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A3: Making Make Parallel

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A3: Making Make Parallel

Due Mar 15 by 6:30p.m. Points 10 CourseNana.COM

In this assignment you will implement a parallel make program called pmake . Your program will parse a makefile and evaluate rules just like the make program that we have been using in the course. CourseNana.COM

We have divided the development of your solution into three parts. You should fully implement each part and add and commit to your repository before moving on to the next part. The starter code includes the complete pmake.c file which you must not modify. Read this file to see how to run your program and how it makes use of the functions that you will write. CourseNana.COM

Part 1: Parsing a Makefile

Your first task is to implement parse_file , so that it reads a makefile and constructs a corresponding linked data structure. The necessary structs are defined in pmake.h , and the comments at the top of the file explain what each line of a makefile will contain. You may not change the struct definitions. pmake.h also contains function prototypes for functions that are either already provided, or that you will need to write. CourseNana.COM

The starter code also contains a makefile named header files are in the subdirectory could result from parsing this file. Notice that there is one struct rule_node for each rule in the original makefile and an additional struct rule_node for each dependency that is not also a target. You must follow this design. You are are also required to have the head of the list be the first rule in the original . (This file and the required source and . ) The picture above shows a data structure that CourseNana.COM

handout.mk handout_example CourseNana.COM

makefile. However, depending on how you do your parsing, the struct rule_node elements may come in a different order in your linked list of rules. CourseNana.COM

Before reading any more of this handout, spend time to make sure you understand this figure and how it connects to the original makefile and the structs defined in pmake.h . CourseNana.COM

You will see that the actions are stored in a that has a member args . This array has the format required by the second parameter to . Use the man page for execvp to understand this format. In particular, notice that the first element is the executable name, subsequent elements are the arguments for that executable, and these are followed by an extra NULL pointer element. CourseNana.COM

struct action_node execvp CourseNana.COM

Makefile format

The real make program supports a fairly complex syntax for writing makefiles. For the purposes of this assignment, your implementation of pmake only needs to support makefiles with the following simplified syntax. CourseNana.COM

A line from a makefile is either a target line, an action line, or a comment or line to ignore. CourseNana.COM

You may make the following assumptions about the format and contents of the Makefile: CourseNana.COM

  • The Makefile syntax is valid (i.e., follows the structure described above).
  • Each target name, dependency name, and action word contains no spaces. This allows you to tokenize each line by splitting on spaces.
  • Every line in the file contains at most MAXLINE characters, where MAXLINE is a macro defined in pmake.h . This limit includes the newline character \n at the end of a line, if present. It does not include a null-terminator character.
  • Does not contain variables (e.g., $@ ), wild cards (e.g., %.o ), pattern rules, .PHONY , or special characters at the start of an action line (e.g., @ or - ).
  • The Makefile contains at least one rule.
  • The Makefile does not contain any circular dependencies (e.g., where target A depends on B, and target B depends on A).

When you have completed Part 1, the print_rules function should print the rules data structure as a makefile. In other words, we should be able to save the output to a file and use it with the regular make program. The print_rules function has been given in the starter code and you must not change it. To run your program on the handout example and see the output generated from print_rules you should cd into and then run ../pmake -f handout.mk -o . All of your work for this part of the assignment will be done in parse.c . CourseNana.COM

(Added Feb 27.) When your pmake program is called with a target that does not exist in the makefile, your program should print a helpful error message and exit with a non-zero return code. CourseNana.COM

Part 2: Evaluating a Makefile Rule

The second task is to implement function run_make in run_make.c . run_make takes a target as its first argument. It finds the rule in the rules data structure corresponding to the target, and evaluates it. If target is NULL , then run_make will evaluate the first target in the rules list. CourseNana.COM

A rule is evaluated using the following steps: CourseNana.COM

  1. Update each of the dependencies. In other words, recursively evaluate each dependency rule.
  2. Compare the last modified time for each of the dependencies to the target.
  3. If the target does not exist, or at least one of the dependencies refers to a file with a last modified time more recent than the target, execute the rule's actions.

    Last modified time

Use stat to get the last modified time (mtime) of a file. Read the man page (using man 2 stat ) to learn how to call stat . The field of the stat struct that you want is called st_mtim on Linux. It has different names on Mac OSX, so if you have a Mac, you will need to either work on the Linux machines or remember to change your code when you do the final tests on the teach.cs machines. It may also be different on Windows Ubuntu, so you should check. The has two fields, one for seconds ( tv_sec ) and one for nanoseconds ( ). You will need both of these values to find out which time is more recent. CourseNana.COM

Executing actions

You will need to use fork and execvp to the run the command specified by an action. Fortunately in Part 1, you already prepared the array of arguments to pass into execvp . The parent process should wait for each child to complete. If the child terminates with a non-zero exit status, the parent should also terminate with a non-zero exit status. This means that pmake will stop when it encounters an error. CourseNana.COM

The actions for one rule are executed sequentially (one after another), not in parallel. Your implementation must also print each action line to stdout immediately before it is executed, just like the real make program. ( make has a way to disable this using the @ symbol, but we will not allow those symbols in our input makefiles for this assignment.) CourseNana.COM

Part 3: Parallelizing pmake

When pmake is run with the -p option, a child should be created to update each dependency. The parent will create one child process for each dependency and after it has created all of them, the parent will wait for all children to terminate successfully before determining whether it needs to execute the actions. CourseNana.COM

As when executing actions in Part 2, if a child terminates with a non-zero exit status, the parent should also terminate with a non-zero exit status. In this part, this means that the pmake will stop when evaluating one of its dependencies fails. CourseNana.COM

Submitting your work

For marking we will only be collecting your parse.c and your run_make.c . We will test these with the starter code versions of the other files. If you write a helper function for parse.c that you wish to call from run_make.c , you will need to put its prototype in run_make.c (since you are not permitted to create additional files or add to pmake.h ). CourseNana.COM

If you design your solution carefully, there is not a lot of code to write for this assignment. Our solution adds approximately 300 lines to the starter code (counting many comments). You should use good design principles to make use of helper functions to avoid unnecessary repeated code. Your program should be well-documented and readable. CourseNana.COM

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