SEMESTER TWO 2020 Campus: City
COMPUTER SCIENCE Artificial Intelligence
(Time Allowed: TWO hours)
This exam is out of 100 marks.
Attempt ALL questions.
Write your answers in the space provided in this booklet. There is space at the back for answers that overflow the allotted space.
The use of calculators is NOT permitted.
PART B: Mike Barley’s material
Question 15
In our lecture on progression planning, we defined all of the predicates, except for applicationResult(Step, Sit, NewSit). The effects of a step are expressed in the update language.
(A) What type of literals are allowed in a step's effects?
(B) Which language is used to express a step's preconditions?
[1.5 marks]
(C) Clearly express the relationship between the resulting child state (NewSit) and the parent state (Sit) and the effects of the step (Step). You can assume that "Effects" is the list of effects for Step and can freely use it in your definition. You do not have to use Prolog, you can use logic or English. Your definition should be of the following form: for all literals L, L is in NewSit if and only if ... Where you replace the ellipsis (i.e., “...”) with your definition. Remember the effects of an operator are normally expressed in an update language, you need to describe how to accomplish the effect’s update.
[2 marks]