iDistance transforms data points into 1-D space. A data point p(x1,...,xd)in the ith partition can be referenced via Oi in terms of the distance from p to Oi. dist_maxi denotes the distance between Oi and the farthest point in the partition. Given a query q, for each point p in the ith partition, we have a Query Range of querydist(q) to satisfy dist(p,q) ≤ querydist(q).
Which of the following statements on the final NN search spaceis correct?
[dist(Oi, q) - querydist(q), min(dist_maxi, dist(Oi, q) + querydist(q))]
[dist(p, q) - querydist(q), max(dist_maxi, dist(Oi, q) + querydist(q))]
[dist(Oi, p) - querydist(q), min(dist_maxi, dist(Oi, p) + querydist(q))]
[dist(p, q) - querydist(q), min(dist_maxi, dist(Oi, q) + querydist(q))]