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[2021] PSU - CMPSC 473 Operating Systems - Final Exam - Q4 CPU Scheduling

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Q4 CourseNana.COM


Consider a system using the shortest-remaining-processing-time (SRPT) CPU scheduling algorithm. Calculate the average job completion time for the following three processes with the indicated arrival times and durations (all in a common unit of time): CourseNana.COM

·       A: 0, 10 CourseNana.COM

·       B: 3, 8 CourseNana.COM

·       C: 3, 2 CourseNana.COM


o   6.67 CourseNana.COM

o   12.33 CourseNana.COM

o   15.67 CourseNana.COM

o   10.33 CourseNana.COM

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