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COMPSCI 235 Software Development Methodology - Assignment 2: Design and build a web application

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New ZealandUniversity of AucklandCOMPSCI 235Software Development MethodologyDesign and build a web applicationPython

Assignment 2 CourseNana.COM


Brief CourseNana.COM

The objective of this two-student group assignment is to design and build a Web application that let users interact with a collection of sound tracks CourseNana.COM

This assignment builds on Assignment 1 in that you can incorporate aspects of your already developed domain model into the Web application CourseNana.COM

You have considerable freedom in this assignment
Thereisnoprescriptivespecification;rather,thereisageneralstatementof CourseNana.COM

requirements that you should interpret
Make your own decisions as to how you’d like to implement the requirements CourseNana.COM

  • You choose what grade you want to aim for
    There are A+ to C grades, with increasing requirements to satisfy the higher
  • You need a Github account (as created in the second lab), and you will receive a starter code through a Github Classroom repository, which is also where the groups will be formed and where you finally submit this assignment (see Github Classroom instructions here)


Group work CourseNana.COM

You will work in groups of two students on this assignment. This will help you distribute workload and will enable you to practice working on a common code repository in a small team. CourseNana.COM

Group Marking Criteria -
Each member of the group/team will submit a confidential allocation of percentage of CourseNana.COM

work done by them and their groupmate. This will be submitted through a Google Form, with the link to be published closer to assignment deadline. Your mark for this assignment will reflect your contribution in the assignment working. CourseNana.COM

FAQs CourseNana.COM

Questions relating to the assignment will be answered by the teaching team. CourseNana.COM

You should post your questions on Piazza
A Canvas page is dedicated to frequently asked questions - CourseNana.COM

  • –  This page will be updated over the duration of the assignment, capturing the results of discussions with the teaching team
  • –  Refer to the FAQ on the Canvas page before posting on Piazza, in case your question has already been answered
  • –  The Canvas FAQ page is available here 4

Grading factors (C) CourseNana.COM

  • Functional requirements
    • –  Minimally, the Web application should allow information about tracks to be displayed in a Web

browser CourseNana.COM

    • –  Users should be able to navigate tracks, noting that there is a limit on the number of tracks that can be displayed on a single Web page
  • Non-functional requirements

Conformance to the project structure used for sample Flask applications (as also discussed in labs) CourseNana.COM

Inclusion of requirements.txt file, readme file etc. CourseNana.COM

  • –  User interface
    • Use of CSS to style HTML pages
    • Appropriate use of Jinja templating to define HTML layout, pages and partials
  • –  Web interface
    • Appropriate definition of entry points (URLs)
    • Appropriate use of the HTTP protocol (e.g. query parameters, response codes etc.)
  • –  Application of the Repository pattern (Memory repository)

Design of a suitable interface and implementation for querying data about tracks CourseNana.COM

Grading factors (B) CourseNana.COM

For B grade submissions, all functional and non-functional requirements for a C grade submission must be met, and in addition, these requirements also have to be met: CourseNana.COM

7 CourseNana.COM

Functional requirements
Users should be able to search for tracks by selecting artists or albums, or by specifying e.g., genres
Users should be able to register with the application, and login and logout Logged in users should be able to provide reviews or ratings for tracks CourseNana.COM

Non-functional requirements Use of Blueprints CourseNana.COM

Blueprints should be used to appropriately separate areas of application functionality and adhere to the principle of Single Responsibility CourseNana.COM

Signed cookies should be used in addition to ensuring that only logged-in users can write reviews CourseNana.COM

Use of HTML forms
Forms should be used to allow users to select filtering options for displaying tracks by artist or album or other criteria


Grading factors (A) CourseNana.COM

ForAgradesubmissions,allfunctionalandnon-functionalrequirementsforB and C grade must be met, in addition, these requirements also have to be met: CourseNana.COM

Functional requirements
A cool, non-trivial, new feature of your choosing should be implemented CourseNana.COM

Possible features include, but are certainly not limited to: CourseNana.COM

» A recommendation system for tracks based on user reviews and/or preferences etc. CourseNana.COM

  • »  Allowing users add tracks to favourites, creating playlists, sharing the playlist with friends adding a social component to the application.
  • »  You may want to have a look at similar music-focused websites for further inspiration
  • »  ... (we are highly interested in your own individual ideas!)

For A+ grade submissions, all requirements for B, C and A grade submissions must be met, and in addition, these requirements also have to be met: CourseNana.COM

Design report CourseNana.COM

  • Areportthatintroducesyourcoolnewfeature,andwhichdescribeskeydesign decisions with justification that you have made in developing your project. You should refer to any design principles and patterns applied and the benefits they provide in the context of your project
  • A report of 2-3 pages in length should be sufficient
  • There is a small gap between an A grade and an A+ grade, so if you meet the requirements for A, write the report to get an A+!

Projects must include a readme file, a requirements.txt file and a wsgi.py file CourseNana.COM

  • Submissions are due Fri, 16 September 2022 at 23:59 hrs
  • This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.
  • SubmissionbyFriday,16Sept23:59:nopenalty
  • SubmissionbySaturday17Sept23:59:20%penalty,yoursubmissionwillbe
  • SubmissionbyMonday19Sept23:59:60%penalty,yoursubmissionwillbemarked

out of 20 points. Your result will be multiplied by 8/20 for the final marks on Canvas. For example, if your submission is assessed giving 12.5 out of 20 points, and is submitted on Saturday, you will receive 5 marks for it. CourseNana.COM

  • SubmissionafterMonday:notpossible,0marksfortheassignment
    Note: You have to inform us of your delay before 16 September. It is not possible to

submit one version on 16 Sep and an updated version later, you have to decide on one CourseNana.COM

submission! CourseNana.COM

Start this assignment upon its release and work on it consistently You can’t expect to pass this assignment by starting it late CourseNana.COM

Put into practice Agile practices CourseNana.COM

  • –  Start with a C-grade submission and iteratively work towards the grade that you want, submit your progress frequently to GitHub
  • –  As practiced in Assignment 1, use test-driven development – it’s effective, really!


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