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COMPSCI2024 Networks & Operating Systems Essentials 2 (NOSE 2) Assessed Exercise 1: Networking

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Networks & Operating Systems Essentials 2 (NOSE 2) CourseNana.COM

Assessed Exercise 1: Networking CourseNana.COM

Deadline: Week 6 Friday, October 27th 2023 at 16:30 Submission: Moodle
Grading: released via the SoCS LTC system CourseNana.COM

The aim of this exercise is to have students use the knowledge they’ve acquired in this first part of the course, in the context of building a networked application. You will be using the Python socket library to create a simple, yet powerful, file service application. Your application will consist of two Python scripts: (a) a “server” that receives and serves client requests for files stored in a local directory, and (b) a “client” that allows the user to upload/download files from the server, as well as list the files currently stored on the server side. CourseNana.COM

Python Sockets CourseNana.COM

An Internet socket is an abstract representation for the local endpoint of a network connection. Berkeley sockets is an API for Internet sockets, coined after the first implementation of sockets appeared in 4.2BSD (circa 1983). Over time, Berkeley sockets evolved to what is now known as POSIX sockets – an IEEE standard defined with the aim of maintaining compatibility and providing interoperability between operating systems. POSIX sockets can be used to communicate using a number of protocols, including (but not limited to) TCP, UDP, ICMP, SCTP and others. CourseNana.COM

The basic workflow for setting up a TCP connection to a remote host using POSIX sockets is outlined in the course lectures and in the 3rd lab; please consult the lecture slides/recordings and lab handouts. For this assessed exercise you can use all methods provided by the basic Python socket library (Lib/socket.py). You are not allowed to use any other networking libraries that act as wrappers for socket.py (e.g., Lib/socketserver.py, Lib/http/server.py, Lib/http/client.py, Lib/ftplib.py, etc.). If you are thinking about using a Python library other than Lib/socket.py, Lib/sys.py or Lib/os.py, please ask us first! CourseNana.COM

Server CourseNana.COM

The server will be a Python script, named server.py, executed through the Windows command line interface. The current working directory of the server (i.e., the directory from where the server.py script is executed) will be used as the directory where files will be stored and served from. As your program needs to have write access to said directory, please make sure that, in your Windows command prompt window, you first change directory to someplace where you can store files, then execute your python script from there. CourseNana.COM

Your server should receive, as its single command line argument, its port number; that CourseNana.COM

is, the server should be executed like so: CourseNana.COM

python server.py <port number> CourseNana.COM

For example, assuming that M: is a drive where you have full write access: C:\Users\me> M:
M:\> cd some_dir
M:\some_dir> python server.py 6789

On startup, your server should create a TCP server socket, bind it to the user-defined port number (for the hostname use either “” or an empty string, so as to bind to all available network interfaces on your host), report success (i.e., print a single-line message with its IP address and port number on the console and the text “server up and running”), and wait for client connections. For every incoming connection (as returned by socket.accept()) it should read and parse the request from the client, serve it accordingly, close the connection, report on its outcome (more on this shortly), and loop back to waiting for the next client connection. CourseNana.COM

Downloading of a file: The client request should include, as a minimum, the request type and the filename of the file to be downloaded. The server should then open the file (in binary mode) and copy its data to the client through the socket.

  • Listing of 1st-level directory contents: The client request should indicate the request type. The server should then construct a list of the names of files/directories at the top level of its current working directory (e.g., using os.listdir()) and return it to the client over the socket. For the needs of this project, your server should not need to handle subdirectories; i.e., all files served and/or entries returned by os.listdir() should be those at the top level of the server’s current working directory. CourseNana.COM

    In every case, the server should report (i.e., print on the console) information for every request after its processing is over. This report should be a single line including, at the very least, the IP address and port number of the client, information on the request itself (type and filename, as appropriate) and its status (success/failure). For failures, the report should also include an informative message indicating the type of error. Last, the server should also print informative messages for any other types of errors encountered throughout its execution (again, please only print a single line per error). CourseNana.COM

    Client CourseNana.COM

    The client will be a Python script, named client.py, executed through the Windows command line interface and receiving its arguments as command line arguments. The first argument should be the address of the server (hostname or IP address) and the second argument should be the server’s port number. The next argument should be one of “put”, “get” or “list”; these signify that the client wishes to send or receive a file, or request a directory listing, respectively. For “put” and “get” there should CourseNana.COM

then be one more argument with the name of the file to upload/download respectively. That is, the client should be executed like so: CourseNana.COM

python client.py <hostname> <port> <put filename|get filename|list> CourseNana.COM

For example: CourseNana.COM

M:\some_dir> python client.py localhost 6789 put test1.txt M:\some_dir> python client.py localhost 6789 get test2.txt M:\some_dir> python client.py localhost 6789 list CourseNana.COM

The client should parse its command line arguments and decide what operation is requested. It should then create a client socket, connect to the server defined in the command line, construct and send an appropriate request message, receive the server’s response, process it, and finally close the connection. The processing of requests will depend on the request type: CourseNana.COM

  • Listing (“list”) request: the client should, at the very least, send an appropriate request message, receive the listing from the server, print it on the screen one file per line, and finally close the connection.
  • In every case, the client should report information for every request; this report should be a single line of text including, at the very least, the IP and port number of the server, information on the request itself (type and filename, as appropriate), and its status (success/failure). For failures, the report should also include an informative message indicating the type of error (within the same single line). CourseNana.COM

    Miscellanea CourseNana.COM

    Your client request and server response messages may need to include additional fields to those outlined above. The design of the application-level protocol (i.e., the types and formats of exchanged messages, and the exact semantics and order in which these messages are exchanged) is left up to you and is indeed a major component in the marking scheme of this assessed exercise. CourseNana.COM

    As several pieces of the logic will be shared between client and server, you should try to abstract out the common pieces -- i.e., define functions in a shared module, imported and used by both client and server. For example: CourseNana.COM

  • send_file(socket,filename):Opensthefilewiththegivenfilename and sends its data over the network through the provided socket. CourseNana.COM

  • recv_file(socket,filename):Createsthefilewiththegivenfilename and stores into it data received from the provided socket. CourseNana.COM

  • send_listing(socket): Generates and sends the directory listing from the server to the client via the provided socket. CourseNana.COM

recv_listing(socket): Receives the listing from the server via the provided socket and prints it on screen. CourseNana.COM

These functions could then be used by both sides; e.g., for a “put” request, the client will use send_file(...) while the server will use recv_file(...); vice-versa for a “get” request; the functions for the listings could internally also make use of the file functions; etc. CourseNana.COM

Please make sure that your code is well formatted and documented, and that an appropriate function/variable naming scheme has been used. You won’t be assessed on the quality of your Python code per se, but a well written implementation is surely easier to debug (and mark). CourseNana.COM

What to submit CourseNana.COM

For this assessed exercise, you are allowed to work on your own or in teams of up to two (2) students and if the latter both students should be in the same lab group! Submit two files via the course’s Moodle page: (a) a zip file with your Python source code files (Source.zip), and (b) a separate pdf file (Report.pdf) with a short report of 2 pages maximum. The report should have a heading stating the full names and matriculation numbers of the team member(s) and include a detailed description of the application-level protocol you designed (exact format of the exchanged messages, their fields and semantics, the order in which these messages are expected to be exchanged, etc.) and a discussion of the reasoning behind the design of your protocol and the associated design decisions. Only ONE (1) submission should be done per team. CourseNana.COM

How Exercise 1 will be marked CourseNana.COM

Following timely submission on Moodle, the exercise will be given a numerical mark, between 0 (no submission) and 100 (perfect in every way). These numerical marks will then be converted to a band (A1, A2, etc.) CourseNana.COM

The marking scheme is given below: 70 marks for the implementation: CourseNana.COM

o 15marksfortheimplementationofthe“list”requesttypeand25marks for each of “put”/”get” request types, broken down as follows: CourseNana.COM

  • §  9 marks for handling the intricacies of TCP communication – i.e., that data is streamed from the source to the destination and hence data sent via a single send()/sendall() call may be fragmented and received across several sequential recv() calls, or data sent via multiple send()/sendall() calls may be collated and returned through a single recv() call. (All request types) CourseNana.COM

  • §  3 marks for handling of connection failures mid-way through the protocol. (All request types) CourseNana.COM

  • §  2 marks for appropriate logging/reporting. (All request types) CourseNana.COM

  • §  1 mark for parsing of command line arguments. (All request types) CourseNana.COM

  • §  5 marks for correct handling/transferring of binary data (binary CourseNana.COM

    transfer, byte ordering, etc.). (Only for “put”/”get” requests) CourseNana.COM


§ 5 marks for support for stability/security features such as very large files, 0-sized files, no overwriting of existing files, very long filenames, etc. (Only for “put”/”get” requests) CourseNana.COM

o 5 marks for appropriate structure of your code (functions, minimal repetition of code, informative but not excessive comments, etc.). CourseNana.COM

30 marks for the report:
o 20marksforthequalityofthedesignoftheapplication-levelprotocol. o 10marksforthediscussionofthereasoning/designdecisions. CourseNana.COM

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