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[2020] COMPSCI 711 Parallel and Distributed Computing - Cidon's DFS

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Question 3 [10 marks] – Cidon’s DFS CourseNana.COM


Discuss Cidon’s distributed DFS and explain how it improves over the naïve distributed DFS. If needed, use the following network diagram to clarify your arguments. CourseNana.COM


As an example, consider the following network, where node #1 is the start, and the following message types: fwd (forward), ret (return), vis (visited), and assume that fwd also carries the vis token. CourseNana.COM



(a) Using the above diagram, identify a particular asynchronous execution in which the forward token is sent to an already visited node. CourseNana.COM

Illustrate this execution by time-lines, one for each node, indicating sent/received messages and their global timestamps, using integer numbers (so the smallest time unit will CourseNana.COM

be 1), e.g.: CourseNana.COM

P1 timeline: send1(fwd):0, … CourseNana.COM

P2 timeline: receive1(fwd):1, send2(fwd):1, send3(vis):1, … CourseNana.COM


(b) How many messages are sent in scenario (b) and what is its normalised time complexity? CourseNana.COM



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