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CMP3753M Project Assessment 3: Dissertation

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UKUniversity of LincolnCMP3753MCMP3753 DissertationProject

Module Code & Title: CMP3753M Project (Resit) Contribution to Final Module Mark: 75% Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: This is Assessment 3 and is an individual assignment. The assessment takes the form of a dissertation and a pre-recorded video demonstration of your artefact . CourseNana.COM

Dissertation The dissertation is a long -form piece of academic writing that should document your project in its entirety. The overall structure of the dissertation should be as follows: CourseNana.COM

• Introduction • Literature Review • Requirements Analysis • Design & Methodology • Implementation • Results & Discussion • Conclusion CourseNana.COM

NOTE : The software artefact is a key requirement of this assessment, which should represent an output of one (or more ) stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As such, it is expected that all projects follow this same broad structure. CourseNana.COM

However, p lease be advised that the nature and scope of CS projects is highly variable , so the precise structure of your dissertation can be tailored to project specific needs. It is highly recommended that you discuss the structure with your supervisor before you start writing. CourseNana.COM

LNCS templates are supplied in LaTeX and Word format s. Your submission should conform to one of these templates and be submitted as a PDF as per school policy. CourseNana.COM

Artefact demonstration To receive a mark for this assessment, you must submit a short (5 – 10 min) video demonstrating your artefact. This can take the form of a sof tware demonstration, or a slideshow. This is a pass/fail criterion and must be submitted as Supporting Documentation. CourseNana.COM

Please see the Criterion Reference Grid for details of how the assessment will be graded. CourseNana.COM

Learning Outcomes Assessed: CourseNana.COM

• [LO2] Construct a comprehensive review and critical appraisal of relevant academic literature as justification and context for the identified goals and methods of a project • [LO3] Apply practical and analytical skills in the design and i mplementation of an artefact that represents an output from at least one stage of the software development life cycle • [LO4] Prepare a formal technical report that summarises, justifies, evaluates and contextualizes work undertaken in a significant project • [LO5] Critically evaluate and reflect on both the development process and learning requirements of undertaking an individual project CourseNana.COM

Knowledge & Skills Assessed : Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding : Objective and milestone formulation, literature search methods, research and data gathering methods Professional Graduate Skills : Presentation/communication skills, writing skills Emotional Intelligence: Motivation, self -confidence. Career -focused Skills: Proposal formulation and feasibility. Assessment Submission Instructions: CourseNana.COM

An electronic submission is required for both parts of this assignment: CourseNana.COM

• The dissertation document should be submitted as a PDF via Blackboard to CMP3753’s Assessment Item 3 RESIT Upload (Turnitin) • The artefact’s source code should be submitted as a single ZIP via Blackboard to CMP3753’s Assessment Item 3 RESIT Supporting Documentation Upload. CourseNana.COM

Date for Return of Feedback: Please see the School assessment dates spreadsheet. CourseNana.COM

Format for Assessment: Written project proposal document in LNCS -based format, submitted as PDF. Templates (Word and LaTeX) are provided. CourseNana.COM

Feedback Format: Blackboard written feedback, supervisor face -to-face feedback. Additional Information for Completion of Assessment : CourseNana.COM

The dissertation should be between 8,000 – 12,000 words, and should have the following top - level structure : CourseNana.COM

• Title page. This should be laid out as follows: CourseNana.COM

Title Of Your Dissertation CourseNana.COM

[ UoL Crest Logo ] CourseNana.COM

A.N.Other ABD12345678 CourseNana.COM

another@email.ac.uk CourseNana.COM

School of Computer Science College of Science University of Lincoln CourseNana.COM

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement s for the Degree of YOUR DEGREE PROGRAMME CourseNana.COM

Supervisor: YOUR SUPERVISOR CourseNana.COM

Month Year CourseNana.COM

• Acknowledgements. An opportunity to thank anyone you wish. • Abstract. A short summary of the project , designed to entice the reader and give them a broad overview of the project motivation, its aims, and outcomes . It should be readable in isolation from th e rest of the dissertation. • Table of Contents. This should i nclude titles and page numbers of all sections and subsections . It is advisable to also have separate lists of figures and tables. • Introduction . This should introduce the motivation for the project , providing background material that is relevant to problem being addressed. You should also describe the document’s structure here. • Literature Review. This should be a coherent, critical evaluation of relevant academic literature with clear linkage to your project. You may use and build upon the literature review from your interim report. In a separate section, briefly state the aims & objectives. • Requirements Analysis. This should expand upon the aims & objectives, stating what your solution must do to achieve the desired project outcomes. Consider both functional and non -functional requirements, software/hardware environments , a risk analysis, and briefly how you will test and evaluate your artefact . • Design & Methodology. This section will v ary greatly depending on your project, and may include sections on topics including (but not limited to) project management, software development methodology, algorithm /model choices, study design, statist ical analysis, performance evaluation, etc. • Implementation. This should describe all components of your software implementation, emphasising particularly novel or nuanced components of code or its structure. There is no need to document every line of code, but you may include snippets as appropriate . • Results & Discussion. This chapter should present the results of your work, be they in the form of a software product, experimental findings, or both. You should also link these results to your original objectives and state the extent to which they’ve be en achieved. • Conclusion. This can be relatively short and should broadly summarise the project, what has been achieved, its limitations, and the scope for future work. • References . A list of references, in accordance with the University of Lincoln Harvard Referencing Guide : https://lncn.ac/ref . • Appendices. This section is for any supplementary content that does not fit easily within the main dissertation. Examples include softwar e documentation, user guides, logs of supervisor meetings, etc. This will not be marked directly but may be used to contextualise the main body of work. CourseNana.COM

NOTE: Chapters should be enumerated , starting with the Introduction. You may include subsections as you deem appropriate, e.g., 1.1. Dissertation structure. CourseNana.COM

Assessment Support Information: CourseNana.COM

More information on writing literature reviews : CourseNana.COM

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