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  3. Network Security - 网络安全
SEED Labs - Return-to-libc Attack Lab
Return-to-libc Attack LabCShellAssemblyBuffer OverflowSyracuse University
The learning objective of this lab is for students to gain the first-hand experience on an interesting variant of buffer-overflow attack; this attack can bypass an existing protection scheme currently implemented in major Linux operating systems. A common way to exploit a buffer-overflow vulnerability is to overflow the buffer with a malicious shellcode
COMP1002 Foundations of Computing Assignment 1: Packet Tracer Network Simulation
Foundations of ComputingPacket Tracer
In this assignment, you will perform necessary setup to install, configure and troubleshoot a computer and mobile device. You must successfully implement the network on Packet Tracer (or similar) network simulation software and perform important steps to manage the network security configuration.
Assignment 1: Kaggle and the Catalogue of US Cybersecurity Breaches
KaggleCybersecurity Breaches
Kaggle is a remarkable web-based, data science resource which contains a a huge number of different data sets and tutorials on tools. (Highly recommended.) One particular data set is the Catalogue of Cyber Security Breaches
COMM048 Information and Network Security - Coursework
SYN Flooding AttackDigital CertificationKerberosWEPSnortcomputer worm
Make use of two virtual machines one of which plays the role of the target server and the other one the role of the attacker. Use scapy to craft a TCP SYN packet and let the attacker send it to the target server.
CSCI 4174/CSCI 6708 Network Security: Assignment NO. 4 - Playfair substitution cipher and Matrix transposition cipher
Dalhousie UniversityCSCI 4174CSCI 6708Network SecurityPlayfair substitution cipherMatrix transposition cipher
Write a program to simulate Playfair substitution cipher
CSCI968 Advanced Network Security Summer 2022 - Assignment1: Remote Login Protocol
University of WollongongCSCI968Advanced Network SecurityCSCI468JavaC/C++
CSCI 968 Advanced Network Security Summer 2022. Write (Java or C/C++) UDP programs to implement a remote login protocol. For simplicity, let us call the programs “Host” and “Client”, which are executed by Alice and Bob, respectively.
[2020] COMPSCI5077 Enterprise Cyber Security (M) - Question 3 Backup System
GlasgowEnterprise Cyber SecurityExam
The technical support team state the transaction system could be restored within 36 hours from failure and so the business will not become irreparably damaged. Discuss RPO, RTO and MTPOD in the given context and argue whether the statement from the technical support team is accurate.
[2020] COMPSCI5077 Enterprise Cyber Security (M) - Question 2 Cyber Attack and Protection
GlasgowEnterprise Cyber SecurityExam
The Lena Corporation design various Image Processing Units (IPUs) for portable devices, such as smartphones and tablets. The company remains competitive due to a number of valuable trade secrets related to the design of its IPUs.
[2020] COMPSCI5077 Enterprise Cyber Security (M) - Question 1 Cloud Deployment Models
GlasgowEnterprise Cyber SecurityExam
The pair have decided to use cloud computing, but the pair are unsure of the optimal cloud deployment model. Critique FOUR different cloud deployment models in the given context. Argue for the optimal solution in the given context.
[2019] COMPSCI5077 Enterprise Cyber Security (M) - Question 3 Redundant Data
GlasgowEnterprise Cyber SecurityExam
The management want to make efficient use of infrastructure and avoid storage of redundant data and reduce the flow of data over their internal network. Devise and describe an appropriate solution that reduces redundant data in the given context.
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