FIT9132 Introduction to Databases - Assignment 2A
Creating, Populating and Manipulating Database - TimeShare Australia
Your task for this assignment is to create, populate and manipulate a database which can be used to support the activities of a holiday timeshare system - TimeShare Australia. If you are unfamiliar with time sharing, this link will provide some background.
Timeshare is a holiday system that permits members to purchase (own) a set amount of time (in the form of points) at a particular resort that they can use for holidays every year as a lifetime commitment. Through TimeShare Australia members of a particular resort can convert their purchase into a holiday at other resorts which are part of the system.
Several different companies jointly operate TimeShare Australia. For each company which is part of the system the companies ABN, name, CEO's name, contact phone number and address of the registered office are recorded. Companies either build or purchase resorts to add to the resorts which they manage.To be a member of TSA a company must be operating at least one resort.
Each resort is assigned a unique resort identifier across the entire TSA system and is only managed by one company. The system needs to record the resort's name, its street address, the contact phone number, the year in which it was built or purchased and the current cost for a member to purchase 1000 points.
A resort member, who is identified by a member number within the resort (ie. each resort has a member 1), has their name, home address, contact email and contact phone number recorded. Members purchase points from the resort at the time they sign up to be a member, for example, the purchase of 1000 points may entitle the member to one week's holiday every year at their home resort, or possibly two weeks in perpetuity. Members may only purchase points from their home resort (the resort they signed up to). The number of points which a member purchases is recorded. Members can only be a member of one resort across the TSA network. Current members of a resort may recommend a new person to join their resort - TSA wish to record which current member
Each resort consists of a number of cabins. Each cabin is numbered within the resort (ie. each resort has a cabin 1). The number of bedrooms in the unit (between 1 to 4 bedrooms), the units sleeping capacity, the type of cabin bathroom (ie. ‘I’ - inside the cabin or ‘C’ - outside shared common bathroom), a unit description and the cost per day, expressed in member points, are recorded.
A member of TSA can book a unit at any resort which is available and is within their membership points. When they book, the starting date of the booking, the end date of the booking, the number of adults and the number of children holidaying are recorded. The system records the points cost to the member for this booking. At this point in the design process, you may disregard any "exchange" fees that TSA charge for holidaying outside a member's home resort.
TSA records details of points of interest that members might wish to visit during their holiday, such as parks, museums, etc which may be in the same town as the resort or in other close by towns. For each town in which a resort is located, or which has a point of interest, TSA records the town id, and the centre of the town's latitude and longitude. The town name, state of Australia, the average summer and winter day temperatures and its population are also recorded. Even though a POI (such as the Great Western Desert) may span several geographical locations, TSA assigns a Point of Interest to only a single town. A town may have two points of interest of the same name.
To assist members to get the best from their holidays at a resort, TSA invite members to complete a review of points of interest in the local area that they have visited. Not all members will accept the invitation. Those that do will complete a review and rate the POI as 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 with 5 being the best to visit. TSA publishes these individual member reviews so potential visitors can make a more informed decision on what to visit. TSA also uses these accumulated reviews to calculate a rating level for each POI they have recorded based on the average rating expressed to one decimal point eg. 4.2..
When a member purchases membership at a resort they will make the initial payment of several thousand dollars to buy into the resort as a member. This initial payment is made only once. Members also sign a contract which binds them to annual charges which cover the running and upkeep of their resort. These annual charges are of two types:
i. Annual Management Fee - this is the costs for the expenses involved in running the resort such as salaries, office expenses etc
ii. Annual Maintenance Fee - this is the costs incurred by the resort in upkeep and update/renewal of the resort facilities such as repainting a unit etc
The two fees above are worked out by the resort for the full calendar year and then apportioned to members based on the value of their membership points. A member, for example, with 2000 points will pay double the charges of a member with 1000 points since they "own" twice as much of the resort. The detailed records of the management and maintenance costs are maintained by TSA outside the system you are developing. Management and maintenance fees are rounded to the nearest dollar when charging to members.
Based on these requirements a data model has been created for TSA:
The schema/insert file for creating this model (tsa_schema_insert.sql) is available in the archive - this file partially creates the TimeShare Australia tables and populates several of the tables (those shown in purple on the supplied model) - you should read this schema carefully and be sure you understand the various data requirements. You must not alter the schema file in any manner, it must be used as supplied. Please note the yellow tables will not be used in any manner in this assignment and should be ignored (they will be used in Assignment 2B).
Steps for working on Assignment 2A
1. Download the Assignment 2A Required Files ( archive from Moodle
2. Extract the zip archive and place the contained files in your local repository in the folder /Assignments/Ass2A. Do not add the zip archive to your local repo. Then add, commit and push them to the FITGitLab server.
3. Run tsa_schema_insert.sql
4. Write your answer for each task in its respective file (eg. write your answer for Task 1 in T1-tsa-schema.sql and so on).
5. Save, add, commit and push the file/s regularly while you are working on the assignment
6. Finally, when you have completed all tasks, upload all required files from your local repository to Moodle. Check that the files you have uploaded are the correct files (download them from Moodle into a temporary folder and check they are correct). After you are sure
they are correct, submit your assignment. Note that the filenames must not be changed you must submit files with the same names as those supplied in the provided archive (
The final SQL scripts you submit MUST NOT contain SPOOL or ECHO commands (you may include them as you work but must comment them out before submission). Please carefully read the Marking Guide on pages 16 and 17.
In arriving at your solutions for assignment 2A you are ONLY permitted to use the SQL structures and syntax which have been covered within this unit:
● Week 6 Workshop and Week 7 Applied - Creating & Populating the Database
● Week 7 Workshop and Week 8 Applied - Insert, Update, Delete (DML) and Transaction Management
● Week 8 Workshop and Week 9 Applied - SQL Part I - Basic
● Week 9 Workshop and Week 10 Applied - SQL Part II- Intermediate
● Week 10 Workshop and Week 11 Applied - SQL Part III - Advanced
SQL syntax and commands outside of the covered work, as detailed above, will NOT be accepted/marked.
Views must not be used in completing these tasks.
TASK 1: DDL (16 marks):
For this task you are required to add to T1-tsa-schema.sql, the CREATE TABLE and CONSTRAINT definitions for the BOOKING and CABIN tables in the positions indicated by the comments in the script.
The table below provides details of the meaning of the attributes in the missing two tables. You MUST use identical table and attribute names as shown in the data model above to name the tables and attributes which you add. The attributes must be in the same order as shown in the model. You must use delete RESTRICT/NO ACTION for all FK constraints. These new DDL commands must be hand-coded, not generated in any manner (generated code will not be marked).
Table name | Attribute name | Meaning |
| booking_id | surrogate key added to replace BOOKING composite PK |
| resort_id | Resort identifier, for this booking |
| cabin_no | Cabin number within the resort, for this booking |
| booking_from | Date booking from |
| booking_to | Date booking to |
| booking_noadults | Booking number of adults |
| booking_nochildren | Booking number of children |
| booking_total_points_cost | Total cost to the member in points for this booking |
| member_id | Unique member id across TSA for member who made this booking |
| staff_id | Staff identifier of staff member who took this booking |
| resort_id | Resort identifier |
| cabin_no | Cabin number within the resort |
| cabin_nobedrooms | Number of bedrooms in cabin (between 1 and 4 bedrooms) |
| cabin_sleeping_capacity | Cabin sleeping capacity |
| cabin_bathroom_type | Type of cabin bathroom: I - Inside cabin bathroom C - outside common bathroom |
| cabin_points_cost_day | Number of members points the cabin costs per day |
| cabin_description | Cabin description |
To test your code you will need to first run the provided script tsa_schema_insert.sql to create the other required tables. tsa_schema_insert.sql, at the head of the file, contains the drop commands for all tables in this model. If you have problems with Task 1 and/or Task 2 simply rerun tsa_schema_insert.sql which will cause all tables to be dropped (including any you have created as part of task 2) and correct the issues in your script. Do not add DROP TABLE statements to either of your Task 1 or Task 2 scripts.
TASK 2: Populate Sample Data (24 marks):
Before proceeding with Task 2, you must ensure you have successfully run the file tsa_schema_insert.sql (which must not be edited in any way) followed by the extra definitions that you added in Task 1 above and the provided code for the trigger (T1-tsa-schema.sql). You are not required to understand the trigger code, it is simply to help you when adding new bookings by reporting the members current points so you can cross check your inserted data.
Load the CABIN and BOOKING tables with your own test data using the supplied T2-tsa-insert.sql script file, and SQL commands which will insert as a minimum, the following sample data:
○ 20 CABIN entries
○ Involved at least 5 different resorts
● at least 2 of these resorts must have more than 2 cabins ○ 20 BOOKING entries
○ Involved at least 10 cabins in 5 different resorts
● at least 3 of these cabins must be booked at least three times
○ Involve at least 10 different members
● at least 3 of these members have more than one booking
In adding this data, you must ensure that the data you insert will validate the schema you have created by making full use of the various features you have coded (for example check clauses).
Your inserted data must conform to the following rules:
1. You may treat all the data that you add as a single transaction since you are setting up the initial test state for the database.
2. The primary key values for this data should be hardcoded values (ie. NOT make use of sequences) and must consist of values below 100.
3. Dates used must be chosen between the 1st March 2023 and 30th April 2023.
4. The data added must be sensible (eg. the booking to date should be after the booking from date; the total number of guests must be less than or equal to the cabin capacity; the total cost of a booking must be inline with the cabin cost per day; a booking from the 5th March 2023 until the 12th March 2023 is a 7 day booking ).
For this task ONLY, Task 2, you may look up and include values for the loaded tables/data directly where required. However, if you wish, you can still use SQL to get any non-key values.
In carrying out this task you must not modify any data or add any further data to the tables which were populated by the tsa_schema_insert.sql script.
For all subsequent questions (Task 3 onwards) you are NOT permitted to:
● manually lookup an attribute/s in the database to obtain any value,
● manually calculate values (including dates/times) external to the database, e.g. on a calculator and then use such values in your answers. ALL necessary calculations must be carried out as part of your SQL code, or
● assume any contents in the database - rows in a table are potentially in a constant state of change
Your answers must recognise the fact that you have been given, with the supplied insert file, only a small sample snapshot of a multiuser database, as such you must operate on the basis that there will be more data in all the tables of the database than you have been given. Your answers must work regardless of the extra quantity of this extra "real" data and the fact that multiple users will be operating in the tables at the same time. You must take this aspect into consideration when writing SQL statements.
You must ONLY use the data as provided in the text of the questions. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in a mark of 0 for the relevant question.
Your SQL must correctly manage transactions and use sequences to generate new primary keys for numeric primary key values (under no circumstances may a new primary key value be hardcoded as a number or value).
TASK 3: DML (20 marks):
Your answers for this task (Task 3) must be placed in the supplied SQL script T3-tsa-dm.sql
For this task you are required to complete the following sub-tasks in the same order they are listed. Where you have been supplied with a string contained in italics, such as Amazing Resort you may search in the database using the string as listed. Where a particular case (upper case, lower case, etc.) for a word is provided you must only use that case. When a name is supplied you may break the name into given name and family name, for example, Indiana Perrier can be split into Indiana and Perrier, again note that the case must be maintained as it was supplied.
(a) Oracle sequences are going to be implemented in the database for the subsequent insertion of records into the database for the BOOKING table.
Provide the CREATE SEQUENCE statement to create a sequence which could be used to provide primary key values for the BOOKING table. This sequence must start at 100 and increment by 10. Immediately prior to the create sequence command, place an appropriate DROP SEQUENCE command so that it will cause the sequence to be dropped before being created if it exists. Please note that there can only be one sequence introduced and used in Task 3.
[1 mark]
Question 3b, 3c, 3d and 3e are related questions. You can use the information provided below as needed in any part of task 3.
(b) On 30th April 2023, Awesome Resort in Broome (latitude:-17.9644, longitude:122.2304) launched a new cabin which has 4 bedrooms, a capacity of 10 people and costs 220 points per day. This new cabin is the fourth cabin in this resort (ie. cabin number 4). Take the necessary steps in the database to record this new cabin. You may assume that there is only one Awesome Resort in Broome and you may make up your own values for other required attributes.
[4 marks]
(c) On 1st May 2023, Noah Garrard (member number 2 in resort with id 9) made a booking for the new cabin added in point (b) above. He intended to stay with 3 other adults and 4 kids (ie. total of 4 adults and 4 children) in this cabin from Friday, 26th May 2023 to Sunday, 28th
May 2023. The booking was added to the system by the resort staff member named Reeba Wildman (phone number: 0493427245). Take the necessary steps in the database to record the required entry for this new booking.
[4 marks]
(d) The next day, Noah Garrard called TSA and extended the booking for one extra day (ie. the proposed check out date will be Monday, 29th May 2023). Make these required changes to the data in the database.
[4 marks]
(e) On the 4th May 2023, before any members holidayed in this new cabin, a fire destroyed the cabin and management decided, due to the costs involved, that they would not replace it. The TSA was then instructed to remove the cabin from the system. Members who have booked in this cabin will be informed by TSA that their booking has been cancelled. Take the necessary steps in the database to remove the cabin from the system.
[7 marks]
Your answers for these tasks (Task 4) must be placed in the supplied SQL script T4-tsa-alter.sql
The required changes must be made to the "live" database (the database after you have completed tasks 1, 2 and 3) not by editing and executing your schema file again. Before carrying out the work below, please ensure that you have completed tasks 1, 2 and 3 above. Also remember as stated on page 8 …"there will be more data in all the tables of the database than you have been given. Your answers must work regardless of the extra quantity of this extra
"real" data and the fact that multiple users will be operating in the tables at the same time."...
If in answering these questions you need to create a table, please place a drop table statement prior to your create table statement.
(a) TSA would like to be able to easily determine the total number of bookings for each cabin in the system.
Add a new attribute which will record this requirement. Based on the data which is currently stored in the system, this attribute must be initialised to the correct current number of bookings. If there is no booking for a particular cabin, the attribute value must be 0.
As part of your solution provide appropriate select and desc statements to show the changes you have made. Select to show any data changes which have occurred and desc tablename eg. desc customer to show any table structural changes.
[4 marks]
(b) TSA would like to record the role of each staff member for staff management purposes. TSA currently has three different roles for their staff:
Role ID | Role Name | Job Description |
A | Admin | Take bookings, and reply to customer inquiries |
C | Cleaning | Clean cabins and maintain resort's public area |
M | Marketing | Prepare and present marketing ideas and deliverables |
Each staff member has one assigned role. TSA would like to record this data in their database and wish to initialise the role for all staff that they have (ie. currently in the system) as Admin staff. TSA would also like to expand the list of roles in the future. Change the database to meet this requirement.
As part of your solution, provide appropriate select and desc statements to show the changes you have made. Select to show any data changes which have occurred and desc tablename eg. desc customer to show any table structural changes.
[7 marks]
(c) Cabins need to be cleaned after the guest checks out or when the guest requests it, but a cabin can only be scheduled for a clean once for a particular date. To speed up the cleaning process, TSA may assign more than one staff member to do the cleaning. For each staff member involved in a scheduled cleaning for a particular cabin, the cleaning start time and end time are recorded for payroll purposes.
Change the database to meet this requirement. Note that you do not need to populate the cleaning data, you only need to provide the structure in which data will be stored.
As part of your solution, provide appropriate desc statements to show the changes you have made eg. desc customer to show any table structural changes.
[9 marks]
TASK 5: Transaction Theory (10 marks):
Your answers for these tasks (Task 5) must be placed in the supplied Ms Word document T5-tsa-transaction.docx. Once you have completed Task 5a and 5b, download or print the document as a pdf file named T5-tsa-transaction.pdf.
(a) Given the following transaction sequence, complete the supplied document by clearly indicating what locks are present at each of the indicated times (Time 0 to Time 9).
Cell entries must have the form:
● S(Tn) - for a shared lock by Tn,
● X(Tn) - for an exclusive lock by Tn or
● Tn wait Tm - for a wait of Tn due to Tm (where n and m are transaction numbers).
TIME | TRANS | ACTION | A | B | C | D |
0 | T1 | UPDATE A |
1 | T1 | UPDATE B |
2 | T2 | READ C |
3 | T2 | READ D |
4 | T3 | UPDATE A |
5 | T2 | UPDATE C |
6 | T1 | ROLLBACK |
7 | T3 | UPDATE C |
8 | T2 | UPDATE B |
9 | T2 | UPDATE A |
In the document indicate:
● Does a deadlock exist in this transaction sequence?
● Explain why you came to this conclusion.
[ 5 marks]
(b) Suppose that you are a manufacturer of product ABC, which is composed of parts A, B, and C. Each time a new product ABC is created, it must be added to the product inventory using the PROD_QOH in a table named PRODUCT. Also, each time the product is created, the parts inventory, using PART_QOH in a table named PART, must be reduced by one for each of the parts A, B, and C used to make the new product ABC.
The current database contents are shown in the table below:
ABC | 1205 |
| A | 567 |
| B | 98 |
| C | 549 |
Starting with this database state, prepare a transaction log based on the structure shown in the Week 7 Workshop slides (slide 33) or figure 10.1 of Coronel and Morris for the production of a new product ABC. The starting TRL_ID will be 101 and TRX_NUM assigned by the database is 601 (based on C&M Chpt 10 Problems Q1).
[ 5 marks]