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Homework 5: CAPM Model
FinanceRisk Management
The Security Market line (SML) of an asset relates the excess return of an asset to the excess return of the market portfolio. It says that the risk premium of a security j is proportional to the risk premium on the market portfolio
QF633 C++ for Financial Engineering - Assignment 4 - L3 Book Buidling
C++QF633C++ for Financial EngineeringSMUSingapore
During the lecture, we have discussed the implementation of Add, Delete and Replace operations. In addition to the above three, there’s another common type of order update message, i.e. the Order Execution Update. It is used to inform a order with given order_id is executed by exec_qty
DAT 537 - Final Project : Processing and analyzing real finance data
WebWashington University in St. LouisDAT 537Processing and analyzing real finance dataRData MiningData Analysis
These questions aim to help you gain some hands-on experience in processing and analyzing real finance data.
BIT001計算機程式設計語言 - Projects: 股價下載器, 基礎數值分析與可視化
建立一個圖形介面應用。運行後,在輸入某港股編號後,點擊下載按鈕可以從 YahooFinance 網站下載該港股最近60個交易日的股價。
QF633 C++ for Financial Engineering - Assignment 3: Order Manager
C++QF633C++ for Financial EngineeringSMUOrder ManagerSingapore
An order manager is a class which manages all the open orders, i.e. order with open_qty > 0. The order manager should keep the records in a std::vector in a sorted manner
MAT00021M C++ Programming with Applications to Finance: Actuarial tables
MAT00021MC++ Programming with Applications to FinanceActuarial tablesFinanceC++
The BlueSky Actuarial Consultancy Company has engaged you as a C++ consultant to create a computer application that produces actuarial tables on demand.
[2022] SMU - QF633 C++ for Financial Engineering - Course Project: Cryptocurrency Tick Data
SMUQF633C++ for Financial EngineeringCyrptocurrency Tick DataC++
Complete the FitSmiles function in VolSurfBuilder.h. It groups the market tick data by expiry date, pass the data of each expiry to the FitSmile function in the smile model to fit the model to the market data, and calculate the fitting error
[2022] COMP226 Computer-Based Trading in Financial Markets - Assignment 2: Strategy Development
COMP226Computer-Based Trading in Financial MarketsR
This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes: Understand the spectrum of computer-based trading applications and techniques, from profit-seeking trading strategies to execution algorithms, Be able to design trading strategies and evaluate critically their historical performance and robustness, Understand the common pitfalls in developing trading strategies with historical data.
CPT206 Computer Programming for Financial Mathematics - Coursework2 Brennan-Schwartz model
CPT206Computer Programming for Financial Mathematics Java
The aim of this coursework is to implement the Brennan-Schwartz model, a two factors model that simulates the dynamics of short and long term interest rates.
QF633 C++ for Financial Engineering - Course Project: Cryptocurrency Tick Data
SMUQF633C++ for Financial EngineeringCyrptocurrency Tick DataC++
Complete the FitSmiles function in VolSurfBuilder.h. It groups the market tick data by expiry date, pass the data of each expiry to the FitSmile function in the smile model to fit the model to the market data, and calculate the fitting error
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