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CS544 Intro to Big Data Systems - P3: HDFS Replication

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USWISCUniversity of WisconsinCS544Intro to Big Data SystemsPythonHDFS Replication

P3 (4% of grade): HDFS Replication


HDFS can partition large files into blocks to share the storage across many workers, and it can replicate those blocks so that data is not lost even if some workers die. CourseNana.COM

In this project, you'll deploy a small HDFS cluster and upload a large file to it, with different replication settings. You'll write Python code to read the file. When data is partially lost (due to a node failing), your code will recover as much data as possible from the damaged file. CourseNana.COM

Learning objectives: CourseNana.COM

  • use the HDFS command line client to upload files
  • use the webhdfs API (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/webhdfs.html) to read files
  • measure the impact buffering has on read performance
  • relate replication count to space efficiency and fault tolerance

Before starting, please review the general project directions. CourseNana.COM


  • none yet

Part 1: HDFS Deployment and Data Upload

For this project, you'll create three containers, each from the same base image (p3-base). Create a directory called image that contains a Dockerfile with the following: CourseNana.COM

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update; apt-get install -y wget curl openjdk-11-jdk python3-pip net-tools lsof nano
RUN pip3 install jupyterlab==3.4.5 MarkupSafe==2.0.1 pandas

RUN wget https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harter/cs639/hadoop-3.2.4.tar.gz; tar -xf hadoop-3.2.4.tar.gz; rm hadoop-3.2.4.tar.gz

ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/hadoop-3.2.4/bin"

CMD ["sh", "/start.sh"]

Build it with docker build -t p3-image ./image. CourseNana.COM

Now, create a docker-compose.yml that starts your three containers. You can use the following as a starting point: CourseNana.COM

        image: p3-image
        - ""
        - "./nb:/notebooks"
        - "./main.sh:/start.sh"

    # worker:
    # TODO: create 2 replicas running the worker

        name: cs544net
        driver: bridge

Even though all three containers have the same image, they will do different things because /start.sh is the ENTRYPOINT, and you'll map in different scripts to run startup code (main.sh for the main service, and whatever you call it for the worker service). CourseNana.COM

The main service should do three things: CourseNana.COM

  1. format an HDFS file system
  2. start an HDFS Namenode
  3. start a Jupyter notebook

The worker service should just start a datanode. CourseNana.COM

Note: in this project, you will run your JupyterLab server inside a container; you can use the web interface and SSH tunneling for development. We're using this approach because then your code can run in the cs544net and easily communicate with the HDFS processes. Even if you normally use VSCode, it will be difficult to do so for this project (unless you can find a way to use it to connect to the container -- the 544 team does not know a way). CourseNana.COM

Here are some example commands that you can use for inspiration when writing your .sh files (you'll probably need to modify them): CourseNana.COM

  • hdfs namenode -format
  • hdfs namenode -D dfs.namenode.stale.datanode.interval=10000 -D dfs.namenode.heartbeat.recheck-interval=30000 -fs ????
  • python3 -m jupyterlab --no-browser --ip= --port=???? --allow-root --NotebookApp.token=''
  • hdfs datanode -D dfs.datanode.data.dir=/var/datanode -fs ????

Hints: CourseNana.COM

  • HDFS formatting sometimes prompts you if you want to overwrite the previous file system. You can pass -force to make it do so without prompting (useful since this is scripted instead of done manually)
  • note how the namenode is configured with a couple -D options. You should also have dfs.webhdfs.enabled be true
  • for the -fs, you can pass something like hdfs://SERVER:PORT. Use port 9000 and main for the server name (matching the Docker service name).
  • we want to access Jupyter from outside the container, so when setting the port number, review our port forwarding options from the compose file
  • the namenode and Jupyter both run in the foreground by default, so whichever one that runs first will block the other from starting. You will need to send one of them to the background.

You can use docker compose up to start your mini cluster of three containers. Some docker commands that might be helpful for debugging: CourseNana.COM

  • docker compose ps -a to see what containers are running or exited
  • docker logs <CONTAINER NAME> to see the output of a container
  • docker exec -it <CONTAINER NAME> bash to get shell inside the container
  • docker compose kill; docker compose rm -f to get a fresh start

The last command above stops and deletes all the containers in your cluster. For simplicity, we recommend this rather than restarting a single container when you need to change something as it avoids some tricky issues with HDFS. For example, if you just restart+reformat the container with the NameNode, the old DataNodes will not work with the new NameNode without a more complicated process/config. CourseNana.COM

If all is well, you should be to connect to Jupyter inside the the main container and create a notebook called p3.ipynb where you'll do the rest of your work. You can run !CMD inside a cell to run CMD as a shell command. Use this approach to show both your shell and Python work for this project. CourseNana.COM

Note that each line under the volumes section in docker-compose.yml takes the form of <path on host>:<path in container>. This tells the container to directly map certain files / folders from the host machine to inside the container so that when you change its content from inside the container, the changes will show up in the path on the host machine. This is how you ensure that p3.ipynb does not get lost even if you removes the container running Jupyter. CourseNana.COM

Use a shell command in your notebook to download https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harter/cs639/data/hdma-wi-2021.csv. Next, use two hdfs dfs -cp commands to upload this same file to HDFS twice, to the following locations: CourseNana.COM

  • hdfs://main:9000/single.csv
  • hdfs://main:9000/double.csv

In both cases, use a 1MB block size (dfs.block.size), and replication (dfs.replication) of 1 and 2 for single.csv and double.csv, respectively. CourseNana.COM

Double check the sizes of the two files with the following commands: CourseNana.COM

hdfs dfs -du -h hdfs://main:9000/

You should see something like this: CourseNana.COM

166.8 M  333.7 M  hdfs://main:9000/double.csv
166.8 M  166.8 M  hdfs://main:9000/single.csv

The first columns show the logical and physical sizes. The two CSVs contain the same data, so the have the same logical sizes. Note the difference in physical size due to replication, though. CourseNana.COM

Part 2: Block Locations

If you correctly configured the block size, single.csv should have 167 blocks, some of which will be stored on each of your two Datanodes. Your job is to write some Python code to count how many blocks are stored on each worker by using the webhdfs interface. CourseNana.COM

Read about the OPEN call here: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/webhdfs.html#OPEN. CourseNana.COM

Adapt the curl examples to use requests.get in Python instead. Your URLs will be like this: CourseNana.COM


Note that main:9870 is the Namenode, which will reply with a redirection response that sends you to a Datanode for the actual data. CourseNana.COM

If you pass allow_redirects=False to requests.get and look at the .headers of the Namenode's repsonse, you will be able to infer which Datanode stores that data corresponding to a specific offset in the file. Loop over offsets corresponding to the start of each block (your blocksize is 1MB, so the offsets will be 0, 1MB, 2MB, etc). CourseNana.COM

Construct and print a dictionary like the following that shows how many blocks of single.csv are on each Datanode: CourseNana.COM

{'http://70d2c4b6ccee:9864/webhdfs/v1/single.csv': 92,
 'http://890e8d910f92:9864/webhdfs/v1/single.csv': 75}

Your data will probably be distributed differently between the two, and you will almost certainly have container names that are different than 70d2c4b6ccee and 890e8d910f92. CourseNana.COM

Part 3: Reading the Data

In this part, you'll make a new reader class that makes it easy to loop over the lines in an HDFS file. CourseNana.COM

You'll do this by inheriting from the io.RawIOBase class: https://docs.python.org/3/library/io.html#class-hierarchy. Here is some starter code: CourseNana.COM

import io

class hdfsFile(io.RawIOBase):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.offset = 0
        self.length = 0 # TODO

    def readable(self):
        return True

    def readinto(self, b):
        return 0 # TODO

In the end, somebody should be able to loop over the lines in an HDFS file like this: CourseNana.COM

for line in io.BufferedReader(hdfsFile("single.csv")):
    line = str(line, "utf-8")

Implementation: CourseNana.COM

  • use GETFILESTATUS (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/webhdfs.html#GETFILESTATUS) to correctly set self.length in the constructor
  • whenever readinto is called, read some data at position self.offset from the HDFS file: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r1.0.4/webhdfs.html#OPEN
  • the data you read should be put into b. The type of b will generally be a memoryview which is like a fixed-size list of bytes. You can use slices to put values here (something like b[0:3] = b'abc'). Since it is fixed size, you should use len(b) to determine how much data to request from HDFS.
  • readinto should return the number of bytes written into b -- this will usually be the len(b), but not always (for example, when you get to the end of the HDFS file), so base it on how much data you get from webhdfs.
  • before returning from readinto, increase self.offset so that the next read picks up where the previous one left off
  • if self.offset >= self.length, you know you're at the end of the file, so readinto should return 0 without calling to webhdfs

Use your class to loop over every line of single.csv. CourseNana.COM

Count how many lines contain the text "Single Family" and how many contain "Multifamily". Print out your counts like the following: CourseNana.COM

Counts from single.csv
Single Family: 444874
Multi Family: 2493
Seconds: 24.33926248550415

Note that by default io.BufferedReader uses 8KB for buffering, which creates many small reads to HDFS, so your code will be unreasonably slow. Experiment with passing buffer_size=???? to use a larger buffer. CourseNana.COM

Your code should show at least two different sizes you tried (and the resulting times). CourseNana.COM

Part 4: Disaster Strikes

You have two datanodes. What do you think will happen to single.csv and double.csv if one of these nodes dies? CourseNana.COM

Find out by manually running a docker kill <CONTAINER NAME> command on your VM to abruptly stop one of the Datanodes. CourseNana.COM

Wait until the Namenode realizes the Datanode has died before proceeding. Run !hdfs dfsadmin -fs hdfs://main:9000/ -report in your notebook to see when this happens. Before proceeding, the report should show one dead Datanode, something like the following: CourseNana.COM


Note that HDFS datanodes use heartbeats to inform the namenode of its liveness. That is, the datanodes send a small dummy message (heartbeat) periodically (every 3 seconds by default) to inform the namenode of its presence. Recall that when we start the namenode, we specify dfs.namenode.stale.datanode.interval=10000 and dfs.namenode.heartbeat.recheck-interval=30000. The first says that the namenode considers the datanode stale if it does not receive its heartbeat for 10 seconds (10000 ms) and the second says that it will consider the datanode dead after another 30 seconds. Hence, if you configure your cluster correctly, the namenode will become aware of the loss of datanode within 40 seconds after you killed the datanode. CourseNana.COM

Run your code from part 3 again that counts the multi and single family dwellings in new cells. Do so on both double.csv and single.csv. CourseNana.COM

double.csv should work just like before. You will have lost some blocks from single.csv, but modify readinto in your hdfsFile class so that it still returns as much data as possible. If reading a block from webhdfs fails, readinto should do the following: CourseNana.COM

  1. put \n into the b buffer
  2. move self.offset forward to the start of the next block
  3. return 1 (because \n is a single character)

You should get some prints like this: CourseNana.COM

Counts from double.csv
Single Family: 444874
Multi Family: 2493

AND CourseNana.COM

Counts from single.csv
Single: 200608
Multi: 929

Observe that we're still getting some lines from single.csv, but only about half as many as before the data loss (exact counts will depend on how many blocks each datanode was storing). CourseNana.COM


We should be able to run the following on your submission to create the mini cluster: CourseNana.COM

docker build -t p3-image ./image
docker compose up

We should then be able to open http://localhost:5000/lab, find your notebook, and run it. CourseNana.COM

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