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COMP6080 Web Front End Programming 23T1 Assessment 4 - ReactJS: BigBrain

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COMP6080Web Front End ProgrammingReactJSJavascriptAustraliaUNSW

Assessment 4 - ReactJS: BigBrain . Background & Motivation . The Task (Frontend) . The Support (Backend) . Constraints & Assumptions . Teamwork . Marking Criteria . Originality of Work . Submission . Late Submission Policy CourseNana.COM

  1. Change Log 02/04/2023: General edit clause added to 2.2.2 02/04/2023: Comments about advancing added to 2.3.1 04/04/2023: Few helpful tips and elaborations based on questions students ask - see commit for more details. 11/04/2023: Clarified a lot of "game" "session" language that some students found confusing. Updated Typescript link.
  2. Before you start 1.1. Background & Motivation In March 2022 you and your friends pitched a startup idea to produce An innovative lightweight quiz platform for millenials that will revolutionise the secondary and tertiary education market for years. You pitched this solution in the form of a web-based application, and called this quiz application BigBrain. A week later you received a tentative $50,000 investment from an Angel Investor pending you producing a working MVP of the application. Shortly after you discussed the functionality and feature set with your friends, and wrote out a RESTful specification / interface together so that you can split up the front-end and back-end work between the group.backend frontend .gitignore A11Y.md BONUS.md README.md TESTING.md UIUX.md progress.csv 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 2/8You (and optionally another one of your friends) decided to work on building the front-end. You wrote a list of requirements and functionalities your frontend should adhere to (described in section 2). You also decided to complete this application in ReactJS, a declarative framework for building single page applications. This front-end will interact with a Restful API that your team members are producing, based on the pre-defined interface. Because your MVP is only going to be demonstrated once, your team considers it imperative that your front-end is thoroughly tested. To satisfy modern tastes and expectations you have also decided to ensure that the UI/UX and Accessibility standards are very high. This assignment is the process you building the front-end for that MVP to the standards described. This assignment is closely modelled off the popular game kahoot. If you're not familiar with the game, we would recommend spending the time to try it out so that you can get a feel for how this application may function. 1.2. Lectures to watch You will need to watch at least the following lectures before starting (it will help you get started): Javascript Ecosystem Node Package Manager ReactJS Introduction ReactJS Global CSS Usage ReactJS Lifecycle ReactJS useState hook ReactJS useEffect hook Working with multiple files Components & Props Linting You will need to watch at least the following lectures to finish the assessment completely: Routing & SPAs CSS Frameworks useContext hook Testing introduction Component testing UI Testing
  3. The Front-end (Work to do) Navigate to the frontend folder and run npm install to install all of the dependencies necessary to run the ReactJS app. Then run npm start to start the ReactJS app. A series of features below need to be implemented in your ReactJS app to operate in conjunction with the backend (section 3). 2.1. Feature 1. Admin Auth (12% for solo, 10% for pairs) 2.1.1. Login Screen A unique route must exist for this screen User must be able to enter their email and password. If the form submission fails, a reasonable error message is shown A button must exist to allow submission of form 2.1.2. Register Screen A unique route must exist for this screen User must be able to enter their email and password and name A button must exist to allow submission of form 2.1.3. Logout Button On all screens that require an authorised user, a logout button exists. This logout button, when clicked, returns you to the login screen. 2.2. Feature 2. Admin Creating & Editing a Game (24% for solo, 20% for pairs) 2.2.1. Dashboard A unique route must exist for this screen A dashboard of all games is displayed, where each game shows the title, number of questions, a thumbnail, and a total time to complete (sum of all individual question times) Each game listed should have a clickable element relating to it that takes you to the screen to edit that particular game 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 3/8A button exists on this screen that allows you to create a new game, provided a name for the game. Clicking it creates a new game on the server and adds another visible game to the dashboard. ** A button exists on this screen that allows you to delete a particular game. 2.2.2. Edit BigBrain Game A unique route must exist for this screen that is parameterised on the game ID This screen allows users to select the question they want to edit This screen allows users to delete a particular question, or add a new question This screen should also allow the editing of game meta data such as name and thumbnail 2.2.3. Edit BigBrain Game Question A unique route must exist for this screen that is parameterised both on the Game ID and the question ID Editable items on this page include: The question type (multiple choice, single choice) Single choice questions have multiple answers the player can guess, but only one is correct Multiple choice questions have multiple answers the player can guess, but multiple are correct and they must select all correct ones The question itself (as a string) Time limit that users have to answer the question Points for how much the question is worth The ability to optionally attach a URL to a youtube video, or upload a photo, to enhance the question being asked). Anywhere between 2 and 6 answers, that each contain the answer as a string 2.3. Feature 3. Admin Start, Stop, Results of game (12% for solo, 10% for pairs) 2.3.1. Starting a game On the dashboard page, add the ability to start a new session. When the game is started, a popup is displayed that shows the session ID of the game as a string This session ID should be able to be copied by some kind of "Copy Link" button/element. When this item is clicked, a direct URL is copied to the clipboard. When going to this URL, the users should be given play screen (described in 2.4) with the session code already pre-populated. 2.3.2. Stopping a game On the dashboard page, the ability to stop a started game. Stopping a game sends all active players to the results screen. A stopped session cannot be restarted. When the game is stopped, a popup appears that prompts the admin "Would you like to view the results?" If they click yes, they are taken to the screen described in 2.3.3 2.3.3. Advancing & getting the results of a game A unique route must exist for this screen that is parameterised on the session ID Once the screen loads, and the game hasn't finished, it should allow the admin to advance to the next question or stop the session. You can advance either in the middle of a question or once the question has finished. Once the screen loads, and the game has finished, it should display the following: Table of up to top 5 users and their score Bar/Line chart showing a breakdown of what percentage of people (Y axis) got certain questions (X axis) correct Some chart showing the average response/answer time for each question Any other interesting information you see fit 2.4. Feature 4. Player able to join and play game (12% for solo, 10% for pairs) 2.4.1. Play Join A unique route must exist for this screen A user is able to enter a session by either: Navigating to a pre-determined URL they know about, then entering a session ID that an admin provides; or Just following a URL that the admin provides that includes the session ID in it After they're there, they enter their own name to attempt to join the session. If succesful, they're taken to 2.4.2. 2.4.2. Play Game If the game has not yet started (i.e. have not advanced to the first question) a screen can exist that just says "Please wait". Once advanced onto at least the first question, the user is now on a screen that gives the current question being asked. This consists of: The question text A video or image depending on whether it exists. A countdown with how many seconds remain until you can't answer anymore. A selection of either single or multiple answers, that are clickable. 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 4/8The answer shall be sent to the server the moment the user starts making selections. If further selections are modified, more requests are sent When the timer hits 0, the answer/results of that particular question are displayed The answer screen remains visible until the admin advances the quiz question onto the next question. Note: Once the game begins (onto the first question or more) no other players can join. 2.4.3. Game Results After the final question is answered, a page is displayed showing the key results: The player's performance in each question 2.5. Advanced Features (0% for solo, 10% for pairs) 2.5.1. Game Upload For 2.2.1, when a new game is created, the user can optionally upload a .csv or .json (you choose) file containing the full data for a game. The data structure is validated on the frontend before being passed to the backend normally. You should provide a copy of an example data file in your project repo () If you implement this feature, you must attach an example .csv or .json into your repo in the project folder. This file must have name 2.5.json or 2.5.csv. This is so we can actually test that it works while marking. 2.5.2. Lobby If a quiz is active, but has yet to move into position 0 (i.e. is still in position -1), then a player lives in a state of limbo. Construct a "lobby" screen that is pleasant and entertaining for users while they await for the quiz to begin. 2.5.3. Past quiz results Allow admins to access a page whereby they can see a list of previous sessions for a quiz, and then view results for those previous sessions as well. 2.5.4. Points system Devise a more advanced points system whereby a player's score is the product of the time taken to complete a question (i.e. speed) and the number of points a question is worth. This points system should be explained (in writing) on the results screen for both admins and players. 2.6. Linting Linting must be run from inside the frontend folder by running npm run lint. If you would like to disable linting checks during hot reload (and just use the check on command line), then in frontend/package.json replace react-scripts start with ESLINT_NO_DEV_ERRORS='true'; react-scripts start . Note: This does not work on windows machines. 2.7. Testing As part of this assignment you are required to write some tests for your components (component testing), and for your application as a whole (ui testing). For component testing, you must: Write tests for different components (3 if solo, 6 if working in a pair) For each of the components, they mustn't have more than 50% similarity (e.g. you can't test a "Card" component and a "BigCard" component, that are virtually the same) Ensure your tests have excellent coverage (look at all different use cases and edge cases) Ensure your tests have excellent clarity (well commented and code isn't overly complex) Ensure your tests are designed well (logical ordering of tests, avoid any tests that aren't necessary or don't add any meaningful value) (We encourage you to only use shallow component rendering) For ui testing, you must: Write a test for the "happy path" of an admin that is described as: . Registers successfully . Creates a new game successfully . (Not required) Updates the thumbnail and name of the game successfully (yes, it will have no questions) . Starts a game successfully . Ends a game successfully (yes, no one will have played it) . Loads the results page successfully . Logs out of the application successfully . Logs back into the application successfully 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 5/8(If working in a pair) also required to write a test for another path through the program, describing the steps and the rationale behind this choice in TESTING.md Tests must be run from inside the frontend folder by running npm run test. You can welcome to use enzyme for testing if you prefer - as long as everything works by running npm run test. If you're having issues using Cypress on WSL2, try following this guide. A common question we get about component testing is 'what components do I test? I just only used a framework set of components'. The most common way students test components is by often creating a small abstract component where you put your own custom styles or properties. E.G. Creating a MyButton that wraps a MUI Button. 2.8. Other notes The port you can use to fetch data from the backend is defined in frontend/src/config.json The data structure of a "question" is open ended for YOU to define how it's structured - it's not defined explicitly in the backend. Because of this, the backend has 3 wrapper functions defined in backend/src/custom.js that it uses to extract meaning from your custom data structure. You will have to implement these as you build out your frontendb>. For users of typescript, follow this guide 3.1. The Frontend Navigate to the frontend folder and run npm install to install all of the dependencies necessary to run the ReactJS app. Then run npm start to start the ReactJS app. Please note that some properties that the backend takes in are defined as blank objects. These are objects that can be defined by you, as the backend will simply store your object on some routes and then return it to you on other routes (i.e. the backend doesn't need to understand the schema of some objects you pass it). An example of this object is all of the data associated with a quiz. This approach we've taken is actually designed to make the assignment easier, as it gives you control without having to worry about backend architecture. Don't forget to check out our helpful resources about ReactJS. 3.2. The Backend (provided) You are prohibited from modifying the backend. No work needs to be done on the backend. It's provided to you simply to power your frontend. The backend server exists in your individual repository. After you clone this repo, you must run npm install in backend directory once. To run the backend server, simply run npm start in the backend directory. This will start the backend. To view the API interface for the backend you can navigate to the base URL of the backend (e.g. http://localhost:5005 ). This will list all of the HTTP routes that you can interact with. Your backend is persistent in terms of data storage. That means the data will remain even after your express server process stops running. If you want to reset the data in the backend to the original starting state, you can run npm run reset in the backend directory. If you want to make a copy of the backend data (e.g. for a backup) then simply copy database.json. If you want to start with an empty database, you can run npm run clear in the backend directory. Once the backend has started, you can view the API documentation by navigating to http://localhost:[port] in a web browser. The port that the backend runs on (and that the frontend can use) is specified in frontend/src/config.js . You can change the port in this file. This file exists so that your frontend knows what port to use when talking to the backend. Please note: You CAN modify the backend for bonus marks. But you cannot modify the backend to make the core requirements of the assignment easier (e.g. by adding routes to make the other feature building easier).
  4. Constraints & Assumptions 4.1. Languages You must implement this assignment in ReactJS. You cannot use other declarative frameworks, such as AngularJS, or VueJS. You must use ReactJS solutions wherever possible, and avoid doing any direct DOM manipulation unless completely unavoidable (check with course staff). You can use any CSS libraries that you would like, such as bootstrap or material-ui. You are able to use and install any library that is available to install via npm install. 4.2. Browser Compatibility You should ensure that your programs have been tested on one of the following two browsers: Locally, Google Chrome (various operating systems) - make sure is latest version. 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 6/8On CSE machines. 4.3. Using code found online You may use small amounts (< 10 lines) of general purpose code (not specific to the assignment) obtained from a site such as Stack Overflow or other publically available resources. You should attribute clearly the source of this code in a comment with it. You can not otherwise use code written by another person. 4.4. Other Requriements The specification is intentionally vague to allow you to build frontend components however you think are visually appropriate. Their size, positioning, colour, layout, is in virtually all cases completely up to you. We require some basic criteria, but it's mainly dictating elements and behaviour. Besides those described to avoid, you may use any other packages available on npm. The use of universal CSS is banned - you must use either CSS libraries (e.g. material-ui) or styled components.
  5. Teamwork This assignment may be completed in a team of two (pair). However, you are also welcome to complete it on your own, if you choose. The groups were organised and coordinated by the course coordinator separately. If you formed a pair, you will be unable to leave your pair unless under extreme circumstances. You will be assessed together for the assignment. If your contributions to the assignment are not approximately equal, then the teaching staff may make discretionary calls based on your gitlab history to award different marks to each student. Please note: Your contributions will be measured based on the lines and commits contributed via gitlab. Please commit via your own machine or account. If you're in a pair, your contributions will not be considered yours if it is your partner who pushes the code to gitlab. Please note: When special consideration is granted for one individual in a pair, it will only either 1) extend the deadline for the person who gets special consideration (it does not extend for the other individual); or 2) Result in a scale of the mark. To determine which outcome is appropriate, the person who receives special consideration is required to email the lecturer to notify them of how the work is split up prior to deadline.
  6. Marking Criteria Your assignment will be hand-marked by tutor(s) in the course according to the criteria below. Criteria WeightingDescription Functionality of the Feature Set + Mobile Responsiveness60% Features implemented that satisfy requirements as outlined in 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 (for pairs). Features implemented in a mobile responsive way that work on screens as small as 400px wide, 700px high Responsive design will contribute up to one quarter of the marks of this section You MUST update the progress.csv file in the root folder of this repository as you complete things partially or fully. The valid values are "NO", "PARTIAL", and "YES". Updating this is necessary so that your tutor knows what to focus on and what to avoid - giving them the best understanding of your work and provide you with marks you have earned. Linted Code5% Submitted code is completely eslint compliant based on provided eslint configuration file. Code Style10% Your code is clean, well commented, with well-named variables, and well laid out. Code follows common ReactJS patterns that have been discussed in lectures Testing 15% Two thirds (10%) of the marks received from complying with requirements in section 2.7 in relation to component testing One third (5%) of the marks received from complying with requirements in section 2.7 in relation to ui testing Describe your approach to testing in TESTING.md 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 7/8UI/UX 5% Your application is usable and easy to navigate. No obvious usability issues or confusing layouts/flows. Your application makes intelligent use of UI/UX principles and patterns discussed in the UI/UX lectures. Describe any attempts you've made to improve the UI/UX in UIUX.md Accessibility5% Your application follows standard accessibility lessons covered in lectures. Describe any attempts you've made to improve the Accessibility in A11Y.md (Bonus Marks) Extra Features5% Implementation of extra features that are not included in the spec. Extra features should be non-trivial, have a clear justification for existing, and show either a form of technical, product, or creative flare. Any extra features written down in BONUS.md in the project folder Any bonus marks that extend your ass3 mark above 100% will bleed into other assignment marks, but cannot contribute outside of the 80% of the course that is allocated for assignment marks Expectations placed on solo groups will be half of that of pairs to achieve the same mark. If you are working individually and complete Advanced Features (section 2.5) in it's entirety (and high quality) you can receive full marks for bonus marks. Note: If you choose to complete your assignment (Frontend) fully in typescript, such that everything is type compliant to the provided tsconfig definition, then this will count as full marks for bonus marks.
  7. Originality of Work The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions. Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct. Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person — apart from the teaching staff of COMP6080. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, you may be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you. Every time you make commits or pushes on this repository, you are acknowledging that the work you submit is your own work (as described above). Note you will not be penalized if your work has the potential to be taken without your consent or knowledge. PLEASE NOTE: To ensure the originality of your work, we are requiring that you regularly commit your work to git throughout the weeks this assignment has been released. Regular and small commits (essentially at least once a day that you work on the assignment) are critical. Failures to commit regularly (or at minimum, failures to commit in small chunks) may result in allegations of plagiarism.
  8. Submission This assignment is due Wednesday the 19th of April, 10pm. To submit your assignment, you must you've pushed all of your code to your gitlab master branch. You can check if you've done this properly by seeing what code is on the gitlab site on your master branch. We will collect the latest work on your master branch of gitlab at the time of submission. It is your responsibiltiy to ensure that your code can run successfully when cloned fresh from Gitlab. Dryrun You can run a dryrun to sanity check your code runs basically by: . Pushing your code to master on gitlab . On a CSE terminal (vlab or lab machine), run 6080 ass4dryrun GROUP_NAME where GROUP_NAME is the name of your group 4/21/23, 1 1:57 AM COMP6080 / 23T1 / Groups / ASS4LIENITIS / bigbrain · GitLab https://gitlab.cse.unsw .edu.au/COMP6080/23T1/groups/ASS4LIENITIS/bigbrain 8/89. Late Submission Policy No late submission are accepted.

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