INFS6012 Digital Information Infrastructure
Semester 2, 2023
Individual Assignment
Assignment Objectives
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of how to create a workflow application to address a sales order scenario using SAP Build Process Automation.
Project Background
Krazy Kidz Kookies is a new SAP Customer and emerging supplier of performance enhancing cookies for Children under the age of 13. Using a top secret trade marked formula, these delicious vegan based cookies have been scientifically engineered using the finest organic ingredients to boost serenity and focus in children under the age of 13. For example, is your child:
• Irritable? • Hyperactive ? • Unfocused? • And unable to study?
Well Krazy Kidz Kookies has innovative solutions for each of the se problem areas . Parents all over the world have testified: “I want my crazy kid to eat these cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner”!
With their aim of hyper -growth and complete domination of the Snack Food Market, Krazy Kidz Kookies has partnered with the Girl Scouts of America to drive bulks order sales to over 100,000 school cafeterias across the United States. Organizationally , Girl Scouts are made up of units called “Troops” and each troop is led by a Troop Leader . To ensure adequate sales coverage across the United States, Krazy Kidz Kookies will employ the girl scouts as Sales R eps and troup leaders as Sales Managers. Each Troup will be assigned to sales territory and individual girl scouts will be responsible for selling cases of cookies to in their territory. With a highly generous commissions model and over 1.7M Girl Scouts available, the sales opportunities are tremendous.
Current Challenges
Currently the girl scouts use a paper based form to capture all the bulks sales order information. This includes the Scout’ s personal details, the names of the customers, and their order informatio n. This form is then passed onto a sales agent who manually enter s the details into Krazy Kidz Kookies S/4HANA System to create a sales order and workflow to trigger the fulfilment and delivery of the cookies. Problems in the process occur when the troop leader needs to review and approve of the sales order. They need to manually check if there are any inventory constraints and if quotas have been met prior to approving the order and calculating the commissions . Since much of interaction between the Troop Leaders and the Scouts are done using a variety of channels including ema il, text messages and in person conversations … delays and miscommunications have occurred over approvals and commission payouts.
Business Requirements
Krazy Kidz Kookies is now looking for a more automated solution to streamline this business process and workflow. This solution must address the following requirements:
Capture Order Information : The Scout will fill out a n SAP Build form to capture the following required order information fields: o Scout Name o Scout Rank o Scout Email o Trooper Leader Email o Territory o Customer Name o Order Number o Order Date o Qty of Cookies
Sales Quota Calculation: The process will need to implement conditional logic to decision table to check if the scout meets their sales quota based their rank: Scout Rank Quota Cadettes 100 Daisies 75 Brownies 50
If the scout has not met their quota, the order should be forwarded to the troop leader (sales manager) for approval or rejection. A rejection notification should include an appropriate reason.
Inventory Constraint Check: Since the numb er of cookies cases are in limited supply, there should be configurable rules to restrict purchases based on the Troop’s territory. If the rule is broken, the order should be forwarded to the troop leader for approval or rejection . A rejection notification should include an appropriate reason. Sales Territory Maximum Cookie Cases North West 200 North East 150 South West 150 South East 150
Sales Order Rejection: If the troop leader reviews an order and rejects it, then a notification should sent to the scout’s inbox describing the issue.
Commission Payout Calculation: If no order review is necessary, or if the troop leader approves the order then a commission payout for the scout is calculated based on the number of c ases sold and territory:
Cookie Cases Sold Territory Commission Amount 50 North East $2500 USD 50 North West $3000 USD 50 South East $3000 USD 50 South West $3500 USD 100 North East $6000 USD 100 North West $6500 USD 100 South East $7000 USD 100 South West $7500 USD 150 North East $12000 USD 150 North West $12500 USD 150 South East $15000 USD 150 South West $15500 USD
- Congratulatory Message: The final step in this workflow involves sending a congratulatory message that includes the name of the scout, the bonus amount and order confirmation detail to the scout’s inbox.
Hint: To help you visualize the solution, a good idea would be to draw out a workflow diagram. You can use Microsoft Power point to do this. Your mission is to use SAP Build Process Automation to develop a solution for Krazy Kidz Kookies that satisfies all of the requirements described. Good luck and have fun!
Marking Criteria and Submission
Please prepare a 5 minute presentation to demo each of the following requirements:
Req# Description Does not Meet Expectation (1) Partial Meets Expectation (2) Meets Expectation (3) Fully meets Expectation (4) 1 Capture Order Information 2 Sales Quota Calculation 3 Inventory Constraint Check 4 Sales Order Rejection 5 Commission Payout 6 Congratulatory Message
Evaluation Criteria
For each of the requirements, please consider the following evaluation criteria: • Is the Form organized in a manner that is logical and intuitive with appropriate headings and text? • Are all the fields defined with the correct data types? • Are all the fields defined with the correct configuration? • Are the outputs appropriately defined? • Does the workflow operate correctly based on the decision logic? • Are the notifications clearly and correctly written with all the necessary information? Advanced Requirement (Bonus Marks) Instead of using an SAP Build Process Automation form to capture the order information , please use the Interactive PDF Form supplied. • An Automation will extra the data from the PDF • The automation then proceeds with the remainder of the workflow to check for approvals and calculate commissions. • For the purposes of this exercise, only one sales order for one customer needs be captured from the PDF and processed, and you only need to read in the total cases sold. IMPORTANT NOTE: This requirement is completely voluntary and you will need to do additional research on your own which includes install desktop software on your PC Windows Laptop . Mac OS requires a Windows virtual machine. This tutorial will support you: • Intermediate Tutorial 2: SAP Build Process Automation
Independent research , problem solving and trouble-shooting are the key to learning and master ing any of type software . If you run into issues, please take time to investigate and seek out these resources which are available: • SAP Build Process Automation Community
• SAP Build Process Automation Help
Instruction on Assignment Demonstration
• Demonstration will take a bloc k of 30 mins with 5 students in each block. • Registration of the presentation slots will be announced via CANVAS . • Please come 10 mins early prior to your chosen time slot. • You will be required to log on to SAP Build using your own account and log out after your demonst ratio n. • Please also upload a 5-minute (max) demo video by 21 st September to CANVAS for the record.