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COMP603 Program Design & Construction Software Development Project

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CJLUCOMP603Program Design & ConstructionJavaAUT

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COMP603 Program Design & Construction Software Development Project CourseNana.COM

CJLU 2023 C11 CourseNana.COM

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................2 Important Dates......................................................................................................................................................2 General Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................2 Project Code Submission ......................................................................................................................................3 Important Notes .....................................................................................................................................................4 ChatGPT .................................................................................................................................................................4 Marking Guideline PDC Project........................................................................................................................5 CourseNana.COM

Introduction CourseNana.COM

This semester you will design and develop a software product. You can work individually or in a group of 4 students (max). We strongly recommend you work on the project in a group. A team of more than one student is expected to do correspondingly larger projects. For a team project, every team member will have a significant contribution in terms of coding. You may want to select a project from the list below or come up with your own. CourseNana.COM

  • You need to develop unit tests (using Junit Framework) to test some important functionalities of the program. CourseNana.COM

  • The program should be easy to build and run without any configuration. DB should be set up automatically without any manual configurations. CourseNana.COM

  • You need to have an open mind about the functionality of your software project and try your best to make your program robust, interesting, and easy to use. CourseNana.COM

  • You will be expected to develop your own Java code for the projects. You may use the Java standard library and other external libraries. CourseNana.COM

  • You are encouraged to learn more beyond the lectures and apply what you have learnt to the projects. However, the project requirements stated in this document should be satisfied. CourseNana.COM

  • IF you work in a group, the team also needs to include a one-page contribution for the project. If any team member gives very few/no contributions in terms of coding, the student will be given a penalty or even fail the project. CourseNana.COM

  • Please refer to the Marking Guideline for more details. CourseNana.COM

    Project Code Submission CourseNana.COM

o The project folder with all the source codes and related files, e.g., image files, text files, unit tests, etc. CourseNana.COM

o A very short (less than one page) report, including: CourseNana.COM

  • the project setup (e.g., user name and password) CourseNana.COM

  • GitHub URL (if there is one), and CourseNana.COM

  • the contribution of each team member if this is group work (this item is not required if you work individually). If any team member gives less than 40% contribution/no contribution in terms of coding, the student will be given a penalty or even fail the course. CourseNana.COM

o A short video (less than 5 minutes), including CourseNana.COM

  • Video recording using MS Teams. Start a meeting, share the screen and record CourseNana.COM

    it. CourseNana.COM

  • Project demonstration, showing all the features by running your project CourseNana.COM

  • Code explanation, explaining class structures, methods and processes. CourseNana.COM

o You need to include the database folder, which contains all the database files in the compressed ZIP file. You can set the DB directory inside your project folder. CourseNana.COM

o You need to include .git (hidden folder), having all the historical commits and branches. CourseNana.COM

Submission Guideline CourseNana.COM

o Find your group ID from Canvas. CourseNana.COM

o When you submit your project, please compress the whole project as a .zip (not .rar, .7z or any other type), and rename the zipped file with your group ID and CourseNana.COM

the student ID of members. CourseNana.COM

o For example, if the group ID is 9, and the student ID is 1234567, then the name of the submitted file should be P09_1234567.zip. If you have a partner in your group whose student ID is 7654321, then the name should be P09_1234567_7654321.zip. CourseNana.COM

o Please submit a complete NetBeans project (Ant or Maven). Any improper submission (e.g., non-NetBeans project, several Java files or compiled classes, lack of essential files, improper name of the submitted file) will affect the assessment of your project. CourseNana.COM

Important Notes CourseNana.COM

  • To pass the course, the student needs to obtain at least 50% overall. CourseNana.COM

  • Plagiarism and self-plagiarism will result in zero marks in the assignment and be reported to the faculty. We detect Plagiarism by using commercial software https://codequiry.com/. Plagiarism means: CourseNana.COM

o Download open-source projects from online source, e.g., GitHub, and modify the codes o Re-use past students’ assignments with modifications
o Re-use the assignment of other papers, e.g., ADA, DSA, etc.
o Purchase assignments from any sources CourseNana.COM

However, you can: CourseNana.COM

o Re-use the sample codes and lab solutions given to you.
o Download a utility class/algorithm for your project.
o Download any existing models (e.g., machine learning model, language model) CourseNana.COM

  • Late submission penalty will be applied (5% penalty per day up to a maximum of 5 days. Late assessments after 5 days will not be accepted). CourseNana.COM

  • You have the responsibility to keep and back up different versions of your programs. You may also consider using cloud tools, e.g., one drive, drop box, Google drive, for backup. Losing of data (code) will not be considered as a valid reason for special consideration. CourseNana.COM

    ChatGPT CourseNana.COM

    ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a type of language model that is designed to process and generate natural language text. It is based on a deep learning algorithm called a transformer, which uses a neural network to process sequences of text. In this assignment: CourseNana.COM

  • You can use ChatGPT to assist you with programming CourseNana.COM

  • You can use ChatGPT to learn to program CourseNana.COM

  • You can use ChatGPT to debug your program CourseNana.COM

  • You can use ChatGPT to generate PART of the program CourseNana.COM

  • When utilising ChatGPT to generate a method or class, please include a reference or comment in the code that indicates that the code was generated using ChatGPT. It is important to note that any classes or methods that are generated by ChatGPT should not be considered as part of the classes that you have developed. CourseNana.COM

  • However, using ChatGPT to generate an entire program even with minor modifications is considered plagiarism. If we suspect that a project is fully generated, we will request the team to present the project and ask questions about the code. CourseNana.COM


Marking Guideline PDC Project CourseNana.COM

Requirement CourseNana.COM

Max mark CourseNana.COM

User Interface (GUI) CourseNana.COM

  • Clear and well-designed graphical user interface following common standards CourseNana.COM

  • The interface is easy for users to interact with CourseNana.COM

Database CourseNana.COM

  • The program contains a database element CourseNana.COM

  • Can achieve database interactions (input and output) and operations in the program CourseNana.COM

  • Database interactions and operations (input and output) using JDBC or Hibernate are CourseNana.COM

    part of the code. CourseNana.COM

  • JDBC or Hibernate must contribute to the functionalities of the project. CourseNana.COM

Software Functionality and Usability CourseNana.COM

  • The program is easy to compile and run without any manual configurations CourseNana.COM

    (e.g., setup DB, import .jar, etc.) CourseNana.COM

  • The users interact with the program without any errors (e.g., the program can handle CourseNana.COM

    invalid data input by giving clear error messages and instructions) CourseNana.COM

  • The complexity of the functionality CourseNana.COM

Software Design & Implementation CourseNana.COM

Unit Testing CourseNana.COM

Contribution CourseNana.COM

N/A No Marks CourseNana.COM

Others CourseNana.COM

-0% to -100% CourseNana.COM

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