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COMP3491 Codes and Cryptography - Coursework 2: Feistel cipher

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UKDurham UniversityCOMP3491Codes and CryptographyPythonFeistel cipher

COMP3491 Codes and Cryptography 2022-23 Summative

In this coursework you will explore what makes a good (or bad) Feistel function in a Feistel cipher. Alice and Bob wish to communicate secretly. They decide to use a Feistel cipher in which the function f is bitwise AND (for example, f (10110, 00111) = 00110). So, given a 2t-bit plaintext (L0 , R0 ) and an rt-bit key (K0 , . . . , Kr ), their cipher performs r rounds as follows: Li = Ri−1 , Ri = Li−1 ⊕ f (Ri−1 , Ki ), The output cipertext is then (Lr , Rr ). CourseNana.COM

1 Implementing the Cipher

Implement the encryption and decryption functions for the Feistel cipher described above. Specifically, you should provide: CourseNana.COM

  • A function feistel(plaintext, key, rounds) which, given a plaintext of any even length 2t ≥ 2, a key of the correct corresponding length, and an integer rounds ≥ 3, returns the correct ciphertext. [5 marks]
  • A function defeistel(ciphertext, key, rounds) which, given a ciphertext of any even length 2t ≥ 2, a key of the correct corresponding length, and an integer rounds ≥ 3, returns the correct plaintext. [5 marks]

Your input and output (for these functions and all others in the coursework) should be in Python’s bytes datatype, but within your functions you may use a package to facilitate easier operations on bit-strings. One such package is bitarray (https://pypi.org/project/bitarray/), but you may use others if you wish. CourseNana.COM

2 Cracking a 3-Round Cipher

Alice and Bob first use 3 rounds for their Feistel cipher. You aim to attack their cipher. CourseNana.COM

  • Design a function crack3round(plaintext, ciphertext) which, given a plaintext-ciphertext pair (of any even length 2t), returns a key such that encoding the plaintext using key would give the ciphertext (i.e. feistel(plaintext,key,3) = ciphertext). [20 marks]

You should aim to make your function (and also those for parts 3 and 4) efficient enough to run on large inputs (e.g. with t = 10, 000). CourseNana.COM

3 Cracking a 4-Round Cipher

To improve security, Alice and Bob switch to a 4-round cipher. CourseNana.COM

  • Again, design a function crack4round(plaintext, ciphertext) which, given a plaintext-ciphertext pair, returns a key such that encoding the plaintext using key gives the ciphertext (i.e. feistel(plaintext,key,4) = ciphertext). [15 marks]

4 Cracking an r-Round Cipher

Finally, Alice and Bob extend their scheme so that they can use an r-round Feistel cipher for any r ≥ 3. CourseNana.COM

  • Design a function crackrround(plaintext, ciphertext, rounds) which, given a plaintext-ciphertext pair and a number of rounds, returns a key such that encoding the plaintext under an r-round Feistel cipher using key gives the ciphertext, (i.e. feistel(plaintext,key,rounds) = ciphertext). [10 marks]

5 Cryptographic Hash Function

Alice and Bob now attempt to use their cipher to construct a hash function using the Davies-Meyer construction and Merkle-Damg˚ ard transform. Specifically, they use their 4-round Feistel cipher (still with bitwise AND as the Feistel function) on 64-bit plaintexts to construct the hash function H : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}64 . As an initialisation vector (IV) they use the all-1s vector. CourseNana.COM

  • Implement this hash function as a function cipherhash(hashinput). [15 marks] (You may notice potentially unexpected behavior from this hash function, even if implemented correctly.)

6 Report

  • Write a short report (no longer than 3 pages, 11pt font, margin at least 2cm) describing the design choices made in your functions from parts 2-4 and justifying their correctness. Marks will be awarded for originality, clarity, and soundness. [20 marks]
  • Your report should also answer the following question: Is the bitwise AND function a good choice of Feistel function? Discuss, and give at least one positive property and one negative property. [10 marks]

Submission Checklist

Code file (.py) containing CourseNana.COM

  • feistel(plaintext, key, rounds) function
  • defeistel(ciphertext, key, rounds) function
  • crack3round(plaintext, ciphertext) function
  • crack4round(plaintext, ciphertext) function
  • crackrround(plaintext, ciphertext, rounds) function
  • cipherhash(hashinput) function Report file (.pdf) containing
  • Justification of design choices and correctness for your functions for parts 2-4
  • Answer to the question “Is the bitwise AND function a good choice of Feistel function?”


Submission will be to Gradescope. You will be able to use automatic tests to check your code’s correctness before final submission. CourseNana.COM

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