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CSSE3100/7100 Reasoning About Programs - Semester One 2021- Final Exam - Q5 Bounded ordered queue

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Question 5 [10 marks] CourseNana.COM

A bounded, ordered queue is a queue with maximum length, max, whose elements are returned in order from largest to smallest (irrespective of the order they were placed in the queue). CourseNana.COM

The following ghost and non-ghost variables represent the abstract and concrete states, respectively, of a Dafny class implementing a bounded, ordered queue whose elements are integers. CourseNana.COM

ghost var elems: seq<int>; ghost var max: nat;
ghost var Repr: set<object>; var a: array<int>;

// the elements in the queue
// the maximum size of the queue
// the set of objects implementing the queue // an array storing the elements of the queue // the current size of the queue

var n: nat;
(a) Define a class invariant, Valid, constraining and relating the above variables. 
(6 marks)
(b) Specify a method of the class, GetValue, which returns the next element from the queue.
 (4 marks) CourseNana.COM

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