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[2019] STAT 153 Introduction to Time Series - Midterm Exam - Q2 ACF

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2. Consider the stationary, zero-mean AR(1) model Xt = 0.5Xt1 + Zt and the MA(1) model Wt = 0.5Zt1 + Zt, where Zt is some white noise with variance σ . CourseNana.COM

(a) For each of Zt,Wt, and Xt give the ACVF and ACF function. CourseNana.COM

i. For Zt: s (1 Points) CourseNana.COM

ii. For Wt: s  (2 Points) CourseNana.COM

iii. For Xt: s (2 Points) CourseNana.COM

(b) For each of Zt,Wt, and Xt give the approximate mean and variance of its sample ACF at lag 2 for n = 100 observations.
Hint: Recall Bartlett’s formula Wij =
Sum ∞m=1 (ρ(m + i) + ρ(m i) 2ρ(i)ρ(m)) (ρ(m + j) + ρ(m j) 2ρ(j)ρ(m)) CourseNana.COM

i. For Zt: s (2 Points) CourseNana.COM

ii. For Wt: s (4 Points) CourseNana.COM

iii. For Xt: s  (4 Points) CourseNana.COM

Figure 1: Sample ACFs of different time series data. CourseNana.COM

 (c) Figure 1 shows sample ACFs for each of the three models for n = 100 observations. Which figure corresponds to which process? Explain.  (3 Points) CourseNana.COM


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