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[2022] COMPSCI 711: Parallel and Distributed Computing - Final Exam - Q1 Distributed Leader Election Algorithm

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Question 1

Many distributed systems use a leader to coordinate the operations in the system. Assume that (a) a distributed system consists of many machines, (b) each machine only knows the identity of its immediate neighbors and does not know the identities of the machines that are more than one hop away from it, and (c) no failure occurs in the system. CourseNana.COM

Outline a distributed algorithm that elects a machine in a distributed system to become the leader. Your algorithm should ensure that, if multiple machines concurrently initiate the election algorithm, only one of the machines will become the leader, i.e., only one leader is elected. CourseNana.COM

i. You should describe the principles of your algorithm CourseNana.COM

ii. Justify why only one machine will become the leader CourseNana.COM

iii. Provide a detailed description of your algorithm CourseNana.COM

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