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[2022] COMP 3430 Operating Systems - Assignment3 Simulating Scheduling

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COMP 3430Operating SystemsUniversity of ManitobaSimulating SchedulingCMLFQ

Simulating Scheduling

In this question, you’ll be writing a simulator that: CourseNana.COM

  • Implements the MLFQ scheduling policy.
  • Simulates the behaviour of scheduling on a multi CPU system using threads (where each “CPU” is one thread)

Your simulator will implement a Multi-level feedback queue (preemptive, priority-based) with tasks that enter the system at start time, and while the simulator is running. CourseNana.COM


While the overall design of your program is up to you, a recommended architecture that generally makes sense to use here looks like: CourseNana.COM


Before the simulator starts, you will load the workload (your set of tasks) into the scheduler, and initialize all of your “CPU” threads. The “CPU” threads should wait after they have been initialized until the dispatcher notifies them that tasks are available. A “reading” thread will sleep, “waiting” for the next batch of processes to enter the system. CourseNana.COM

When the simulator starts, your scheduling policy will decide which task should be executed next given the complete set of tasks that are waiting to run. CourseNana.COM

The dispatcher will notify all waiting “CPU” threads that a new task is available to be executed. One of the “CPU” threads will take the task and “run” it. CourseNana.COM

The “CPU” threads will each run one task at a time. Running a task here means doing two things: Deciding if/when the task will make a system call (i.e., request I/O) and sleeping until either the task is done, the time slice is complete, or the time until the task makes a system call elapses. CourseNana.COM


Once sleeping is done, your “CPU” should update the appropriate accounting values for the task before placing the task back into the queue or into the done area. CourseNana.COM

If a task still has time left to complete, it will be sent back to the scheduling policy to be rescheduled. Note that when the task is rescheduled, it may or may not be “run” on the same CPU again (we’re not implementing processor affinity). CourseNana.COM

If a task does not have any time left to complete after running on the CPU, the CPU will put the task into the “Done” area. CourseNana.COM

When there are no tasks left to be scheduled (NOTE: this is not the same as just no tasks in the scheduler, this is the condition that there are no tasks in the scheduler and the “reading” thread has finished reading all tasks from the file), the simulator shuts down and produces a report. CourseNana.COM

When the “reading” thread wakes, it resumes reading the processes file, adding tasks to the system until the file end, or another delay is found. CourseNana.COM

If you implement your scheduler using this architecture, your implementation will require several locks, minimally where the “reader” thread adds tasks to the ready queue, where the CPUs get a task from the dispatcher, where the CPUs return the task to the running queue, and where the CPUs write tasks into the “Done” area. The level of granularity that you choose to implement in terms of locking the queue here is your decision. CourseNana.COM

You’re also going to need to use condition variables to tell CPUs that are not currently working on a task that a new task is available. CourseNana.COM


Some tasks are initially loaded from a file and are put in the scheduler’s ready queue before the start of the simulation (all the tasks that appear before the first DELAY line). CourseNana.COM

The file of tasks has a space-delimited format: CourseNana.COM

task_name task_type task_length odds_of_IO

There are 4 types of tasks to run, which are indicated by an id: CourseNana.COM

  • id 0 - Short tasks
  • id 1 - Medium tasks
  • id 2 - Long tasks
  • id 3 - I/O tasks

Note: I/O tasks are effectively the same as “Long tasks”, where the only difference is that I/O tasks have a higher chance of doing an I/O operation (see taskmaker.py to get an idea of how the tasks are created). CourseNana.COM

Here’s an example of a single line that’s generated by taskmaker.py, which represents the properties for one task: CourseNana.COM

io_task_1 3 100 50

This line can be decoded into a task in your system as: CourseNana.COM

  • task_name: “io_task_1”
  • task_type: 3, io task
  • task_length: 100 microseconds left to complete
  • odds_of_IO: 50%

You can find a file of tasks here. Note that your program will be evaluated on a different tasks.txt than what is provided here, so you should be sure to generate at least one other workload using taskmaker.py and verify that your program does not crash on different input. Include this extra workload in your submission and note in the README the name of this file. The graders may use the file that you submit. CourseNana.COM


The odds of a task yielding the processor for I/O is a percentage out of 100. CourseNana.COM

The strategy that you can use to determine whether or not a task makes a system call (does I/O) is using random numbers. When a task starts on a CPU, generate a random number between 0 and 100. If the number you generate is less than or equal to the “odds_of_IO” for a task, then the task will do I/O. If the number you generate is greater than the “odds_of_IO” for a task, then the task will not do I/O. CourseNana.COM

  • If a task does do I/O, then you should generate another random number based on how much time the task could possibly execute for. The random number that you should generate should be between 0 and the length of a time slice.
  • If a task does not do I/O, then it should just run for it’s complete time slice.

I/O in this system is satisfied instantly. That means that if a task does I/O, it should be placed back into the scheduler and it should be eligible to be scheduled, possibly immediately. CourseNana.COM


There are special lines in input file that slow the input of the tasks, so not all the tasks are put in the ready queue at moment 0. CourseNana.COM

The format is DELAY [number of milliseconds] CourseNana.COM

Example: CourseNana.COM

DELAY 100 CourseNana.COM

Or in a potential file CourseNana.COM

io_task_1 3 100 50DELAY 100io_task_2 3 100 50

Which would read in io_task_1, put it on the ready queue. The reading thread would then wait 100 ms, then read in io_task_2 and the rest of the file, adding those processes into the simulation. CourseNana.COM

Note: You do not need to preempt running jobs with new jobs read in from the file. Simply add the jobs to the queue, and the jobs should be picked up appropriately when the running jobs’ time slice is completed. CourseNana.COM

“Running” tasks

The tasks that you’re running don’t actually do anything, they just go to sleep. Once you’ve decided how long your task is going to run for, the “CPU” thread should just go to sleep for that long, in microseconds. CourseNana.COM

You can use the following code snippet to “run” your task: CourseNana.COM

#include <time.h>
#define NANOS_PER_USEC 1000
#define USEC_PER_SEC   1000000
static void microsleep(unsigned int usecs)
      long seconds = usecs / USEC_PER_SEC;    
      long nanos   = (usecs % USEC_PER_SEC) * NANOS_PER_USEC;    
      struct timespec t = { .tv_sec = seconds, .tv_nsec = nanos };    
      int ret;    
      ret = nanosleep( &t, &t );        
      // need to loop, `nanosleep` might return before sleeping        
      // for the complete time (see `man nanosleep` for details)    
      } while (ret == -1 && (t.tv_sec || t.tv_nsec));

MLFQ Scheduling Policies

Your implementation of a multi-level feedback queue (MLFQ) should match what is described in Chapter 9 of OSTEP. Specifically, it should implement the final set of rules that are described: CourseNana.COM


The configuration for your implementation of MLFQ should be: CourseNana.COM

  1. Three (3) priority levels.
  2. Quantum length for all queues is 50 microseconds.
  3. Time allotment for tasks is 200 microseconds before their priority is lowered.
  4. The time value S will be modified to do some analysis of the system.


You are welcome to implement your own queue(s) as a linked data structure in C, but you also have other options: CourseNana.COM

  1. Use the queue wrapper library defined in sys/queue.h (see man queue).
  2. Use a “ticket-based” queuing/priority system, similar to the ticket lock implementation described in Chapter 28 of OSTEP.
  3. Use an array/some arrays and constantly sort them by some property of each task.

Measuring time

You will ultimately be reporting on the average turnaround time and response time for each type of task in the system. In that your tasks will actually take time to complete, you should be measuring real time. CourseNana.COM

You can use clock_gettime to get the current time with sufficient granularity (see man clock_gettime). You should look at the options that you can pass to clock_gettime, but you almost certainly want to use CLOCK_REALTIME. CourseNana.COM

You should also take a look at Profiling Code Using clock_gettime by Guy Rutenberg for a complete example on how to compute differences between times gathered from clock_gettime. The code in Guy’s blog post is explicitly permitted to be used in your own solutions. CourseNana.COM


Your program should take three command-line arguments: CourseNana.COM

  1. The number of CPUs in the system you’re simulating,
  2. The value for S, the time between moving all the jobs to the topmost queue, in milliseconds, and
  3. The name of the file that contains the workload for the simulation.

Some examples: CourseNana.COM

./a3q1 4 5000 tasks.txt # 4 "CPUs" With S set to 5000ms


Print the following statistics at the end of the simulation: CourseNana.COM

  • Average turnaround time for each type of task.
  • Average response time for each type of task.

Sample output

Using mlfq with 4 CPUs.
Average turnaround time per type:
    Type 0: 861 usec
    Type 1: 2476 usec
    Type 2: 16384 usec
    Type 3: 18239 usec
Average response time per type:
    Type 0: 900 usec
    Type 1: 2017 usec
    Type 2: 1092 usec
    Type 3: 9816 usec

Note: This is sample output to show you the expected format and isn’t necessarily an example of the numbers you would actually see. CourseNana.COM

Report and analysis

Run the simulation that you implemented with CourseNana.COM

  • 1 CPU, 2CPUs, 4 CPUs, and 8 CPUs
  • each with 4 different values for S.

A total of 16 runs. CourseNana.COM

Compute an average turnaround and response time for each type of task for each scheduling policy for these settings. CourseNana.COM

Include these results in your README.md, and explain whether or not the results that you’re seeing make sense by answering the following: CourseNana.COM

  • Is the difference in turnaround time and response time you expected to see as S and the number of CPUs change? Why or why not?
  • How does adjusting the S value in the system affect the turnaround time or response time for long-running tasks? Does it appear to be highly correlated?

You may make custom workloads to focus your tests. CourseNana.COM


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