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COMP3567 Game Development and Multimedia Technologies 2022-23 Summative Coursework: CS Open Day Challenges

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COMP3567Game Development and Multimedia TechnologiesCS Open Day ChallengesPythonUKDurham University

Game Development and Multimedia Technologies 2022-23 Summative Coursework

Theme: This coursework requires you to develop a game under the theme of “CS Open Day Challenges”. Your game aims to offer potential CS candidates a fun way to understand an aspect of CS, such as places in MCS Building, curriculum structure, module choices and career plan, etc. There is no restriction for what aspect you can work on as long as the topics are suitable for the theme and can help you demonstrate your learning outcomes. CourseNana.COM

Scope: Specifically, you should identify the game title and game genre under the above theme and develop a game story accordingly. Based on this, you can choose either pyGame or Unity as the game engine for implementation. You are reminded that this coursework requires you to demonstrate your learning outcomes in mastering both game development and multimedia technologies, rather than simply applying game engine functionalities and existing resources to build a game. The marking criteria and game specification form will inform you what learning outcomes you are expected to demonstrate. CourseNana.COM

Marking Criteria: The coursework contributes 100% of the module assessment. The marking criteria are as follows: CourseNana.COM

  • Complete game specification form and submit a 1-minute video demonstration (8%)
  • Game title, game genre and story (5%)
  • Core development and implementation (15%)
  • Game mechanics with machinations diagrams (30%)
  • Good use of game engine (12%)
  • Good use of multimedia technologies (30%)

The levels of achievement of each marking criteria are determined as follows. This is developed based on the marking and classification conventions published in pp.15-16 of the university core regulations. CourseNana.COM

*Note: Your work must be done by yourself and comply with the university rules about plagiarism and collusion Game specification form: It provides a clear guidance, helping you develop your game and formulate game implementation details. In the form, all aspects under each marking criteria are equally weighed. This helps you plan what and how much effort you should put in completing each of the marking criteria. You are required to fill in and return the form, providing brief descriptions of how your game meets the criteria. CourseNana.COM

No mark will be given to your coursework if you do not fill in the form. You may refer to lecture slides for the definition of the terms used in the form and the methods for implementing your game to meet each of the criteria. CourseNana.COM

Submission: The submission date is 2nd February 2022 (2pm). Your submission should include the game specification form, your implementation with all source code and resource files (or the full Unity package of your game if you use Unity), a readme file showing instructions of how to run your game and what external resources you have adopted, and a 1-minute video showcasing representative features of your game. You should compress all files into a single zip file and upload it to Blackboard Ultra for submission. CourseNana.COM

You are reminded to provide sufficient source code and resource files in your submission, such that I can recompile your game implementation in my machine. Failure to do this may be subject to a mark of zero awarded. CourseNana.COM


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