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[2021] Surrey - EEEM005: AI and AI Programming - A2.c Chess Play

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A2. CourseNana.COM


(c)            A young student subject to lockdown decides to develop a simple AI program to play checkers against other family members. CourseNana.COM


(i)             Describe the formalism needed for developing a machine to play such a game, and a method that can be used to minimize the number of nodes searched.     [10%] CourseNana.COM

(ii)            Suggest a suitable evaluation function.                                                  [10%] CourseNana.COM

(iii)          The student has several family members of different ages and abilities. How can he adjust the machine’s quality of game play to be competitive and fun to play when used by a young child v an older wiser adult?  CourseNana.COM

     [20%] CourseNana.COM

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