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COM102 Programming II - Java - Coursework - Practical Skills Assessment 2: Library Loans

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UKUlster UniversityCOM102Programming II - JavaLibrary LoansJava

COM102(Programming II - Java) CourseNana.COM

Coursework - Practical Skills Assessment 2 CourseNana.COM

Title: Library Loans CourseNana.COM

For this assignment you are normally expected to work in pairs. CourseNana.COM

As a pair, when submitting your assignment you are agreeing to the following statement: CourseNana.COM

Module Learning Outcomes: CourseNana.COM

  1. demonstrate a knowledge of the programming constructs and data types of the selected language
  2. analyze a problem using an object-oriented approach
  3. design and develop code in a professional manner that facilitates readability and maintainability
  4. solve problems involving a logical component.

Assessment Criteria: CourseNana.COM

  • appropriate use of variables, structured and readable code (20%)
  • program executes according to specification (30%)
  • implementation of suitable program control structures to solve problem (30%)
  • structured approach to testing (20%)

Overview CourseNana.COM

This assignment is concerned with manipulating lists / arrays of objects. You will write a program to store and manage details of library items currently on loan to library users according to the following functional requirements: CourseNana.COM

  • Functional Requirements
    1. The set of lendable items held by the library includes two types, i.e. Book and Multimedia, and is

predefined (read only) as given in file ITEMS.csv. CourseNana.COM

Note that an item’s unique identifier is its library barcode since there may be more than one copy of an item in the library. CourseNana.COM

    1. The set of library users is predefined (read only) as given in file USERS.csv.
    2. The list of current (active) loans is maintained in the file LOANS.csv.
    3. When the program is started, it should read from these three csv files to populate the application with any previously stored data as a starting point.

Within the program items, users and loans should be stored as lists / arrays of objects, with properties according to the column headings in the above files, i.e. there will be a list / array of items, a list / array of users and a list / array of loans. CourseNana.COM

    1. The program should allow the librarian to issue an item (i.e. to create a loan). To do this, the librarian supplies the item barcode and the user id.

The system should check that the barcode exists and that the user id exists. For books, loans are for a four week period. For multimedia items, loans are for a one week period. CourseNana.COM

When an item is issued a loan object is created and added to the list / array of loans. CourseNana.COM

    1. The program should allow the librarian to renew an existing loan.

On supply of the item barcode, the loan’s return date is increased by two weeks from the current date for books and one week for multimedia items and the number of renews is increased by one. A book cannot be renewed more than three times and the maximum number of renews for a multimedia item is two. CourseNana.COM

    1. The program should allow the librarian to record the return of an item on loan. To do this, the librarian supplies the barcode. Items are always returned on or before their due date.

When an item on loan is returned the corresponding loan object is removed from the list of loans. CourseNana.COM

    1. The program should allow the librarian to view (a) all the items currently on loan and (b) all the items held by the library.
    2. When the program exits, the list of current loans should be written to LOANS.csv.
    3. You must develop a set of test cases and at least one unit test and record the results of applying these tests to your software.

The program must employ a console interface only. CourseNana.COM

  • Other Assignment Requirements:

The adoption of object-oriented principles should be evident in your implementation of the above requirements. CourseNana.COM

A structured approach to testing should be evidenced by submission a test plan including at least one unit test and outcomes in accordance with the above requirements. CourseNana.COM

Vodcasts encoded in mp4 format, lasting normally no more than 5 minutes, is required to be produced to accompany your implementation within which a brief walk-through of the code you implemented is provided – it should demonstrate clearly the features you have created as well as a clear readable review of the code that make the features work. It is expected that both the team members should produce a vodcast separately to report his/her contributions to the solution. CourseNana.COM

Submission CourseNana.COM

  1. The assignment which is normally expected to be completed in pairs needs to be submitted electronically to Cloud Campus on or before noon, 12:00 on Friday 9th Dec 2022 (Week 12).
  2. Before your submission, you are required to give a brief demonstration of your solution to your teacher (Dr. Yuexin Yang), who will then sign your team declaration form.
  3. The following documents should be submitted
    • A zip file called com102PSA2_YourGroupID.zip containing the NetBeans project folder and all associated sub-folders for all source code (.java), compiled files (.class) and IDE project files.
    • A report describing the approach to testing and test cases used should be included with the NetBeans zipped folder in the submission. A summary table (Table 1) outlining the code examples of where each requirement can be found must be also included in your report otherwise marks will be deducted from your overall score (- 5%). You are strongly advised to include as much evidence such as screenshots as possible to demonstrate your successful implementation of each requirement.

Table 1: Code examples of where each requirement can be found CourseNana.COM


Requirement CourseNana.COM

Ability to pre-populate the application with any previously store data CourseNana.COM

Ability to issue an item CourseNana.COM

Ability to renew an existing loan CourseNana.COM

Ability to record the return of an item on loan.
Ability to view all the items currently on loan

Ability to view all the items held by the library
Ability to save the list of current loans back to LOANS.csv

One pdf file containing all source code – this is for use by moderators CourseNana.COM

  • A team declaration form (available with this assignment specification on Cloud Campus) must be completed and signed by your teacher to indicate each team member’s agreed percentage contribution to the submitted solution. This completed form should be included in the top-level folder of the NetBeans project, so that it gets zipped with the other files and uploaded to Cloud Campus at the same time. Note that the marks awarded will reflect the percentage contribution declared. Your submission will not be awarded a mark unless a signed team declaration form signed by your teacher is received.
  • A copy of the vodcast should be submitted by the submission deadline (noon, 12:00 on Friday 9th December 2022). Please ensure the name of the submitted vodcast is given as com102PSA2_yourGroupID_YourSecondNameYourFirstName_VODCAST.mp4.
  1. If the work is completed in pairs, then only ONE copy of the work should be submitted, with both names and student IDs clearly marked on all the submitted work.
  2. Please ensure that you keep a secure electronic backup copy of your assignment. In the event that your submission cannot be opened or read, you may be asked to provide another copy.

*** IMPORTANT *** Marks Weighting for Pair Contributions: CourseNana.COM

This assignment should normally be completed in pairs. If completed in pairs, then each of the pair must sign the ‘team declaration’ form (available in the COM102 area on Cloud Campus) signed by your teacher, to indicate what percentage contribution they made to the overall effort. Where both in the team contribute equally in overall effort to the team solution, then there is no penalty for working in a team of two as opposed to working individually. Each person will obtain the full mark awarded to the submitted work. CourseNana.COM

For any pair submission deviating from an equal division of labour, marks for this assignment will be scaled down according to the declarations made. The scaling will happen according to the following example of the scheme: Consider a pair-submitted piece of work that is deemed worthy of a mark of 50%. Consider also that one of the pair has declared their contribution to be 60% and the other declared at 40% (i.e. 10/50 or 20% less effort than an equitable contribution). The person whose contribution is the lesser will have their mark reduced by 10/50 or 20%, i.e. to 40% in this example. The person whose contribution was set at 60% will receive the full awarded mark of 50%. In the case of pair-submissions, only ONE copy of the solution is required with submitted source code files and test plans clearly indicating the names and student IDs of both team members. CourseNana.COM

Program Demo Walkthrough CourseNana.COM

Evidence of completeness, confidence in operation, testing and awareness of any limitations CourseNana.COM

  1. Present an overview of your code clearly showing the features you have created and discussing the approach adopted to ensure the code is well organised and structured.
  2. Execute your program within NetBeans IDE.
  3. Present an overview of the main functions available.
  4. Demonstrate the implementation of the following features one by one, discussing the program output to confirm the correct operation.
    • When the program is started, it reads from three csv files to populate the application with any previously stored data as a starting point.
    • A menu appears after the program is started, allowing the user to perform the following operation
      1. Issue an item by supplying the item barcode and the user id –
        demonstrate your program with a barcode and user that exist AND with a barcode or user that does NOT exist.
      2. Renew an existing loan -
        demonstrate your program renewing an existing book loan.
        demonstrate that it is not possible to renew an item not currently on loan. demonstrate that it is not possible to renew a multimedia item more than twice.
      3. Record the return of an item on loan
        demonstrate the return of an item on loan on or before its due date. demonstrate that it is not possible to return an item not currently on loan.
      4. View all items on loan
      5. View all the items held by the library

When the program exists, the list of current loans should be written back to LOANS.csv CourseNana.COM

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