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31927 Application Development with .NET ASSIGNMENT 1: Hospital Management System

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UTS31927Application Development with .NET.NETC#Hospital Management System

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology School of Computer Science CourseNana.COM

Due date Demonstration Weight Groupwork Submission Submit to CourseNana.COM

Summary CourseNana.COM

31927 – Application Development with .NET 32998 - .NET Application Development CourseNana.COM


Monday 23 September 2024, 11:00am Required in the lab/tutorial session 35%

Complete project folder zip Canvas CourseNana.COM

In this assignment, you are required to model the dotnet Hospital Management System by developing a console application using C#. CourseNana.COM

The application should have appropriate data structures to distinguish between a Doctor, Administrator and Patient as well as store the necessary links between them (such as an appointment, between a Doctor and a Patient). You are given complete control in how you create these data structures, but guidance has been given overpage. CourseNana.COM

Objects should be stored in the system and also written to .txt files such that the system can read them in and regenerate existing objects on load. This is mandatory. CourseNana.COM

Students will need to submit the complete project folder in zip format, which will have the complete C# code, solution file, data file, etc. required to run/test the program. Any special instructions required to run the code has to be provided in a text file. Submitting a lone “.exe” is not acceptable. CourseNana.COM

Assignment Objectives: CourseNana.COM

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in the following skills: CourseNana.COM

  • How you structure the classes in your program is your choice. One thing you are not allowed to do is make your program fully contained inside Program.cs, or any single class. CourseNana.COM

  • In the dotnet Hospital Management System, a user can log in as either a Patient, a Doctor, or an administrator. These are different roles, which would store different information, and would have a different menu. Your code structure should reflect this. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 1 CourseNana.COM

  • Additionally, your code will need to generate Appointments. An appointment would need a reference to a single Doctor and a single Patient; your code structure should reflect this. You do not need to manage Dates/times for appointments (or anywhere, for that matter) in your code. This may result in appointments being difficult to distinguish and sort; you will not be marked down for this. CourseNana.COM

  • Every patient, doctor and admin, has a unique ID. This ID should be an integer of reasonable length (5-8 digits). This can be randomly generated, or incremental, but it should be generated by the system on object creation, not chosen/inputted by the user. CourseNana.COM

    Further recommendations: CourseNana.COM

  • Objects will need to be printed out one by one, it’s recommended that each data structure has a toString() function which compresses the notable data of the class into a succinct line. CourseNana.COM

  • Each role should be its own class and it should have its own MainMenu method, don’t try and create separate versions of the menu in Program.cs. CourseNana.COM

  • Don’t get confused by Administrators. Doctors and Patients can’t at any stage have “admin privileges”; the administrator is a completely separate entity. CourseNana.COM

  • You may find it useful to abstract common functionality into its own class, such as a FileManager class with static read and write methods or a Utils class which contains the methods to generate ID’s and filter lists. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 2 CourseNana.COM

Marking Guide CourseNana.COM

Below is the marking guide for this assessment. It is designed to allow you to get a Pass grade with minimal effort while still demonstrating that you understand the core principles of .NET development, to get a Distinction with reasonable effort, and to get a High Distinction with solid effort, and 100% with considerable effort. It is recommended that you pay attention to the grade distribution and work towards your own skill level. CourseNana.COM

In the demos in the lab, your code needs to be compiled in Visual Studio Community edition 2022 and then the tutor will test for normal functionality as described in the descriptions above. If your code does not compile you will receive zero marks (no exceptions). CourseNana.COM

Task CourseNana.COM

Console Code and Design CourseNana.COM

Login Menu CourseNana.COM

Patient Menu CourseNana.COM

Doctor Menu CourseNana.COM

Admin Menu CourseNana.COM

Logout/Exit CourseNana.COM

Bonus Marks CourseNana.COM

Items Max Point CourseNana.COM

  • -  Appropriate Headings for menus CourseNana.COM

  • -  Basic console design CourseNana.COM

  • -  Helpful comments CourseNana.COM

  • -  Appropriate indenting and whitespacing 2 CourseNana.COM

  • -  Consistent and appropriate C# naming convention used CourseNana.COM

    Appropriate use of exception handling 2 Low coupling, high cohesion, general code quality 2 Functionality including cross checking credentials with .txt file 1.5 Password input masked in console 1.5 List Patient Details 1 List My Doctor Details 1 List All Appointments 1 Book Appointment, functionality including creating CourseNana.COM

    2 CourseNana.COM

OOP principles used: CourseNana.COM

Appointment object and writing to txt file
List Doctor Details 1 List Patients 1 List Appointments 1 Check Particular Patient 1 List Appointments With Patient 1 List All Doctors 1 Check Doctor Details 1 List All Patients 1 Check Patient Details 1 Add Doctor 1.5 Add Patient 1.5 Logout functionality and Exit functionality for all 3 menus 1

Maximum Full Marks CourseNana.COM

- Use of one example of anonymous method
- Use of one example of generic 3 - Use of one example delegates
Email functionality (e.g. confirmation of patient registration, or
1 confirmation of booking)
Additional user role (e.g. receptionist) 1

Specific expected tasks and examples CourseNana.COM

In this assignment, you are required to develop a console-based, menu driven hospital management system using C#. Necessary data should be stored in “.txt” files. There are 3 core roles in the system. CourseNana.COM

1. Patient
2. Doctor
3. Administrator

Each of these roles have their own version of the menu with it’s own subset of menu options. CourseNana.COM

Login Menu CourseNana.COM

The user should be presented with this menu on program startup and cannot proceed further without entering valid login details.
Input fields:

  • -  ID: Display the typed characters as is CourseNana.COM

  • -  Password: Display “*” instead of the actual CourseNana.COM

    ID and password should be checked against valid
    credentials inside your files. How you do this depends
    on how you’ve structured your classes; but any
    patient/doctor or admin should have a unique ID and a
    password. These values should be, in some way,
    stored in a .txt file, which your code should cross check at this screen. If entered values are not valid, display appropriate error message and allow the user to retry.

    Patient Menu CourseNana.COM

    The patient menu should have all of the following menu options (see right). CourseNana.COM

    All menu options MUST share this functionality (see example below): CourseNana.COM

List Patient Details CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists all the fields of the currently logged in patient to the console. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 5 CourseNana.COM

List My Doctor Details CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists all the fields of the doctor that is registered with the currently logged in patient, to the console. It is recommended that the Doctor data structure has a toString function which compresses the necessary details of the patient into a short line. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

List All Appointments CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists the details of all past appointments involving the currently logged in patient. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Book Appointment CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for all the necessary information to generate a new appointment. This must be done with the doctor registered to the user. If the user has not registered to a doctor, they should be prompted to choose from a list of all doctors and register. CourseNana.COM

Input: CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 6 CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Returns to the login menu CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Exits the application CourseNana.COM

Doctor Menu CourseNana.COM

The doctor menu should have all of the following menu options (see right)
All menu options MUST share this functionality:

List Doctor Details CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists the fields of the currently logged in doctor to the console. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

List Patients CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists a shorthand outline of every patient that is registered with the currently logged in doctor to the console, line by line. It is recommended that the Patient data structure has a toString function which compresses the necessary details of the patient into a short line. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return CourseNana.COM

to menu. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 CourseNana.COM

Spring 2024 7 CourseNana.COM

List Appointments CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists every appointment involving the currently logged in doctor, regardless of which patient is involved, to the console, line by line. It is recommended that that the Appointment data structure has a toString function which compresses the necessary details of the appointment into a short line. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Check Particular Patient CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for an ID and prints the details of the patient whose ID it belongs to, to the console line by line. If there is no patient with that ID, your code should handle the error and print an appropriate error message. It is your choice whether the user is prompted to re-enter the ID or if the program returns to the Patient menu. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

List Appointments With Patient CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for an ID and finds the patient with that ID. Your code should then print every appointment between that patient and the currently logged in doctor. (You should not need to filter this list, as the patient should have been forced to be registered to only 1 doctor). If there is no patient with that ID, your code should handle the error and print an appropriate error message. It is your choice whether the user is prompted to re-enter the ID or if the program returns to the Patient menu. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 8 CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Returns to the login menu CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Exits the application CourseNana.COM

Administrator menu CourseNana.COM

The administrator menu should have all of the following menu options (see right)
All menu options MUST share this functionality:

List All Doctors CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists a shorthand version of every doctor contained in the system to the console, line by line. It is recommended that the Doctor data structure has a toString function which compresses the necessary details of the doctor into a short line. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 CourseNana.COM

Spring 2024 9 CourseNana.COM

Check Doctor Details CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for an ID and prints the details of the doctor whose ID it belongs to, to the console line by line. If there is no doctor with that ID, your code should handle the error and print an appropriate error message. It is your choice whether the user is prompted to re-enter the ID or if the program returns to the Administrator menu. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

List All Patients CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Lists the shorthand version of every patient in the system to the console, line by line. It is recommended that the Patient data structure has a toString function which compresses the necessary details of the patient into a short line. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Check Patient Details CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for an ID and prints the details of the doctor whose ID it belongs to, to the console line by line. If there is no doctor with that ID, your code should handle the error and print an appropriate error message. It is your choice whether the user is prompted to re-enter the ID or if the program returns to the Administrator menu. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 10 CourseNana.COM

Add Doctor CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for all the necessary data needed to generate a new Doctor and add it to the system. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Add Patient CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Prompts the user for all the necessary data needed to generate a new Patient and add it to the system. CourseNana.COM

Input: Key press to return to menu. CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Returns to the login menu CourseNana.COM

Functionality: Exits the application CourseNana.COM

Assignment -1 Spring 2024 11 CourseNana.COM


Additional Information: CourseNana.COM

Assignment Submission CourseNana.COM

You must upload a zip file of the C# solution to Canvas. This must be done by the Due Date. You may submit as many times as you like until the due date. The final submission you make is the one that will be marked. If you have not uploaded your zip file within 7 days of the Due Date, or it cannot be compiled and run in the lab, then your assignment will receive a zero mark CourseNana.COM

  • NOTE 1: It is your responsibility to make sure you have thoroughly tested your program to make sure it is working correctly. CourseNana.COM

  • NOTE 2: Your final submission to Canvas is the one that is marked. It does not matter if earlier submissions were working; they will be ignored. Download your submission from Canvas and test it thoroughly. CourseNana.COM

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