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[2022] UOW - CSIT121 Object Oriented Design and Programming - Final Exam - Q1 Java Static Methods

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Question 1  CourseNana.COM

Write a Java program containing the static methods described in the following paragraphs. You need not include exception handling and validation in your solution. You must not use the following in your solution:  CourseNana.COM



  • • Lambda expression 
  • • The Stream API 
  • • Methods in the Arrays class (java.util.Arrays) 
  • • Methods in the Collections class (java.util.Collections) 

Method 1 public static void printNumbers(int startNum,  CourseNana.COM

int endNum,  CourseNana.COM

int numPerLine){  CourseNana.COM

// Your code  CourseNana.COM

}  CourseNana.COM

The method will print numbers from startNum to endNum, inclusive of both ends.  CourseNana.COM

The method will print numPerLine numbers per line.  CourseNana.COM

Example 1:  CourseNana.COM

printNumbers(21, 29, 4) will produce the following:  CourseNana.COM

21 22 23 24  CourseNana.COM

25 26 27 28  CourseNana.COM

29  CourseNana.COM

Example 2:  CourseNana.COM

printNumbers(4, 12, 6) will produce the following:  CourseNana.COM

4 5 6 7 8 9  CourseNana.COM

10 11 12  CourseNana.COM

You may assume:  CourseNana.COM



  • startNum >= 0, numPerLine > 0 
  • startNum < endNum 


You must not use int[] or ArrayList in your solution.  CourseNana.COM

Method 2 public static boolean hasDuplicateChars(String data){  CourseNana.COM

// Your code  CourseNana.COM

}  CourseNana.COM

The method will return true if there are duplicate characters in data and false otherwise.  CourseNana.COM

Examples:  CourseNana.COM

hasDuplicateChars("abca1a2") will produce true.  CourseNana.COM

hasDuplicateChars("morning") will produce true.  CourseNana.COM

hasDuplicateChars("ab$wx$y") will produce true.  CourseNana.COM

hasDuplicateChars("35 x 12") will produce true. (2 blank spaces)  CourseNana.COM

hasDuplicateChars("methods") will produce false.  CourseNana.COM

You may assume the letters: a, b, c … z are in lower case.  CourseNana.COM

You must not use char[] or ArrayList in your solution.  CourseNana.COM

Method 3 public static String replaceWith(String data,  CourseNana.COM

char ch1,  CourseNana.COM

char ch2){  CourseNana.COM

// Your code  CourseNana.COM

}  CourseNana.COM

The method will return an instance of String containing all characters in data but with all occurrences of ch1 replaced by ch2. You must use recursion.  CourseNana.COM

Examples: Return value  CourseNana.COM


replaceWith("programming", 'r', 'R');  CourseNana.COM



replaceWith("java", 'a', 'A');  CourseNana.COM



replaceWith("1+2x3+4", '+', '%');  CourseNana.COM



replaceWith("22 Jun 2022", ' ', '-')  CourseNana.COM





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