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[2021] STAT2401: Analysis of Experiments - Q4 Regression, Outliers and High Leverage Points

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4. The United States Presidential Election Data(1916-1996),Election-Version-0.txt, shows the proportion of votes obtained by a presidential candidate in a United States presidential election, which can be predicted accurately by three macroeconomic variables, incumbency, and a variable which indicates whether the election was held during or just after a war. The variables considered are given as follows CourseNana.COM

Variable CourseNana.COM

Definition CourseNana.COM

YEAR CourseNana.COM

Election year CourseNana.COM

V CourseNana.COM

Democratic share of the two-party presidential vote CourseNana.COM

I CourseNana.COM

Indicator variable (1 if there is a Democratic incumbent at the time of the election and 1 if there is a Republican incumbent) CourseNana.COM

D CourseNana.COM

Indicator variable (1 if a Democratic incumbent is running for election, 1 if a Republican incumbent is running for election, and 0 otherwise) CourseNana.COM

W CourseNana.COM

Indicator variable (1 for the elections of 1920, 1944, and 1948, and 0 otherwise) CourseNana.COM

G CourseNana.COM

Growth rate of real per capita GDP in the first three quarters of the election year CourseNana.COM

P CourseNana.COM

Absolute value of the growth rate of the GDP deflator in the first 15 quarters of the administration


N CourseNana.COM

Number of quarters in the first 15 quarters of the administration in which the growth rate of real per capita GDP is greater than 3.2% CourseNana.COM

All growth rates are annual rates in percentage points. CourseNana.COM

This dataset Election-Version-0.txt is available in LMS unit STAT2401 on- line. Please download the data, save it in “your working directory”, and read in the data by CourseNana.COM

setwd("your working directory")
Election = read.table(file="Election-Version-0.txt",header=T)

Consider fitting the initial model CourseNana.COM

V=0 +1I+2D+3W+4(GI)+5P+6N+ CourseNana.COM

to the data. CourseNana.COM

  1. (a)  Report the fitted model. Do you see evidence for significance of regression?

Report also your R code. [4 marks] CourseNana.COM

  1. (b)  Are there outliers and high leverage points? Use your answer to determine whether there are influential points (known as ‘bad’ leverage points)? If yes, state them. Report also your R code. [6 marks]
  2. (c)  Calculate the Cook’s distances and determine the influential points (Cook’s distance greater than 1). Are these influential points different from those in part (b)? Report also your R code. [4 marks]


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