Bio-inspired Computing Assignment 1
Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a famous problem with lots of
applications. TSP aims at finding a Hamiltonian cycle with limited cost. A
formal definition of TSP is as follows. Given a complete graph 𝐺 =
(𝑉, 𝐸) with vertex set 𝑉 and edge set 𝐸, TSP aims to find a cycle of
length l with minimum cost:
𝜋∗ =argmin∑ 𝑑(𝜋𝑖,𝜋𝑖+1), 𝜋 𝑖=1
Note that the index is wrapping around to the beginning if it’s over l.
The cost is defined as the sum of Euclidean distance.
Considering TSP is an NP-complete problem, evolutionary algorithm can
be used to solve it efficiently. Write a program to solve TSP using genetic
[Input] The problem can be described by a list of vertices. Each vertex in
𝑉 is expressed by its x and y coordinates. The information is stored in the
input_TSP.csv file.
[Output] Output the solution to output_TSP.csv file, including the tour
and its corresponding cost.
[Algorithm] Please implement different variations of GAs according to the following table:
Representation Crossover (𝑝𝑐 = 0.9)
Mutation (𝑝𝑚 = 0.9) Parent Selection Survivor Selection Population size n Termination
Order, Cycle, Edge crossover
Swap, Inversion
𝑘-tournament (𝑘 = 2)
μ + λ
500 Generations
Your report should compare the performance of above methods in terms of
tour length,
running time,
Different parameters, e.g., 𝑝𝑐, 𝑝𝑚, and n.
Each method should run 30 trials for performance comparisons.
You have to turn in your source code and a report for the assignment. Do not turn in executable files. You will get zero score if the code cannot be compiled or cannot provide correct results.
Upload your files in a zip file in the format:, where StudentID is your student ID.
The due date is 2023/10/27. Every delay takes a penalty of 20 scores per day.
Plagiarism is prohibited with no exception. Being identified as plagiarism will get zero score for the assignment. This includes using any nature language processing techniques such as ChatGPT.