data 0x00000088 54 68 65 20 73 65 63 6f chr The seco 0x00000090 6e 64 20 62 6c 6f 63 6b chr nd block ============================= Record 2 ============================== pathname len 0x00000188 05 00 dec 5 pathname 0x0000018a 65 6d 70 74 79 chr empty file type 0x0000018f 2d chr - owner perms 0x00000190 72 77 2d chr rw- group perms 0x00000193 72 2d 2d chr r-- other perms 0x00000196 2d 2d 2d chr --- file size 0x00000199 00 00 00 00 dec 0 num updates 0x0000019d 00 00 00 dec 0
The above example file shows a response to the tbbi/bbb_text_files.tbbi
TBBI file.
Since the receiver indicated that it didn't have the first block of shorts.txt
, a single update is sent containing the contents of that first block. Since the first block (which is also the last block) has a length of 64 bytes, the update length is also 64 bytes.
The second file, emojis.txt
has 3 blocks. But since the receiver indicated it had the first and third block, only the second block needs to be sent across, so there is only one update. The second block (since it's not the final block) has a length of 256 bytes.
The final file, empty
, does not require any updates (there are no non-padding zero bits in the TBBI file), so the number of updates is zero.
The file type (-
for file and d
for directory), as well as the permissions, are also included in every record, even if there are no updates.
Hashing and the hash_block function
A hash function is a function which takes a sequence of bytes and returns a fixed-length value called a hash. The hash is usually much smaller than the input, and is often used to verify that the input has not been modified without having to store the entire input. For example, if you download a file from the internet, you can verify that the file hasn't been corrupted by comparing the hash of the file you downloaded to the hash of the file published by the author. If the hashes are the same, then the file is almost certainly the same as well, as hash functions are designed to produce different hashes for even slightly different inputs, and be very unlikely to produce the same hash for two given inputs.
The supplied hash_block
function takes a sequence of bytes and returns a hash. The hash produced is a 64-bit integer regardless of the size of the input. You are not required to understand how the hash_block
function works, but you are required to use it in your implementation of basin
to compute the hashes of blocks.
A hash function is a function which takes a sequence of bytes and returns a fixed-length value called a hash. The hash is usually much smaller than the input, and is often used to verify that the input has not been modified without having to store the entire input. For example, if you download a file from the internet, you can verify that the file hasn't been corrupted by comparing the hash of the file you downloaded to the hash of the file published by the author. If the hashes are the same, then the file is almost certainly the same as well, as hash functions are designed to produce different hashes for even slightly different inputs, and be very unlikely to produce the same hash for two given inputs.
The supplied hash_block
function takes a sequence of bytes and returns a hash. The hash produced is a 64-bit integer regardless of the size of the input. You are not required to understand how the hash_block
function works, but you are required to use it in your implementation of basin
to compute the hashes of blocks.
basin vs rsync (optional extra information)
Click here to view more
There are a few interesting differences between how the real rsync algorithm works and what basin does. This section describes what they are, but it's not necessary to know this to complete this assignment, nor is it in scope for this course. If you just want to work on the assignment, you can safely skip this section.
One serious issue the basin algorithm has is that while it can efficiently deal with bytes being modified in‑place in a file, it fails to efficiently work when bytes have been inserted or deleted. This is because any insertions or deletions not only alter the block where the change occurred, but by shifting all the following bytes over, it also causes all subsequent blocks to be considered as modified. This means that, for example, inserting a single character at the start of a text file forces basin to transmit the whole file.
Another issue is the choice of hash function. In basin, the hash_block
function implements the 64-bit variant of the Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function. We then operate under the assumption that if the hashes of two blocks are the same, that means that the two blocks must also be identical. This assumption is mathematically false, due to the pigeon-hole principle, and the phenomenon where two different inputs hash to the same value is called hash collision.
But worse yet, the design of the FNV hash means that it is computationally feasible for an adversary to find FNV hash collisions (that is, FNV is not collisions resistant). This problem of collisions can cause basin to run successfully, but still not have correctly synchronised files (which defeats the whole point of running basin)!
The rolling hash used in rsync suffers a similar problem. The solution rsync uses is to use a secondary hash to confirm that two blocks are indeed the same, if the rolling hashes match. And although this still leaves open the mathematical possibility of a collision, because this secondary hash is designed to be cryptographically secure (and thus collision resistant), in practice it's not just unlikely for a collision to happen randomly, but it's also computationally very difficult to deliberately cause a collision to occur.
Click here to view more
There are a few interesting differences between how the real rsync algorithm works and what basin does. This section describes what they are, but it's not necessary to know this to complete this assignment, nor is it in scope for this course. If you just want to work on the assignment, you can safely skip this section.
One serious issue the basin algorithm has is that while it can efficiently deal with bytes being modified in‑place in a file, it fails to efficiently work when bytes have been inserted or deleted. This is because any insertions or deletions not only alter the block where the change occurred, but by shifting all the following bytes over, it also causes all subsequent blocks to be considered as modified. This means that, for example, inserting a single character at the start of a text file forces basin to transmit the whole file.
Another issue is the choice of hash function. In basin, the hash_block
function implements the 64-bit variant of the Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function. We then operate under the assumption that if the hashes of two blocks are the same, that means that the two blocks must also be identical. This assumption is mathematically false, due to the pigeon-hole principle, and the phenomenon where two different inputs hash to the same value is called hash collision.
But worse yet, the design of the FNV hash means that it is computationally feasible for an adversary to find FNV hash collisions (that is, FNV is not collisions resistant). This problem of collisions can cause basin to run successfully, but still not have correctly synchronised files (which defeats the whole point of running basin)!
The rolling hash used in rsync suffers a similar problem. The solution rsync uses is to use a secondary hash to confirm that two blocks are indeed the same, if the rolling hashes match. And although this still leaves open the mathematical possibility of a collision, because this secondary hash is designed to be cryptographically secure (and thus collision resistant), in practice it's not just unlikely for a collision to happen randomly, but it's also computationally very difficult to deliberately cause a collision to occur.
Assumptions and Clarifications
Like all good programmers, you should make as few assumptions as possible. If in doubt, match the output of the reference implementation.
Your submitted code must be a single C program only. You may not submit code in other languages.
You can call functions from the C standard library available by default on CSE Linux systems: including, e.g., stdio.h
, stdlib.h
, string.h
, math.h
, assert.h
, as well as any C POSIX libraries used in lectures or lecture slides such as unistd.h
, sys/types.h
, sys/stat.h
, fcntl.h
, dirent.h
We will compile your code with dcc
when marking. Run-time errors from illegal or invalid C will cause your code to fail automarking (and will likely result in you losing marks).
Your program must not require extra compile options. It must compile successfully with:
dcc *.c -o basin
basin only has to handle ordinary files and directories.
basin does not have to handle symbolic links, devices or other special files.
basin will not be run in directories containing symbolic links, devices or other special files.
basin does not have to handle hard links.
- Outside of the cases of errors or early termination, basin must make a reasonable attempt to free all memory it has allocated and close any open files.
- basin will never need to delete any files.
- You may not make any assumptions based off file extensions.
- You must not assume that your program is being run on a system using little-endian byte ordering - you will be assessed on portability with respect to byte ordering.
If you need clarification on what you can and cannot use or do for this assignment, ask in the class forum.
You are required to submit intermediate versions of your assignment. See below for details.
Like all good programmers, you should make as few assumptions as possible. If in doubt, match the output of the reference implementation.
Your submitted code must be a single C program only. You may not submit code in other languages.
You can call functions from the C standard library available by default on CSE Linux systems: including, e.g.,
, as well as any C POSIX libraries used in lectures or lecture slides such asunistd.h
.We will compile your code with
when marking. Run-time errors from illegal or invalid C will cause your code to fail automarking (and will likely result in you losing marks).Your program must not require extra compile options. It must compile successfully with:
dcc *.c -o basin
basin only has to handle ordinary files and directories.
basin does not have to handle symbolic links, devices or other special files.
basin will not be run in directories containing symbolic links, devices or other special files.
basin does not have to handle hard links.
- Outside of the cases of errors or early termination, basin must make a reasonable attempt to free all memory it has allocated and close any open files.
- basin will never need to delete any files.
- You may not make any assumptions based off file extensions.
- You must not assume that your program is being run on a system using little-endian byte ordering - you will be assessed on portability with respect to byte ordering.
If you need clarification on what you can and cannot use or do for this assignment, ask in the class forum.
You are required to submit intermediate versions of your assignment. See below for details.