Module: Python Programming Final Exam Date: 06 June, 2023
Notes: • Students are required to submit Jupyter Notebooks with .ipynb extension for the submission of tasks in Section 3 of this exam. • Every program should begin with a comment that includes your name and a brief description. For example:
print("Hello world") • You are required to submit your tasks within the time. • No credit will be given for an assignment submitted late. • All work submitted must be your own. As a rule of thumb, you must do your own typing. If it is not from the book or class lectures/labs and you did not type it, it is plagiarism. For the first incident, your grade will be a 0 for the assignment. • In grading your python program solutions, a rubric like the following example will be used: Criteria Description Readability and Documentation Proper names for variables and functions are used in all instances, well-organized code includes header and internal documentation. Input/Output Correct I/O parameters, appropriate data types, sufficient description provided for the user. Computation/Processing Correct results are computed, appropriate operations and functions are used.
Question 3.1: Write a Python function named "is_even" that takes an integer as input and returns True if the number is even, and False otherwise.
Question 3.2 : Write a Python function named "reverse_string" that takes a string as input and returns the reverse of t he input string.
Question 3.3 : Write a Python function named "find_max" that takes a list of numbers as input and returns the maximum value from the list.
Question 3.4 : Write a Python function named "validate_password" that takes a string as input and checks if it is a valid password. A valid password should meet the following criteria: • It must be at least 8 characters long. • It must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit.