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CS 382 Computer Architecture and Organization - HW2: String Copy, Binary Search and Type Conversion

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CS 382CS382Computer Architecture and OrganizationAssemblyStevens Institute of Technology

Computer Architecture
Fall 2023 and Organization
Homework 2 CourseNana.COM

Read Before Start CourseNana.COM

For each of the tasks in this homework, you are provided two files. One is <taskname>_data.s , where .data and .bss segments are stored. You are free to change the value of the variables declared there, but you must CourseNana.COM

not change the label names, and you must not add any new data/instruction there. CourseNana.COM

The other one is <taskname>.s where .text segment is provided, along with some starter code. Only write assembly instructions at the speicified place, and do not modify any existing code there. If you need to add new data in your program, feel free to declare another .data segment at the bottom of this file (not the CourseNana.COM

<taskname>_data.s file!!).
When you are asked to print something out,
do not use printf() or any functions from stdio.h , as the CourseNana.COM

tester will not be able to capture your output, resulting in failing all test cases. CourseNana.COM

To test your code on your own, we take task 1 for an example, where copystr.s and copystr_data.s are provided: CourseNana.COM

$ aarch64-linux-gnu-as copystr.s -o copystr.o
$ aarch64-linux-gnu-as copystr_data.s -o copystr_data.o
$ aarch64-linux-gnu-ld copystr.o copystr_data.o -o copystr $ qemu-aarch64 copystr CourseNana.COM

We also provided a tester file that can run multiple tests on your assembly program. This is also the tester we are going to use when grading your homework. Note that any violation to the conditions mentioned will likely crash the tester program, so please do follow the instructions. CourseNana.COM

We will not be responsible for any points lost due to the violation of requirements above. CourseNana.COM

1 Task 1 (20 pts): Copy a String (Again) CourseNana.COM

In this task, you will write an assembly code that completes the same task as in previous homework, i.e., copy string to another string dst_str . You can assume src_str always has fewer than 100 characters, CourseNana.COM

and is always large enough to store all characters copied there. After copying the string, please use system call to print the string dst_str out to terminal. CourseNana.COM

Requirements CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use loops or recursion. If you want to use recursion, you must follow calling conventions and manage stack frames; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must not declare, or hardcode variables that represent string length; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must not use any external libraries and functions; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use system call to print, not printf() ; CourseNana.COM

  •   Write your name and pledge at the top of the code. CourseNana.COM

1 2 3 4 CourseNana.COM

src_str CourseNana.COM

dst_str CourseNana.COM

2 Task 2 (50 pts): Binary Search CourseNana.COM

In this task, you’ll implement a binary search algorithm in ARM assembly. An example of .data segment is provided to you in bins_data.s , which includes a double word array (sorted), the length of the array, the CourseNana.COM

target value we want to find, and output messages. You can assume the numbers are signed, and the array is already sorted. Again, if you need to declare additional data, you must add another .data segment inside file CourseNana.COM

bins.s , not bins_data.s .
After the search, you need to print the messages correctly with the target value using system calls. For example,

for the array in bins_data.s , if target is -25, your output should look like: 1 Target is in the array. CourseNana.COM

If target is 20, your output should look like: 1 Target is not in the array. CourseNana.COM

You need to make sure the code will exit successfully without any errors after printing out the messages. CourseNana.COM

Requirements CourseNana.COM

  •   You must not hard code array length in your code, so you should always use length in the .data segment; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use loops or recursion. If you want to use recursion, you must follow calling conventions and manage stack frames; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must not use any external libraries and functions; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use system call to print, not printf() ; CourseNana.COM

  •   Write your name and pledge at the top of the code. CourseNana.COM

    Task 3 (30 pts): Converting String to Integer CourseNana.COM

In this task, you’ll write an assembly code to convert a string to an integer. For example, say a string is declared in the .data segment: CourseNana.COM

numstr: .string "382" number: .quad 0 CourseNana.COM

Then your program will convert the string into an integer 382 , and store it to number . You don’t need to consider negative numbers. CourseNana.COM

Just a refresher: if the string is "9082", the number can be calculated by 9×103 +0×102 +8×101 +2×100. Be Careful... CourseNana.COM

  •   The characters in a string are stored as their ASCII values, not the real digit; CourseNana.COM

  •   Whenloadingacharacter,orabyte,intoaregister,thecommandisLDRBorLDRSB,andthedestination CourseNana.COM

    register is Wt not Xt . CourseNana.COM

Requirements CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use loops or recursion. If you want to use recursion, you must follow calling conventions and manage stack frames; CourseNana.COM

  •   Youmustnotassumethelengthofthestring ,soyoumustnotdeclareandhardcodeanyvariable representing string length in .data and ; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must store the converted integer into variable number ; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must not use any external libraries and functions; CourseNana.COM

  •   You must use system call to print, not printf() ; CourseNana.COM

  •   Write your name and pledge at the top of the code. CourseNana.COM

    Starter Code & Tester CourseNana.COM

To help you with testing, we provided a tester file tester . Put this tester file in the same directory as your assembly code, and go ahead and run the tester: CourseNana.COM

1 $ qemu-aarch64 -L /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/ tester -t {copystr|bins|atoi|all} CourseNana.COM

5 Grading CourseNana.COM

The homework will be graded based on a total of 100 points. CourseNana.COM

 Task 1 (20 pts): 5 test cases in total, 4 points each;
 Task 2 (50 pts): 20 test cases in total, 2.5 points each;  Task 3 (30 pts): 10 test cases in total, 3 points each. CourseNana.COM

After accumulating points from the testing above, we will inspect your code and apply deductibles listed below. The lowest score is 0, so no negative scores: CourseNana.COM

 Task 1 (20 pts): CourseNana.COM

-20: the code does not compile, or executes with run-time error;
-20: the code is generated by compiler;
-20: no loop/recursion;
-20: used any external libraries and/or functions (e.g., printf() );
-15: not managing stack frames and/or not following calling conventions if using recursion; • -15: declared/hardcoded string length; CourseNana.COM

-5: no pledge and/or name in assembly file;  Task 2 (50 pts): CourseNana.COM

-50: the code does not compile, or executes with run-time error;
-50: the code is generated by compiler;
-50: no loop/recursion;
-40: not managing stack frames and/or not following calling conventions if using recursion; • -30: used any external libraries and/or functions (e.g., printf() ); CourseNana.COM

-5: no pledge and/or name in assembly file;  Task 3 (30 pts): CourseNana.COM

-30: the code does not compile, or executes with run-time error; 3 CourseNana.COM


-30: the code is generated by compiler;
-30: no loop/recursion;
-30: used any external libraries and/or functions (e.g., printf() );
-30: the converted number is not stored in memory;
-20: not managing stack frames and/or not following calling conventions if using recursion; • -20: declared/hardcoded any data that represents the length of the string;
-5: no pledge and/or name in assembly file. CourseNana.COM

2% of extra credit will be given if the homework is submitted two days ahead of deadline. If it’s re-uploaded after the earlybird date, the deal is off. CourseNana.COM

Deliverable CourseNana.COM

Only submit three files: copystr.s , bins.s , and atoi.s . No need to zip.  CourseNana.COM

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