License Plates Program Description:
This assignment focuses on arrays, strings, loops, and methods. Complete the method stubs found in the file named You will also need to use the text file plates.txt to test your work. This assignment is intended to test your knowledge of basic array manipulation, Character methods (isDigit, isLetter, etc.), and String object methods (substring, charAt, indexOf, replace, toUpperCase, and toLowerCase, etc.). You are not allowed to use more advanced/specialized collections or imported classes.
You should limit yourself to the Java features covered in class so far (lecture 7).
Modularity in your code is very important, YOU MUST USE STATIC METHODS.
Background Information:
You have just been hired as a programmer for the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV). The RMV is responsible for issuing license plates, which uniquely identify all vehicles legally allowed to drive on public roads. There are a number of tasks the RMV would like you to automate. But first, get ready to learn more about license plates than you ever wanted to know!
Serial Formats
The serial format is an important feature of license plate issuance. Serial formats are alphanumeric strings denoting the position and number of characters to be printed on the plate. For example, one basic format is ABC123 — denoting that the first three characters of the plate must be uppercase letters, and the last three must be numbers. To the right is an example of a Massachusetts license plate with the serial format 123AB4.
One unique feature of Massachusetts license plates is that the very last number is coded to correspond with the month that the vehicle expires. So, you can see that the plate above, which ends with a 2, also must expire in the month of February. This trick allows police officers to quickly identify whether a vehicle’s registration is expired by comparing the last digit on the plate with the color of the year sticker. A final digit of 0 corresponds to registration in the month of October. Passenger vehicles registered in November and December typically will be assigned plates from manufacturing overruns of other months. (In Massachusetts, vanity plates expire in November, while commercial plates expire in December.)
When a new serial number is adopted, the very first plate in the series is issued according to the following rule: (1) The first number is a 1, (2) all other numbers are set to 0, and (3) all letters are set to A. For example, the very first plate of the 123AB4 serial format would be 100AA0. To issue new plates in an orderly fashion, the current plate number is incremented. The very last plate in the 123AB4 serial format then would be 999ZZ9. Once every number in the serial format has been used, a new serial format must be adopted.
For this assignment, you will be working with four different serial formats used in Massachusetts since 1993: 12AB34, 123AB4,,1AB234, and 1ABC23.
Vanity Plates
There are specific rules regarding vanity plates in Massachusetts:
All vanity plates must start with at least two letters.
Vanity plates may contain a maximum of six characters (letters or numbers) and a minimum of two characters.
Numbers cannot be used in the middle of a plate;
they must come at the end. For example, AAA222
would be an acceptable Passenger vanity plate;
AAA22A would not be acceptable. The first number used cannot be a "0." -
No periods, spaces, or punctuation marks are allowed.
To complete this assignment, implement the method stubs in according to the specification given below. Unless otherwise noted, assume that you are dealing with passenger plates with serial formats of exactly six characters.
public static String createRandomPlate(String serial, int month) — Given a string representing a serial format and an integer corresponding to the month of vehicle expiration, return a randomly generated plate adhering to the serial format.
Assume that the input consists of a legal serial format string.
Output strings must contain only numbers and capital letters, i.e., characters in the 0-9
and A-Z range.
The first character cannot be a zero.
public static String nextPlate(String plate) — Given a string representing a license plate, return a new string representing the incremented, next plate in the series.
Assume that the input consists of a legal and correctly formatted plate string.
If the input represents the very last plate in the series, and cannot be legally
incremented, return the following string: "error".
createRandomPlate("123AB4", 9); // returns, for example, "319ZB9"
nextPlate("215BG2"); // returns "215BG3" nextPlate("399ZZ9"); // returns "400AA0" nextPlate("999ZZ9"); // returns "error"
public static String getSerial(String plate) — Given a plate string, return a string corresponding to the serial format of that plate.
public static boolean isLegalVanityPlate(String plate) — Given a plate string, return a boolean value denoting whether the plate is a legal vanity plate according the rules given above.
getSerial("215BG2"); // returns "123AB4"
• The rule must be case sensitive; inputs with characters other than A-Z or 0-9 should not be considered legal.
public static float[] getMonthStats(String[] plates) — Given an array of plate strings, return an array of floats corresponding to the frequency percentage of each expiration month.
Test your work using the provided readPlatesfromFile method, along with the plates.txt file. Assume that all inputs are legal and correctly formatted.
The output should be a size-ten array of floats. The zero-index position of the array corresponds to the month of October. The rest of the indices, 1-9, correspond to January through September. The values should sum to 1.0.
public static float[] getSerialStats(String[] plates, String[] serials) — Given an array of plate strings and an array of serial format strings, return an array of floats corresponding to the frequency percentage of each serial format.
Test your work using the provided readPlatesfromFile method, along with the plates.txt file. Assume that all inputs are legal and correctly formatted.
plates.txt contains plates adhering to the following serial formats: 12AB34, 123AB4,,1AB234, and 1ABC23.
The output array should be the same length as the input array of serial format strings. The values of the output should be the same order as the serial format input. The values should sum to 1.0.
String plate1 = "LOBSTA";
String plate2 = "AAA22A";
isLegalVanityPlate(plate1); // true
isLegalVanityPlate(plate2); // false
String[] plates = new String[] {"215BG2","399ZZ2","399ZZ3","1ABC21"};
// returns [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
String[] plates = new String[] {"215BG2","399ZZ2","399ZZ3","1LLC21"}; String[] serials = new String[] {"12AB34","123AB4","1AB234","1ABC23"};
getSerialStats(plates, serials); // returns [0.0, 0.75, 0.0, 0.25]
public static String[] matchPlate(String partial, String[] plates) — One very practical use of software is for license plate matching. Image that someone has seen a person in a car commit some crime, such as a hit-and-run. As the car drives off, the witness is able to catch a part of it, but not the entire plate. (“It began with a 39, and ended with Z3.”) Your task here is to use this information to identify likely offenders by searching an array of license plates.
In this case, the partial string is represented such that each substring is separated by a dash. (E.g., "39-Z3"). Assume no more than two partial substrings. Given a partial string and an array of plate strings, return an array of strings corresponding to the plates that match.
The output array should consist only of valid plate strings—null values are not allowed.
“Overlapping” substrings should not be counted. For example, a partial string input of 39-9A should not return a license plate of 39AF65.
Test your work using the provided readPlatesfromFile method, along with the plates.txt file. Assume that all inputs are legal and correctly formatted.
String partial = "39-Z3";
String[] plates = new String[] {"215BG2","399ZZ2","399ZZ3","1LLC21"};
matchPlate(partial, plates); // returns ["399ZZ3"]
partial = "39-ZZ";
matchPlate(partial, plates); // returns ["399ZZ2", "399ZZ3"]
You will be graded on
External Correctness: The output of your program should match exactly what is expected. Programs that do not compile will not receive points for external correctness.
Internal Correctness: Your source code should follow the stylistic guidelines linked in LATTE. Also,remembertoincludethecommentheaderatthebeginningofyourprogram.
You are required to use the Eclipse IDE. Use Eclipse (Refactor > Rename) to name your project Lastname_FirstnamePAX (please make sure to use exactly this file name, including identical capitalization). Then use Eclipse’s export procedure; otherwise, a penalty will be applied, as our automated tests will fail to function.
Java Docs
Before every one of your Classes and methods, you add a Java Doc comment. This is a very easy way to quickly comment your code while keeping everything neat.
The way to create a Java Doc is to type: /** + return/enter
This should create: /**
* */
Depending on your method, the Java Doc may also create additional things, such as @param, @throws, or @return. These are autogenerated, depending on if your method has parameters, throw conditions, or returns something. You should fill out each of those tags with information on parameter, exception, or return value. If you want to read more on Java Docs, you can find that here, or also refer to the end of Recitation 1 slides. Also, add line specific comments to the more complicated parts of your code, or where you think is necessary. Remember, you should always try to write code so that someone else can easily understand it.