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CSSE3100/7100 Reasoning About Programs - Semester One 2020- Final Exam - Q4 Weakest precondition Proof Dafny mehtod

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Provide a weakest precondition proof that the Dafny method, B, is correct, where Power is dened as: CourseNana.COM

function Power(n: nat): nat { CourseNana.COM

if n == 0 then 1 else 2 * Power(n - 1) } CourseNana.COM

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method B(N: int) returns (y: nat) requires 0 <= N CourseNana.COM

ensures y == Power(N) CourseNana.COM

y := 1;

var x := 0; while x != N CourseNana.COM

x, y := x + 1, y + y;

} } CourseNana.COM

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