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CSC8014 Assessed Coursework : Staff Support Manager

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UKNewcastle UniversityCSC8014Software Development Advanced TechniquesStaff Support ManagerJava

CSC8014 Assessed Coursework - Staff Support Manager

1. Aim

The aim of this coursework is for you to practice the design and good practice principles covered in lectures. You will develop interfaces and classes to demonstrate that you have learned and understood the module material, including: CourseNana.COM

  • appropriate overriding of Object class methods, including overriding toString and providing a static valueOf method when appropriate
  • design of interface-based hierarchies, programming through interfaces and late binding
  • the use of factories to control instantiation of objects, including how to guarantee the instantiation of unique instances
  • The use of the Singleton pattern
  • the use of defensive programming, including use of immutability and appropriate error handling
  • the use of appropriate interfaces and classes from the Collections framework
  • appropriate use of Javadocs to document your interfaces and classes
  • the use of testing

The coursework is not algorithmically challenging. The focus is on good design and good practice. CourseNana.COM

The coursework is not about development of an end-user application. You are developing interfaces and classes that could be used for the development of an application. You should not develop a graphical user interface or a command line interface. They are not necessary, and you will be given no credit for doing so. Note the staff support system specified below is a deliberate simplification. It is not an accurate model of real world University systems. Your solution should correspond to the simplicity of the specification. You risk losing marks if you attempt to provide a more realistic model or provide a solution that is more complicated than necessary. CourseNana.COM

2. System overview

A University needs a set of interfaces and classes to manage academic staff data. The Department has different types of academic staff. These are lecturer, and researcher staff. Staff cannot be more than one type. For this coursework, the significant difference between lecturers and researchers is that lecturers can teach on the different modules whereas researchers cannot. Furthermore, researchers can supervise students’ projects while lecturers cannot. The system should maintain records of modules that lecturers teach and students who researcher staff supervise in an academic year. Lecturers can teach up to 40 credits, and researchers can supervise at most 10 students. When a new staff gets employed, the University needs to be able to issue them a smart card (with a smartcard number) and a staff ID (for login). A staff member can be on either a permanent contract or a fixed term contract. CourseNana.COM

3. Tasks

To complete the system outlined in Section 2 you will need to provide interfaces and classes for the functionality described in this section. You must also test your solution. CourseNana.COM

Task 1

You need to create classes to provide an appropriate hierarchy for staff. Your StaffManager class (See Task 4) should create a staff object of the appropriate type when employed. You are provided with the interface Staff to start with (See Staff.java in Canvas). All staff have the following public functionality: CourseNana.COM

  • a method to get the staff ID (See Task 2 below).
  • a method to get the staff SmartCard (See Task 3 below).
  • a method to get the staff type (either Lecturer, or Researcher).
  • a method to get the staff Employment Status (either permanent or fixed).
  • a method to list the modules that a lecturer is assigned to. A module consists of a name (e.g. Introduction to Software Development), a module code (e.g. CSC8011), a semester (e.g. 1) and the number of credits associated with the module (e.g. 10).
  • a method which returns true if the lecturer is currently teaching enough
  • credits (40 credits in both semester) and false otherwise.
  • a method to return the list of students who are supervised by a researcher
  • a method which returns true if the researcher is currently supervising enough
  • students (10 in total) and false otherwise.

You need to create a separate Module class to store module information. You need to create a separate Name class to store student first name and last name. You need to make sure that you create these classes with the appropriate methods/variables. CourseNana.COM

Task 2

You need to create a StaffID class. A staff ID has two components - a single letter followed by a three-digit number. For example: a123 You must provide access to each component and an appropriate string representation of the ID. CourseNana.COM

Staff ID’s are unique. You must guarantee that no two staff have the same ID. CourseNana.COM

Task 3:

You need to create a SmartCard and a SmartCardNumber classes. A Smart Card has the staff name (comprising a first and last name – you can use the Name class for storing staff first name and last name), the date of birth of the staff, a unique Smart Card number and a date of issue. CourseNana.COM

The Smart Card number has three components. The first component is the concatenation of the initial of the first name of the staff with the initial of the last name of the staff. CourseNana.COM

The second component is an arbitrary serial number. The third component is the year of issue of the card. For example, the string representation of the Smart Card number for a card issued to John Smith in 2023 would have the form: JS-10-2023 where the 10 is a serial number that, with the initials and year, guarantees the uniqueness of the card number as a whole. CourseNana.COM

You must guarantee the uniqueness of smart card numbers. CourseNana.COM

Your smart card class must provide methods to access the staff name, the staff date of birth, the smart card number and the date of issue of the Card. The smart card should have the following private method: • setExpiryDate(); which sets an expiry date for the card. If the smart card is held by a staff on fixed-term contract, the expiry date is set to the issue date plus two years. If the smart card is held by a staff on permanent contract, the expiry date is set to the issue date plus ten years. CourseNana.COM

The smart card should have the following public method: • getExpiryDate(); which returns the expiry date of the card. CourseNana.COM

You should use the java.util.Date class to represent dates. However, you must not use deprecated methods of the Date class. So, for example, in the test class, you can use java.util.Calendar to construct dates of birth and dates of issue of Smart Cards. You can assume default time zone and locale. CourseNana.COM

Task 4:

The StaffManager class is the driver class for the university system. It needs to: • Maintain a record of all staff with their staffID • Maintain a record of all Students and Modules in the university. CourseNana.COM

This class need to provide a number of methods. You are provided with StaffManager.java class that has the signature of the methods that need to be implemented (Please DO NOT change the methods’ signature). CourseNana.COM

• public Set readInModules(String path) This method should allow modules information to be read from a pre-defined data file (modules.txt, where path is the path to this file) and stored in a set of modules. The modules.TXT file contains one data entry per line with fields separated by a comma e.g. CSC8014, Software Development Advanced Techniques, 2, 10. • public Set readInStudents (String path) This method should allow students information to be read from a pre-defined data file (Students.txt where path is the path to this file) and stored in a set of names. The Students.TXT file contains one data entry per line with fields separated by a space e.g. Charlie Chaplin • public Staff employStaff(String firstName, String lastName, Date dateOfBirth, String staffType, String employmentStatus) This method registers a new staff onto the system and allocates a smart card and a staff ID (see below for additional rules about whether or not a smart card can be issued). On success, this method needs to return a Staff object. • public int noOfStaff(String staffType) This method returns the number of staff of the specified type (a lecturer or a researcher) that are currently employed. • public boolean addData(StaffID id, Set modules, Set students) This method adds either a set of modules or a set of students to the staff depending on their type. You need to make sure that modules and students are valid before assigning them to the staff (This can be done be comparing the set against the records of existing students and modules). • public Collection getAllStaff() This method returns all staff that are employed by the university. • public void terminateStaff(StaffID id) This method removes the staff record associated with the given staff id. In effect, the staff is leaving the University. CourseNana.COM

When issuing a smart card, the following rules must be observed. • A staff must be at least 22 years old and at most 67 (retirement age is 68). • A staff cannot be both a researcher and a lecturer. • A staff cannot be issued with more than one smartcard (i.e. do not try to deal with lost cards!). CourseNana.COM

Task 5:

You should provide test cases for your interfaces and classes. To do this you can use the simple test framework (Assertions class) provided for you in Canvas -> Assignments -> Staff Management System. You should test the normal case, boundary conditions, and exceptional cases. CourseNana.COM

4. Notes:

• Make sure that you use of the Staff.java and StaffManager.java classes provided for you. • You must not change the methods’ signature in the StaffManger class and in the Staff interface. You can add extra methods if needed. • You can allow your methods in the StaffManager class to throw an exception where needed. • If we cannot test your implementation because you have changed the methods’ signature, then that corresponding task will score 0. CourseNana.COM

5. Deliverable (What to submit)

You must submit your work to NESS as a single zip file named ‘CSC8014_coursework_YourName.zip’, where ‘YourName’ is replaced with your full name. The zip file must contain your solution including test classes (i.e. the implementation of the system and types outlined in Sections 2 and 3). CourseNana.COM

Your solution should demonstrate: • the sensible use of Java inheritance mechanisms, • an understanding of how to use interfaces, • the ability to handle collections of objects, • the use of defensive programming, including use of immutability and appropriate error handling, • an understanding of when and how to override Object methods, • the implementation of factories and Singleton, • the ability to implement simple algorithms, • the ability to write Javadoc comments, and • the ability to test your code. CourseNana.COM

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