4 For the bubble puzzle, if you are in the starting state: << BRBG >,< BRRR >,< BG >,< GG >,< >> and assuming the top of the bottle is on the left and the heuristic is, where is the number of colours in bottle i, and B is the total number of bottles. In English this means, “the number of colours in each bottle -1, summed over all the bottles, and when there is only 1 colour or 0 colours the heuristic returns 0 for that bottle”. So the heuristic of the starting state is 2+1+1+0+0=4. Assume each bottle can only hold 4 bubbles. What state will hill-climbing return?
Select one alternative:
o << G >,< RRRR >,< G >,< GG >,< BBBB >>
o << BRBG >,< RRR >,< >,< GGG >,< BB >>
o << BRBG >,< RRR >,< G >,< GG >,< BB >>
o << RBG >,< RRR >,< G >,< GG >,< BBB >>
o << >,< RRRR >,< >,< GGGG >,< BBBB >>
Maximum marks: 1.5