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[2019] ENG 1002 Programming (Matlab and C) - Semester 1 - Primary Examination - Q3 Selection

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Question 3

(a) Write a MATLAB if-statement that captures the following logic:
Given a variable called
waterTemp, display ’gas’, ’liquid’ or ’solid’ indicating the current state of the water based on the value of waterTemp. Water becomes a gas at 100C and a solid at 0C.       [3 marks] CourseNana.COM

 (b) Use && and operators to write an if-condition that is true if a given number, n, is an even number that is less than 1 or greater than 100 (inclusive)          [3 marks] CourseNana.COM

(c) Write a MATLAB switch-statement that is equivalent to the following if- statement: CourseNana.COM

if number == 1 || number == 100 CourseNana.COM

               disp("Extreme value"); CourseNana.COM

elseif number == 50 CourseNana.COM

               disp("Mean value"); CourseNana.COM

else CourseNana.COM

               disp("Invalid number"); CourseNana.COM

end CourseNana.COM

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