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[2021] INFO30005 Web Information Technologies - Final Exam - Q12 Javascript Callback

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Question 12 CourseNana.COM


Which of the following is true considering the JavaScript code below (please select all that apply) CourseNana.COM


const foo = () => console.log('First'); CourseNana.COM

const bar = () => setTimeout(() => console.log('Second'),2000); CourseNana.COM

const baz = () => console.log('Third');bar();baz();foo(); CourseNana.COM


        the setTimeout function is invoked last CourseNana.COM

        the setTimeout function is invoked first CourseNana.COM

        the callback is first pushed to the queue and then to the call stack CourseNana.COM

        the callback is first pushed to the web API and then to queue CourseNana.COM

        The other four options are false CourseNana.COM


the setTimeout function is invoked last the setTimeout function is invoked first the callback is first pushed to the queue and then to the call stack the callback is first pushed to the web API and then to queue The other four options are false CourseNana.COM



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