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  3. Computer Graphics - 计算机图形学
COMP5911M Advanced Software Engineering Coursework 1: Matrices and PictureAppPlus
COMP5911MAdvanced Software EngineeringJavaMatricesPictureAppPlus
A matrix is an array of numbers indexed by rows and columns. Matrices are widely used in computer graphics and numerical science. One common operation is to put a matrix into row echelon form, in which entries below the leading diagonal are set to zero.
Computer Graphics, Spring 2023 Assignment 3 Shape Shifters
Computer GraphicsShape ShiftersPBRTUKThe University Of Edinburgh
Goal Expand PBRT’s functionality by implementing a new shape called ”DisplacementSphere”. Do this by extending PBRT’s sphere so that each point on the sphere is displaced along the normal at that point.
CS 418 Interactive Computer Graphics Assignment - Dancing Logo
University of IllinoisCS418CS 418Dancing LogoJavascriptInteractive Computer Graphics
This MP is mostly about trying things out. Tasks are vague and grade at full credit if they make a reasonable approximation of their description. Largely the goal is familiarity with writing Javascript, WebGL2 and how they work together. Later MPs will test you ability to do specific things with WebGL2.
CS 3451 Introduction to Computer Graphics - Project 4: Implicit Surfaces
3D modelsRay TracingSurface NormalsCS 3451CS3451Introduction to Computer Graphics
The goal of this project is to give you experience creating 3D models using various implicit surface techniques
CISC/CMPE 454 Computer Graphics - Assignment 3 - Physical Simulator
Queen's UniversityCISC 454CMPE 454Computer GraphicsOpenGLC++
You will implement parts of a physical simulator.
CS3451 Introduction to Computer Graphics Project 2: Ray Tracing Instances and Acceleration
Georgia TechRay Tracing Instances and Acceleration
For this project, you will continue to add new capabilities to your ray tracer.  First, you will add axis aligned boxes as a new kind of primitive.
CISC/CMPE 454 Computer Graphics - Assignment 1 - Asteroids
Queen's UniversityCISC 454CMPE 454Computer GraphicsAsteroidsOpenGL
You will implement parts of the Asteroids game by extending the skeleton code provided in this directory. You may work individually or in groups of two. Graduate students must work individually.
CSCI 420 Computer Graphics Assignment 1: Height Fields
USCUniversity of Southern CaliforniaCSCI 420Computer GraphicsHeight FieldsOpenGL
This assignment is intended as a hands-on introduction to OpenGL and programming in three dimensions.
159.235 Programming for Computer Graphics - Assignment 3 - A 3D Graphics Scene
Massey UniversityProgramming for Computer GraphicsA 3D Graphics SceneJavaOpenGL
This assignment covers the concepts of coordinate transformations (in homogeneous coordinates), ray tracing, illumination, shading, and texture mapping. The necessary theory is discussed in the lectures together with programming tips.
CS4410 Computer Graphics - Homework 2 - Visualizes random polygons
USUMSLCS4410Computer GraphicsVisualizes random polygonsWebGL
Write a WebGL program that creates and visualizes random polygons (n-gons). Name your source code hw2.html and hw2.js.
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