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[2019] ENG 1002 Programming (Matlab and C) - Semester 1 - Primary Examination - Q10 Defensive Programming in C

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Question 10
Defensive Programming in C - fundamental C programming structures

(a) What will be the value of counter printed when the following code runs? Explain your answer CourseNana.COM

               int increment(int counter) { CourseNana.COM

                              counter++; CourseNana.COM

                               return 0; CourseNana.COM

               } CourseNana.COM

               int main(void) { CourseNana.COM

                               int counter = 4; CourseNana.COM


                                 if (counter > 0) { CourseNana.COM

                                                int counter = increment(counter); CourseNana.COM

                                 } else { CourseNana.COM

                                                increment(counter); CourseNana.COM

                              } CourseNana.COM

                                 printf("%d\n", counter); CourseNana.COM

                 } CourseNana.COM

(b) Write a C program that asks the user to enter up to 20 characters and then prints the characters the user entered in reverse. The program should stop accepting characters when the user enters a non-alphabetic character (ie anything other than a, b, c .... z or A, B, C .... Z) CourseNana.COM

(c) Explain two risks to running C programs and defensive programming techniques you can use to mitigate them in your code. CourseNana.COM

[Total for Question 10: 17 marks] CourseNana.COM

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