Extra Fancy Sokoban
Assignment 3 Semester 2, 2023 CSSE1001/CSSE7030
1 Introduction
In Assignment 2 you implemented a text-based game of Fancy Sokoban using the Model-View- Controller design pattern. In assignment 3, you will swap out the text-based interface for a graphical user interface (GUI) using tkinter. An example of a final completed game is displayed in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example screenshot from a completed Extra Fancy Sokoban implementation. Note that your display may look slightly different depending on your OS.
As opposed to earlier assignments where user interaction was handled via calls to input, user interaction in assignment 3 will occur via events such as key-presses and mouse clicks.
Your solution will still need to follow the Apple MVC design pattern covered in lectures. Because we have followed the MVC pattern, we can reuse the modelling classes from assignment 2 for this graphical implementation. These modelling classes (with some enhanced capabilities) have been provided for you. In addition to these modelling classes, some extra support code and constants have been provided to support you in your assignment; see Section 4 for further details. You are required to implement a series of view classes as well as the controller class.
2 Setting Up
Aside from downloading and unzipping a3.zip, to begin this assignment you will also need to install the Pillow library via pip. Instructions on how to install Pillow can be found here1.
3 Tips and hints
You should be testing regularly throughout the coding process. Test your GUI manually and regularly upload to Gradescope to ensure the components you have implemented pass the Grade- scope tests. Note that Gradescope tests may fail on an implementation that visually appears correct if your implementation is wrong. You must implement your solution according to the implementation details from Section 6. Implementing the game using your own structure is likely to result in a grade of 0. Note also that minor differences in your program (e.g. a few pixels difference in widget size) may not cause the tests to fail. It is your responsibility to upload to Gradescope early and often, in order to ensure your solution passes the tests.
This document outlines the required classes and methods in your assignment. You are highly encouraged to create your own helper methods to reduce code duplication and to make your code more readable.
Except where specified, you are only required to do enough error handling such that regular game play does not cause your program to crash or error. If an attempt at a feature causes your pro- gram to crash or behave in a way that testing other functionality becomes difficult without your marker modifying your code, comment it out before submitting your assignment. If your solution contains code that prevents it from being run, you will receive a mark of 0.
You must not add any imports; doing so will result in a deduction of up to 100% of your mark.
You may use any code provided from the teaching staff of this course in this semester only. This includes any code from the support files or sample solutions for previous assignments from this semester only, as well as any lecture or tutorial code provided to you by course staff. How- ever, it is your responsibility to ensure that this code is styled appropriately, and is an appropriate and correct approach to the problem you are addressing.
For additional help with tkinter, you can find documentation on effbot2 and New Mexico Tech3.
1 https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html
2 https://web.archive.org/web/20171112065310/http://effbot.org/tkinterbook
3 https://anzeljg.github.io/rin2/book2/2405/docs/tkinter/index.html
4 Provided Code
This section provides a brief, high-level overview of the files provided for you in a3.zip. For further information, please see the documentation within each file.
4.1 a2 support.py
This file is the support code file provided to you in assignment 2.
4.2 model.py
The model.py file provides modelling classes for the Sokoban game. It is almost an exact solution to assignment 2, but with some extensions. For example, this model includes coins and supports a basic shop for buying potions with those coins. It also provides some additional methods that may be useful in later parts of A3, such as support for resetting a game. You should only need to instantiate, and retain a reference to, a SokobanModel instance in your code. However, you will still need to interact with instances of the other classes via the SokobanModel instance.
4.3 a3 support.py
The a3 support.py file contains support code to assist you in writing your solution. In particular, this file provides the following:
A number of useful constants that you should use within your solution.
get image(image name: str, size: tuple[int, int],
cache: dict[str, ImageTk.PhotoImage] = None) -> Image: a function to create, re- size, and optionally cache images based on the name of their image file. Returns the image object, which can be rendered onto a tkinter Canvas. Note: you need to retain refer- ences to either all the images, or to the cache. Tkinter will delete an image as soon as all references to it have been lost. Note also: use of this function in creating images is mandatory. -
AbstractGrid: AbstractGrid is an abstract view class which inherits from tk.Canvas and provides base functionality for multiple view classes. An AbstractGrid can be thought of as a grid with a set number of rows and columns, which supports creation of text and shapes at specific (row, column) positions. Note that the number of rows may differ from the number of columns, and may change after the construction of the AbstractGrid.
4.4 maze files/
This is a folder containing some example maze files which you can use for testing. You should also consider creating your own maze files to test edge cases.
4.5 images/
This is a folder containing images to use within your assignment.
5 Recommended Approach
As opposed to earlier assignments, where you would work through the task sheet in order, develop- ing GUI programs tends to require that you work on various interacting classes in parallel. Rather
than working on each class in the order listed, you may find it beneficial to work on one feature at a time and test it thoroughly before moving on. Each feature will require updates / extensions to the controller, and potentially additions to one or more view classes. The recommended order of features (after reading through all of Section 6 of this document) are as follows:
2. 3.
play game, main, and title: Create the window, ensure it displays when the program is run and set its title. Gradescope calls play game in order to test your code, so you cannot earn marks until you have implemented this function.
Title banner: Render the title banner at the top of the window. FancyGameView:
• Basic tile display
• Entities (incl. player) display on top of tiles. Annotating strength value on crates.
• Player movement
• Player win / loss
• Basic display (non-functional). This step could also be done before the FancyGameView.
• Functionality (ability to update). Shop
• Basic display
• Handling buying items
You must implement three view components; FancyGameView, FancyStatsView, and Shop. You must also implement a FancySokobanView class, which represents the overall view, and constructs and manages these smaller components. Additionally, you must implement a controller class - ExtraFancySokoban - which instantiates the SokobanModel and the FancySokobanView classes, and handles events and facilitates communication between the model and view classes.
This section describes the required structure of your implementation, however, it is not in- tended to provide an order in which you should approach the tasks. The controller class will likely need to be implemented in parallel with the view classes. See Section 5 for a recommended order in which you should approach this assignment.
6.1 FancyGameView
FancyGameView should inherit from AbstractGrid (see a3 support.py). The FancyGameView is a grid displaying the game map (e.g. all tiles and entities, including the player). An example of a completed FancyGameView is shown in Figure 2. The methods you must implement in this class are:
• init (self, master: tk.Frame | tk.Tk, dimensions: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int], **kwargs) -> None: Sets up the FancyGameView to be an AbstractGrid with the appropriate dimensions and size, and creates an instance attribute of an empty dictionary to be used as an image cache.
• display(self, maze: Grid, entities: Entities, player position: Position ): Clears the game view, then creates (on the FancyGameView instance itself) the images for the tiles and entities. If an entity is at a specific location, you may assume there is a FLOOR tile undeneath. If an entity is at a position, the tile image should be rendered beneath the entity image. You must use the get image function from a3 support.py to create your images.
Figure 2: Example of a FancyGameView partway through a game.
6.2 FancyStatsView
FancyStatsView should inherit from AbstractGrid (see a3 support.py). It is a grid with 3 rows and 3 columns. The top row displays the text ‘Player Stats’ in a bold font in the second column. The second row displays titles for the stats, and the third row displays the values for those stats. The FancyStatsView should span the entire width of the game and shop combined. An example of a completedFancyStatsView in the game is shown in Figure 3. The methods you must implement in this class are:
• init (self, master: tk.Tk | tk.Frame) -> None: Sets up this FancyStatsView to be an AbstractGrid with the appropriate number of rows and columns, and the appropriate width and height (see a3 support.py).
• draw stats(self, moves remaining: int, strength: int, money: int) -> None: Clears the FancyStatsView and redraws it to display the provided moves remaining, strength, and money. E.g. in Figure 3, this method was called with moves remaining = 10, strength = 4, and money = 7.
Figure 3: FancyStatsView after redrawing with moves remaining set to 10, strength set to 4, and money set to 7.
6.3 Shop
Shop should inherit from tk.Frame. The Shop is a frame displaying relevant information and buttons for all the buyable items in the game (see the get shop items method in SokobanModel). The Shop should contain a title at the top and a frame for each buyable item (each potion). Each item’s frame should contain the following widgets, packed left to right:
A label containing the name of the item and the cost to buy that item.
A button for buying the item at the listed price. The callback for these buttons must be created in the controller (see ExtraFancySokoban) and passed to the Shop when calling create buyable item (see below).
See Figure 4 for an example of the shop interface.
The methods that you must implement in this class are:
init (self, master: tk.Frame) -> None: Sets up the shop to act like a tk.Frame and to have a title label at the top in bold font. Note that you are not required to create the item frames and internal widgets here.
create buyable item( self, item: str, amount: int, callback: Callable[[], None]
) -> None: Create a new item in this shop. That is, this method creates a new frame within
the shop frame and then creates a label and button within that child frame. The button
should be bound to the provided callback.
Note: Handling callbacks is an advanced task. These callbacks will be created within the controller class, as this is the only place where you have access to the required modelling information. Start this task by trying to render display correctly, without the callbacks. Then integrate these views into the game before working on the callbacks.
6.4 FancySokobanView
The FancySokobanView class provides a wrapper around the smaller GUI components you have just built, and provides methods through which the controller can update these components.
The methods that you must implement in this class are:
• •
init (self, master: tk.Tk, dimensions: tuple[int, int], size: tuple[int, int]) -> None: Sets up a new FancySokobanView instance. This includes creating the title banner, setting the title on the window, and instantiating and packing the three widgets described earlier in this task sheet.
display game( self, maze: Grid, entities: Entities, player position: Position ) -> None: Clears and redraws the game view.
display stats(self, moves: int, strength: int, money: int) -> None: Clears and redraws the stats view.
Figure 4: Shop interface.
• create shop items( self, shop items: dict[str, int], button callback: Callable[[str], None] | None = None ) -> None: Creates all the buyable items in the shop. shop items maps item id’s (result of calling get type on the item entity) to price. For each of these items, the callback given to create buyable item in Shop should be a function which requires no positional arguments and calls button callback with the item id as an argument. Note: if you create your callback within a loop using a lambda function, you may need to include a keyword argument with a default value of the specific item’s id in order to prevent Python from using the last item for all buttons.
6.5 ExtraFancySokoban
ExtraFancySokoban is the controller class for the overall game. The controller is responsible for creating and maintaining instances of the model and view classes, event handling, and facilitating communication between the model and view classes. Figure 1 provides an example of how the ExtraFancySokoban game should look. Certain events should cause behaviour as per Assignment 2 (note that this includes the ability to undo a move). You should not reimplement this behaviour, but rather use attempt move method for the model. The methods that you must implement in this class are:
• init (self, root: tk.Tk, maze file: str) -> None: Sets up the ExtraFancySokoban
instance. This includes creating instances of SokobanModel and SokobanView, creating the
shop items, binding keypress events to the relevant handler, and then redrawing the display
to show the initial game state. When creating the shop items, you will need to create a
function to pass to the create shop items method. This method should:
1. Take an item id as a parameter
2. Tells the model to attempt to buy that item
3. Tells the entire view to redraw
• •
Figure 5: Win and loss messageboxes.
redraw(self) -> None: Redraws the game view and stats view based on the current model state.
handle keypress(self, event: tk.Event) -> None: An event handler to be called when a keypress event occurs. Should tell the model to attempt the move as per the key pressed, and then redraw the view. If the game has been won or lost after the move, this method should cause a messagebox to display informing the user of the outcome and asking if they would like to play again (see Fig. 5). If the user selects yes, the game should be reset (i.e. reset the model and then redraw the view). If the user selects no, the program should terminate gracefully.
play game(root: tk.Tk, maze file: str) -> None function The play game function should be fairly short. You should:
1. Construct the controller instance using the given maze file and the root tk.Tk parameter. 2. Ensure the root window stays opening listening for events (using mainloop).
Note that the tests will call this function to test your code, rather than main.
6.7 main function
The purpose of main is to allow you to test your own code. The main function should:
1. 2.
Construct the root tk.Tk instance.
Call the play game function passing in the newly created root tk.Tk instance, and the path
to any map file you like (e.g. ‘maze files/maze1.txt’). Postgraduate Task: File Menu
Students of CSSE7030 are required to implement a file menu into the game, as described in this section. The file menu should be called ‘File’ and contain two options; ‘Save’ and ‘Load’. When a user selects the ‘Save’ option, they should be prompted with a file dialogue (you must use tkinter’s filedialog.asksaveasfilename for this) to enter a name for the file. You must then save enough details of the game to this file in order to recreate the entire game state (except for money) if the player tries to load this file in. When a user selects the ‘Load’ option they should be prompted with a file dialogue (you must use tkinter’s filedialog.askopenfilename for this) to select a file. You must then load in this game state as the new game state. After selecting a file, the view should immediately update to show the new game state.