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CX 4220/CSE 6220 High Performance Computing - Homework 2: Parallel Prefix Sum

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CX 4220/CSE 6220 High Performance Computing

CX 4220/CSE 6220 High Performance Computing Spring 2023 Homework 2 CourseNana.COM

Adhere to the following guidelines while working on and submitting the homework • You are strongly encouraged to be concise in answering homework problems, and type up your solutions (preferably using LATEX). • It is your responsibility to ensure that your solutions are legible. You will risk losing points if your solutions are illegible to the TAs. • Submissions are due 11:59PM EST. The deadline for distance learning students is one week after the date on the homework. Late homeworks are not accepted. • Your submission MUST be made in PDF format. Specify your name and GT username at the top. Do not put your GTID. CourseNana.COM

  1. (4 points) Determine if the parallel prefix algorithm can be used to compute prefix sums of a sequence of n numbers based on the binary operation ⊕ defined as: (a) a ⊕ b = 2a + b √ (b) a ⊕ b = a2 + b2 ?

(Hint: Verify if the operation is associative: (a ⊕ b) ⊕ c = a ⊕ (b ⊕ c)) CourseNana.COM

  1. (5 points) In the game of Photosynthesis, points are given for trees that receive sunlight. Consider n trees T0 , T1 , . . . , Tn−1 planted along a single row of spaces, and sunlight is colinear with this row of trees. The tree placement is modeled by an array A of size n, where A[i] denotes the height of the tree Ti . A tree tall enough to get sunlight exposure scores photosynthesis points according to its height, i.e., Ti is given A[i] points. However, a tree can also be blocked from sunlight by an earlier tree of equal height or taller, in which case the blocked tree receives no points. Design a parallel algorithm to compute the total number of points for a configuration given by A, and compute its runtime. CourseNana.COM

  2. (5 points) A sequence of nested parenthesis is said to be well-formed if 1) there are an equal number of left and right parenthesis, and 2) each right parenthesis is matched by a left parenthesis that occurs to its left in the sequence. For example, ( ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ) is well-formed but ( ) ) ( is not. There is a nested parenthesis sequence of length n distributed across p processors using block decomposition. Design a parallel algorithm to determine if it is well-formed and specify its run-time. CourseNana.COM

  3. (5 points) Let A be an array of n elements and L be a boolean array of the same size. We want to assign a unique rank in the range 1, 2, . . . n to each element of A such that for any i<j • If L[i] = L[j], A[i] has lower rank than A[j] • If L[i] = 0 and L[j] = 1, A[i] has lower rank than A[j]. • If L[i] = 1 and L[j] = 0 A[j] has lower rank than A[i]. Design a parallel algorithm to compute the ranks and specify its run-time. (Hint: Think of L as specifying labels. Then, all elements with 0 label receive lower ranks than any element with label 1. Within the same label, ranks are given in left to right order as per array A.) CourseNana.COM

  4. (6 points) Invent Segmented Parallel Prefix: Segmented parallel prefix is a generalization of the parallel prefix problem where the prefix sums need to be restarted at specified positions. Consider array X containing n numbers and a boolean array B of the same size. We wish to compute prefix sums on X but the sum resets at every position i where B[i] = 1. Formally, we wish to compute array S of size n such that S[0] = X[0] CourseNana.COM

S[i − 1] + X[i], if B[i] = 0 S[i] = X[i], if B[i] = 1 Design parallel segmented prefix algorithm and specify its run-time. (Hint: The problem can be transformed into a standard prefix sums problem.) CourseNana.COM

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