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COMP2401 Introduction to Systems Programming - Assignment #4: Graph Maker

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CarletonCOMP2401Introduction to Systems ProgrammingGraph MakerC

COMP2401 - Assignment #4 CourseNana.COM

(Due: Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 @ 11pm)
In this assignment, you will gain additional practice using structs, pointers and dynamic memory CourseNana.COM

allocation while creating a graph that makes use of Linked-Lists. CourseNana.COM

In the world of robotics, it is ALWAYS a good idea to program a robot to move around in its environment without hitting things. If a map of the environment is given, a robot can plan paths around the obstacles. There are many ways to perform path planning and some of the solutions involve creating a graph that can be traversed. In this assignment, we will create a random graph with vertices connected to their k-nearest neighbours, for some value of k. We will run our code on five fixed environments that are composed of rectangular obstacles. These environments will be given to you. The bottom left of the environments is always coordinate (0, 0). CourseNana.COM

To begin the assignment, you should download the following files: CourseNana.COM

  • display.c and display.h code for displaying the environment and graph. CourseNana.COM

  • obstacle.h structures required for this assignment. CourseNana.COM

  • graphMaker.c your code will be mostly written here (but there is no main function). CourseNana.COM

  • graphTester.c this is the test program that you will run. CourseNana.COM

    You MUST not alter the display.c, display.h nor obstacle.h files. You are also NOT allowed to alter the structs defined in the obstacle.h file, NOR are you allowed to create any additional structs on this assignment. You MUST NOT CREATE ANY STATIC ARRAYS on this assignment. CourseNana.COM

(1) You MUST first create a proper makefile that defines the proper dependencies, compiles the files and creates an executable called graphTester. You will need to include the -lX11 library (that’s “minus L X eleven”) when creating the executable file. The make clean command should also work properly. The program must be run by supplying 3 command-line parameters as follows: CourseNana.COM

     ./graphTester <V> <K> <E>

Here, <V> is a number from 20 to 2000 (inclusively) which represents the number of vertices to add to the graph. <K> is a number between 1 and 25 (inclusively) that indicates the number of nearest-neighbours that each vertex will attempt to be connected to in the graph. <E> is a number from 1 to 5 (inclusively) representing the environment number to use. If your make file works properly, you should be able to run the program by supplying any numbers at this time, as long as they are within the proper range. The program should display the environment that you chose in a graphical window ... and then wait for you to close the window. CourseNana.COM

*** ALERT *** You must write your code in a modular/logical way by making helper CourseNana.COM

functions/procedures for various parts of the code so that your createGraph() procedure (see parts 2 CourseNana.COM

to 4) is not more than 50 lines long including comments and blank lines. CourseNana.COM

(2) Your task will be to write all your code in the graphMaker.c file. Currently, there are just two blank procedures there and there is also a helper function called linesIntersect() that you will use. Your first task will be to write code in the createGraph() procedure so that it creates the vertices of the graph. CourseNana.COM

Look at the Environment typedef in the obstacles.h file. It contains a numVertices attribute which has been set from the command line and indicates how many vertices you need to create. The vertices attribute will point to a dynamically-allocated array of vertex pointers. You will need to allocate the array and set that vertices attribute to point to it. Then you need to create the numVertices vertices by allocating each vertex dynamically as well. CourseNana.COM

Look at the Vertex typedef in the obstacles.h file. Each vertex has an x and y coordinate as well as a pointer to a list of neighbours. CourseNana.COM

For each vertex, you must choose a random x value within the range of 0 to maximumX and a y value between 0 and maximumY. These maximums are attributes of the Environment structure. You must also ensure that the chosen (x, y) values are not inside (nor on the boundary of) any of the environment’s obstacles. Notice that the environment has an obstacles array attribute. If you look at the graphTester.c file, you will notice that this array has already been created for you according to the environment selected via command-line arguments. Each Obstacle is assumed to be a rectangle with its top-left corner being an (x, y) point and having width w and height h. CourseNana.COM

The diagram here shows how to tell whether or not a point (x, y) is inside the rectangle defined with (a, b) being the top-left corner. CourseNana.COM

Once you have this completed, run your program as follows: ./graphTester 20 1 1 You should see something similar to what is shown here, except that your vertices will be in different locations. You should be able to count 20 red circles every time and no circle centers should be inside of a blue obstacle. It is possible, however, that a portion of the circle will be inside of an obstacle, but the very center pixel of the circle should NEVER be inside of an obstacle. Run again using ./graphTester 2000 1 1 and ensure that no circle centers are inside any obstacles. You may have to click on the window and move it a bit to ensure that the window displays all the vertices. CourseNana.COM

typedef struct {
unsigned short k;
unsigned short maximumX; unsigned short maximumY; Obstacle *obstacles; unsigned short numObstacles; Vertex **vertices; unsigned short numVertices; CourseNana.COM

} Environment;

typedef struct vert {
short x;
short y;
struct neigh *neighbours; CourseNana.COM

} Vertex; CourseNana.COM

typedef struct obst { short x;
short y;
short w; CourseNana.COM

short h; } Obstacle; CourseNana.COM

(3) Now it is time to create the graph edges. There will be no array to store the edges. Instead, each vertex will store a linked-list of the vertices that it is connected to (i.e., that vertices neighbours). Each vertex has an attribute called neighbours that should point to the head of a singly-linked-list of Neighbour types. The Neighbour type keeps a pointer to the vertex it represents as well as a pointer to the next neighbour in the list. CourseNana.COM

For each vertex v, you will go through all other vertices and find the k-closest vertices to v. The k value is chosen from the command-line-arguments and has been stored in the Environment struct. Consider vertex v in the graph below on the right. On the left, it shows the Vertex struct that represents it. The neighbours attribute points to the head of the linked-list that stores the k- nearest neighbours of v, where k = 4. Although the order of the neighbours does not matter, it is shown such that the closest one to v (i.e., the blue one) is the head of the list. CourseNana.COM

typedef struct neigh { Vertex *vertex; struct neigh *next; CourseNana.COM

} Neighbour; CourseNana.COM

When checking for the nearest neighbours you will need to compute the distance between two vertices. You need not compute the exact distance because we don’t need that value. We just need to find the closest neighbours. So, it is enough to compute the square of the distance between the points. This is faster since we do not have to compute the square root operation. The square of the distance between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is (x2-x1)(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)( y2-y1). You can use whatever algorithm you want to determine the k-nearest neighbours, but simplest is best. CourseNana.COM

Once you have this completed, run your program as follows: ./graphTester 30 3 1 You should see something similar to what is shown here, except that your vertices will be in different locations. You may have to move the window once to make sure that all the vertices are CourseNana.COM

displayed. Each vertex should have at least 3 edges connected to it. Some vertices have more than three edges connected to them. That is because in addition to that vertex’s 3-nearest neighbours, other vertices have that vertex as their neighbour, so they connect to it as well. CourseNana.COM

Run your program again as follows: ./graphTester 100 25 1 You should see something similar towhat is shown below. Each vertex will have exactly 25 nodes in its neighbours list. CourseNana.COM

(4) Now we need to make sure that we DO NOT add any edges to the graph that cross obstacles. In your code, before you decide to add a neighbour to a vertex, you will need to first make sure that the edge that would join them does not cross any obstacles. If it does, then you will not add the neighbour. That means, it is possible that a vertex will end up with zero neighbours. If, for example, we find the 25-nearest neighbours for a vertex v and 18 of those neighbours would CourseNana.COM

result in an edge that would cross an obstacle, then we only add the 7 neighbours to v that do not intersect anything, resulting in v having a neighbours list with only 7 nodes in it. CourseNana.COM

To do this, you should make use of the linesIntersect() function provided. Before adding neighbouring-vertex w to vertex v’s neighbours list, you will need to ensure that the line segment from v to w does not intersect any of sides of any rectangular obstacle in the environment’s obstacles list. CourseNana.COM

Once you get your code written, run your program again as before: ./graphTester 100 25 1 You should see something “similar to” what is shown below. None of the edges should intersect any blue obstacle. Run it many times. CourseNana.COM

Try out a some of the other environments. Here are environments 2 & 3 with 2000 vertices and k=25: CourseNana.COM


Here are environments 4 & 5 with 2000 vertices and k=25: CourseNana.COM

(5) Finally, write code in the cleanupEverything() procedure so that your program has no memory leaks nor errors. Use valgrind leak-check=yes ./graphTester 2000 25 1 to do this ... although you should try various combinations of grid sizes and environments as well. CourseNana.COM

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