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COIS-3320H Fundamentals of Operating Systems - Lab 3: CPU scheduling algorithms
CanadaTrent UniversityCOIS 3320HFundamentals of Operating SystemsC
Lab 3
COIS 3320 – Fundamentals of Operating Systems
Fall 2022
This lab will have you simulate two CPU scheduling algorithms to determine the relative merits
of each. In class, we discussed several algorithms, and in this lab, you are required to implement
two of them: First Come First Serve and Shortest Job First.
Given an array of processes and an array of CPU times (sometimes referred to as burst times)
your program must calculate the waiting time and turn around time for each process under FCFS
and SJF.
For the purposes of this lab all the arrival times are assumed to be t=0. Non of these scheduling
algorithms are pre-emptive.
You can use a sample FCFS implementation for reference.
Please submit your well documented (commented) modular C code and testing PDF as a zip file
to the Lab 3 submission dropbox by the deadline. Your testing should just show some sample
output for several scenarios (e.g., 3 processes with different CPU times). Copy and paste
screenshots into a word processor, include a short explanation, and lastly save it as a PDF to be
included with your zip file which contains the code file.
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