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ETH Zu ̈rich Algorithmic Game Theory - Exercise Set 3: Nash equilibria and Congestion Game

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ETH Zu ̈richAlgorithmic Game TheorySocial WelfareNash Equilibrium

Algorithmic Game Theory CourseNana.COM

Autumn 2021 Exercise Set 3 CourseNana.COM

Exercise 1: (2+3+1 Points) CourseNana.COM



In this exercise, we adapt the definition of Price of Anarchy for cost-minimization games, to games with positive utilities in the natural way. Specifically, for ui(s) being the utility of player i in state s, the corresponding social welfare is the sum of all players utilities, CourseNana.COM

SW(s) = CourseNana.COM

and the Price of Anarchy for pure Nash equilibria iswhere PNE is set of all pure Nash equilibria in the game, and S the set of all possible states as usual. CourseNana.COM

We also adapt the definition of (λ, μ)-smooth games as follows: CourseNana.COM

A game as above is called (λ, μ)-smooth if, for λ > 0 and μ 0, the inequality CourseNana.COM

  λSW (s) μSW (s) CourseNana.COM

holds for any two states s, s S. CourseNana.COM

Note: The utilities are always strictly positive, ui(s) > 0 for all possible s S, where S = S1 × · · · × Sn are the possible states, with Si being the strategies available to player i. CourseNana.COM

Your task:
1. Prove the following result:

Theorem: If a game is (λ,μ)-smooth, then the Price of Anarchy for pure Nash equilibria satisfies CourseNana.COM

1+μ PoAPNE λ . CourseNana.COM

2. Use the previous theorem to show that the following game has P oAPNE n: CourseNana.COM

   Technology game: There are n players and m different technologies available, where technology j has a quality parameter αj > 0. Each player must adopt one technology, and the more players adopt the same technology, the better it is for them: If nj players adopt technology j, then each of these players has utility αj · nj.      CourseNana.COM


Theorem: If a game is (λ,μ)-smooth, then the Price of Anarchy for pure Nash equilibria satisfies CourseNana.COM

1+μ PoAPNE λ . CourseNana.COM

3. Show that the previous bound is tight, that is, PoAPNE n in some instances of technology games above. CourseNana.COM

Exercise 2: (6 Points) Nash’s Theorem states that every finite strategic game has a mixed Nash equilibrium. Prove this theorem for the special case in which we have only two players and each of them has only two strategies. CourseNana.COM

Note: Your proof should be elementary and self-contained (in particular, it should not rely on the general proof for arbitrary games, nor it should use the sophisticated arguments in the known proofs for the general case like e.g., Brouwer’s fixed point, etc.) CourseNana.COM

Exercise 3: (3 Points) Consider the class of congestion games with delay functions of the resources of the form dr(x) = arx + br with constant ar 0 and br any constant (possibly negative) such that dr(x) 0 for all integers x 1. Also set dr(0) = 0 as usual. CourseNana.COM

Show that the price of anarchy for pure Nash equilibria (PoAPNE) can be bigger than 5/2. (Hint: one possibility is to encode delays of the form dr(1) = dr(0) = 0 and dr(2) = M.) CourseNana.COM

Exercise 4: (6 Points) Prove that computing pure Nash equilibria in congestion games remains PLS-complete also when we restrict to affine delay functions. That is, for dr (x) = ar x + br with ar , br 0. (Note that the condition ar 0 and br 0 is important.) CourseNana.COM

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