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CSE216 Programming Abstractions – Homework II

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GroupJavaRotaionNon-commutative groupsSymmetriesUSStony Brook UniversityCSE216Programming Abstractions

Programming Abstractions – Homework II

In this assignment, you will be using Java (make sure it is JDK 1.8 compliant) for programming. Moreover, this assignment requires you to invest quite a bit into thinking about abstraction before you start coding. It is based on a mathematical structure called group. Before we get to the code, let us define this concept: A nonempty set of elements G forms a group if in G there is a defined binary operation (which we will denote by · in this document), such that CourseNana.COM

  1. x, y 2 G implies that x · y 2 G. This property is called closure, and the set of elements is said to be closed under the operation.
  2. a, b, c 2 G implies that a · (b · c) = (a · b) · c. In other words, the binary operation is associative.
  3. There exists an element e 2 G such that a·e = e·a = a for all elements a 2 G. This special element e is called the identity element of the group.
  4. For every a 2 G, there exists an element b such that a·b = b·a = e. That is, every element has an inverse. Often, we simply denote it by a

Much like programming, mathematics also relies on abstraction. Groups have become fundamentally important in modern mathematics because they distill the basic structural rules found in almost every important mathematical structure. Some are very obvious, such as the set of all integers with addition as the binary operation. Note that the same set is NOT a group with multiplication as the operation (no inverse)! However, as soon as we consider a bigger set, namely, the set of all real numbers, even with multiplication we have a valid group. These examples serve to show that you should not simply think about the set of elements, but instead, carefully consider the binary operation together with the set. It is also important to note that the binary operation may not always be commutative. That is, it is not always the case that a · b = b · a. CourseNana.COM

For a basic understanding of implementing simple groups, there is some Java code already given to you. The most important is the interface called Group. It is extensively documented, and students are expected to pay attention to the details provided there. Next, there is an implementation of the most obvious group we can think of: the group of all integers under addition. This is provided to you as ZPlus CourseNana.COM

Finite Groups CourseNana.COM

Based on everything you have seen up to this point, you may think that groups are just a fancy way of stating the basic properties of numbers. But that is not at all true! To start with, a group need not be infinite. In fact, you will now be implementing a few finite groups. CourseNana.COM

Non-commutative groups As noted earlier, the binary operation of a group need not be commutative. That is, a · b is not always equal to b · a. This may not be intuitive if you only think of numeric operations. But they make a lot of sense when we enter the world of geometry. In fact, one of the biggest applications of group theory is in fields like chemistry and physics, where the structural symmetry of molecules and particles is studied using this mathematical concept. So much so, that many consider the study of groups to be the “science of symmetry”. For this assignment, we will look at two very simple examples – squares and radial graphs – and their symmetries. CourseNana.COM

Figure 1: The eight symmetries of a square: the identity operation that leaves everything as it is, three rotation operations (around its center by 90, 180, and 270), two reflections around the horizontal and vertical lines, and two reflections around the two diagonals. CourseNana.COM

But first, another definition: two shapes are said to be congruent, if they have the same shape and size. Formally, two shapes are congruent if one can be changed into the other by using a combination of: (i) rotations (around a fixed point), (ii) reflections (around a line that serves as the axis of the reflection), and/or (iii) translations (a transformation that moves every point in the same direction by the same distance). Clearly, any shape in the 2-dimensional x-y plane is congruent to itself. Some shapes, however, are congruent to themselves in more than one way! Any such “extra” congruence is called a symmetry. A square has eight symmetries, as shown in Fig. 1. Similarly, an equilateral triangle has six symmetries (three rotations around its center by 0, 120, and 240, and three reflections around the three perpendicular bisectors). With this background, we are now ready to dive into some actual programming. CourseNana.COM

  1. Let G be the set {±1}, under the standard multiplication of real numbers. Your first task is to implement (20) this group in Java, with the name FiniteGroupOfOrderTwo.

When thinking about implementing this, note that Group is a parameterized interface. In the im- plemented example, ZPlus, the parameter was obvious, because we already know the data type for “integers” (Integer, of course). But here, the valid data that forms the set of elements, consists of only two values. So think about what should be the data type of the generic parameter. In your implemen- tation, this parameter class must be named PlusOrMinusOne. You should also ensure that the following driver method (given to you in the ArithmeticTest class) works with your code: CourseNana.COM

public static void main(String... args) { 
    FiniteGroupOfOrderTwo g = new FiniteGroupOfOrderTwo(); 
    PlusOrMinusOne[] values = PlusOrMinusOne.values(); 
    System.out.printf("g.identity() = %s%n", g.identity()); 
    for (PlusOrMinusOne u : values) {
        for (PlusOrMinusOne v : values) {
            PlusOrMinusOne e = g.binaryOperation(u, v);
            System.out.printf("%s * %s = %s%n", u.toString(), v.toString(), e.toString()); System.out.printf("inverseOf(%s) = %s%n", e.toString(), g.inverseOf(e).toString());

In the above code, toString() must return only the numeric value (i.e., “1” or “-1”). CourseNana.COM

Figure 2: A radial graph, with one point as the central node. All other nodes are connected only to this center by a directed edge. All edges have the same length, and direct away from the center. CourseNana.COM

Figure 3: A geometric representation of an actual radial graph. Each point is a Point object, all the edges have the same length, and every edge direct away from the center. CourseNana.COM

  1. There is an interface called Shape provided in the geometry package. In this question, we will consider (20) a RadialGraph, which is meant to represent objects of the type shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Such graphs show up all the time in social networks (e.g., the central node represents an influencer with the others representing followers). Your task in this question is to complete the implementation of the RadialGraph class, consistent with the requirements of the Shape interface.

Most of the implementation is straight-forward. Implementing rotation (in the rotateBy(int degrees) method), however, requires some mathematics! Formally, rotation in the 2-dimensional Euclidean space is defined by a 2 ⇥ 2 matrix. To rotate all the points in the x-y plane counterclockwise by an angle ✓ (in radians), with respect to the positive x axis about the origin, a point (x, y) is transformed by CourseNana.COM

cos✓ sin✓x=xcos✓ysin✓ sin ✓ cos ✓ y x sin ✓ + y cos ✓ CourseNana.COM

Without the matrix notation used in linear algebra, this simply means that such a rotation transforms the point (x,y) to the point (xcos✓ysin✓,xsin✓+ycos✓). Visually, this rotation is shown in Fig. 4. CourseNana.COM

To rotate a shape using this formula, you need to ensure that the center of the shape is the origin (0, 0). It is a part of this assignment to figure out how to rotate a shape that has its center somewhere else. You should ensure that the following driver method in the RadialGraph class works with your code (pay attention to the documentation, which explains what must be printed for the test cases used in this driver method, and what exception must be thrown): CourseNana.COM

public static void main(String... args) {
Point center = new Point("center", 0, 0); Point east = new Point("east", 1, 0);
Point west = new Point("west", -1, 0);
Point north = new Point("north", 0, 1);
Point south = new Point("south", 0, -1); Point toofarsouth = new Point("south", 0, -2);
// A single node is a valid radial graph. RadialGraph lonely = new RadialGraph(center);
// Must print: [(center, 0.0, 0.0)]

Figure 4: Counterclockwise rotation through angle ✓: the vector is initially aligned with the x-axis, and after the rotation, shown by the red arrow. System.out.println(lonely); CourseNana.COM

Figure 5: The square (left) initialized by passing arguments (3, 3), (2,3), (2,2), and (3,2) (in this order) is, indeed, a valid square. Without such a convention being followed, we could end up with non-polygonal open curves (right). If the constructor is called with four points that do not form a valid square, your constructor must throw an IllegalArgumentException. CourseNana.COM

// Must throw IllegalArgumentException, since the edges will not be of the same length RadialGraph nope = new RadialGraph(center, Arrays.asList(north, toofarsouth, east, west));
Shape g = new RadialGraph(center, Arrays.asList(north, south, east, west));
// Must follow the documentation in the Shape abstract class, and print the following string:
// [(center, 0.0, 0.0); (east, 1.0, 0.0); (north, 0.0, 1.0); (west, -1.0, 0.0); (south, 0.0, -1.0)] System.out.println(g);
// After this counterclockwise rotation by 90 degrees, "north" must be at (-1, 0), and // similarly for all the other radial points. The center, however, must remain exactly // where it was.
g = g.rotateBy(90);
       // you should similarly add tests for the translateBy(x, y) method
  1. Similarly, complete the implementation of the Square class. (20)

An empty constructor is already provided to you, which accepts four Point objects as its parameters. It is important to note that whether these points form a valid square may depend on the order in which these points are arranged. This was not a concern for radial graphs, but it does matter for a square! For example, a mistake in ordering the vertices could yield the right-side non-polygonal open curve shown in Fig. 5. For this assignment, you can assume that the order in which the input arguments are provided to the constructor, will follow the order specified in the documentation of Shape#toString(). Recall that when we attempt to create a radial graph with invalid points, the constructor is required to throw an IllegalArgumentException. Similarly, when the Square class’ constructor is called with four points that do not follow the above convention, it must throw an IllegalArgumentException. We are not providing a separate driver method for the Square class, because such a driver method will be nearly identical to the one we have provided for RadialGraph. You are highly encouraged to test your square implementation using such a method. In this method, you should test (i) the creation of squares, (ii) throwing exceptions as described above, (iii) printing a square, (iv) printing a rotated square, (v) printing a translated square, and (vi) calculating the center point. CourseNana.COM

  1. Now, we will use these two shapes, RadialGraph and Square, and add the concepts of their symmetry. (40) Take a look at the GeometryTest class’ main(String[]) method. This is provided to you as an outline for testing your code. Here, you will see two classes being mentioned, called RadialGraphSymmetries 4 and SquareSymmetries. You will also see two methods being used: areSymmetric, and symmetriesOf. Carefully consider the Symmetries interface implemented by these two classes, and come up with the correct signatures for these methods in the implementations. In particular, you need to ask

If the definition in the interface (i.e., the supertype) specifies returning a type T, can the method implementation in the class (which is its subtype) return a subtype of T? In other words, does Java allow covariant return types? CourseNana.COM

As shown in Fig. 1, a square has eight symmetries (including the identity transformation). Symmetries of radial graphs are di↵erent, though. For example, the number of symmetries is not fixed (depends on the number of edges and the exact location of the neighbors receiving those edges). Your task in this question is to implement the symmetries of Square and RadialGraph in the two classes SquareSymmetries and RadialGraphSymmetries, respectively. For radial graphs, you only have to think of rotational symmetries. Radial graphs may have other symmetries too, but those are beyond the scope of this assignment. CourseNana.COM

In this question, the total points are split equally between the implementation of radial graph symmetries and square symmetries. CourseNana.COM

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