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FIT2004 - Algorithms and data structures Assignment 1: Ultimate Fuse and Delulu is not the Solulu

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FIT2004 2024 Semester 1: Assignment 1 CourseNana.COM

1 Question 1: Ultimate Fuse
(10 marks, including 2 marks for documentation)

You are an adventurer in FITWORLD – a magical world where humans and FITMONs live in harmony. FITMONs are insanely cute creatures 1 which make everyone around them happy. Each FITMON has a cuteness_score where a higher score means a cuter FITMON. CourseNana.COM

Recently, it was discovered that it is possible to fuse FITMONs together. The fusing process could increase or decrease the cuteness_score of the resulting FITMON. Thus, you set out to fuse FITMONs together, to create the very cutest FITMON possible, that no FITMON ever was. In order to do so, you head over to a FITMON Center. CourseNana.COM

1.1 Input CourseNana.COM

You have a list of fitmons: CourseNana.COM

Contains N fitmon in the list [0...N 1]. N is a non-zero, positive integer where N > 1. CourseNana.COM

Each fitmon is identified by their index in the fitmons list. CourseNana.COM

Each fitmon in the list is a list of 3 values [affinity_left, cuteness_score, affinity_right]. CourseNana.COM

  • affinity_left is a positive float in the range of 0.1...0.9 inclusive. Only the left-most fitmons[0] will have an affinity_left of 0 as there is no fitmon on the left for it to fuse. CourseNana.COM

  • affinity_right is a positive float in the range of 0.1...0.9 inclusive. Only the right-most fitmons[N-1] will have an affinity_right of 0 as there is no fitmon on the right for it to fuse. CourseNana.COM

    cuteness_score is a non-zero, positive integer.
    An example of the input list
    fitmons is illustrated below: CourseNana.COM

     fitmons = [
         [0, 29, 0.9],
         [0.9, 91, 0.8],
         [0.8, 48, 0.2],
         [0.2, 322, 0]


1.2 Fusing Logic CourseNana.COM

From the fitmons list, you realize that each fitmon can only fuse with the adjacent fitmon in the adjacent fitmon. Your goal is to fuse all of the given fitmons into only 1 fitmon. Thus: CourseNana.COM

  • fitmons[i] can only fuse with either fitmons[i-1] or fitmons[i+1]. CourseNana.COM

  • The affinity for the 2 fusing fitmons are the same as illustrated in the example input. We see that fitmons[i][0] would have the same value as fitmons[i-1][2] and similarly fitmons[i][2] would have the same value as fitmons[i+1][0]. CourseNana.COM

  • However, fitmons[0] can only fuse with fitmons[1] as there is no fitmon on its left. CourseNana.COM

  • Likewise, fitmons[N-1] can only fuse with fitmons[N-2] as there is no fitmons on its CourseNana.COM

    right. CourseNana.COM

  • Once a fitmon is fused, it no longer exist and thus cannot be used for fusing again. CourseNana.COM

    When 2 fitmons fuse, their cuteness changes based on their cuteness_score and the affinity of the fuse. Fusing fitmons[i] with fitmons[i+1] will create a new fitmon with: CourseNana.COM

    • The affinity_left will be based on the affinity_left of the left fitmon, affinity_left = fitmons[i][0] CourseNana.COM

    • The cuteness_score is computed using the affinity_score of the fusing fitmons mul- tiplied with their cuteness_score based on the following equation,
      cuteness_score = fitmons[i][1] * fitmons[i][2] + CourseNana.COM

                              fitmons[i+1][1] * fitmons[i+1][0]
    • The affinity_right will be based on the affinity_right of the right fitmon, affinity_right = fitmons[i+1][2] CourseNana.COM

    • Note: as the cuteness_score is an integer, you can use int() on it after each and every fuse; before the next fuse (if any). CourseNana.COM

      Using the example input earlier: CourseNana.COM

    • Fusing fitmons[0] with fitmons[1], will produce a fitmon with the value of [0, 108, 0.8]. CourseNana.COM

    • Fusingfitmons[1]withfitmons[2],willproduceafitmonwiththevalueof[0.9,111,0.2]. CourseNana.COM

    • Fusing fitmons[2] with fitmons[3], will produce a fitmon with the value of [0.8, 74, 0]. CourseNana.COM

      Therefore, you implement a function called fuse(fitmons) which accepts the list fitmons and this function would fuse all of the fitmon in the list into a single ultimate final fitmon. The resulting fitmon will have the highest possible cuteness_score from the fusing. CourseNana.COM

      1.3 Output CourseNana.COM

      The fuse(fitmons) function would return an integer, where it is the cuteness_score of the highest possible cutenness_score from fusing all of the fitmons – if there are N fitmonns then you would need N 1 fuses in total. We illustrate a simple example in the next section 1.5. CourseNana.COM

1.4 Complexity CourseNana.COM

The function fuse(fitmons) must run at the worst-case, O(N3) time and O(N2) space where N is the number of items the list fitmons. It is possible for your solution to run better than the complexity stated here. CourseNana.COM

1.5 Example CourseNana.COM

Consider the following input list of fitmons with a total of 3 fitmon in it. CourseNana.COM

fitmons = [
    [0, 29, 0.9],
    [0.9, 91, 0.8],

[0.8, 48, 0] ] CourseNana.COM

Figure 1: The 3 FITMONs from the input. CourseNana.COM

We can proceed to fuse any 2 of the fitmons in Figure 1 as long as they are next to each other. As a start, we can choose to fuse fitmons[0] with fitmons[1], creating a fitmon with the stats of [0, 108, 0.8] as illustrated below in Figure 2: CourseNana.COM

Figure 2: Fusion of fitmons[0] with fitmons[1]. CourseNana.COM

Then we can fuse this new fitmon with fitmons[2], creating the final fitmon with the stats of [0, 124, 0] as illustrated below in Figure 3. CourseNana.COM

Putting both fusion order side by side as in Figure 5, we can see that the latter fusion order described (the one on the right) resulted in a cuter final fitmon with a cuteness_score of 126. CourseNana.COM

Figure 5: Side-by-side comparison of the fusing orders described earlier. Left has a fusion order of ((0, 1), 2) and right has a fusion order of (0, (1, 2)). CourseNana.COM

In summary, the example above can be run using the following code snippet with the resulting returned values. CourseNana.COM

 >>> fuse([[0, 29, 0.9], [0.9, 91, 0.8], [0.8, 48, 0]])

To aid your exploration, consider the following additional examples: CourseNana.COM

In the example below, the same fitmons have been swapped around while retaining their cuteness_score and affinity_score. This different order will still produce the same optimal fused fitmon with the highest cuteness_score of 126. CourseNana.COM

 >>> fuse([[0, 48, 0.8], [0.8, 91, 0.9], [0.9, 29, 0]])
 >>> fuse([[0, 50, 0.3], [0.3, 50, 0.3], [0.3, 50, 0]])

For the above example, there are several observations to be made. Firstly, all of the fitmons have the same cuteness_score and the same affinity_score. Thus, the order of their fusing does not matter. CourseNana.COM

Fusing them all together will produce a final fitmon with a cuteness_score of 24. This value is less than the original cuteness_score but as you need to always fuse all of the fitmons together, you have no choice but to accept a less cute final outcome. The same can be observed with the next 2 examples below: CourseNana.COM

 >>> fuse([[0, 50, 0.6], [0.6, 50, 0.3], [0.3, 50, 0]])
 >>> fuse([[0, 50, 0.3], [0.3, 50, 0.3], [0.3, 80, 0]])

As for the example below, it is just an example of a larger input. Do note that your solution would be tested against very large input sizes in the range of thousands. CourseNana.COM

 >>> fuse([[0, 50, 0.6], [0.6, 98, 0.4], [0.4, 54, 0.9], [0.9, 6, 0.3],
         [0.3, 34, 0.5], [0.5, 66, 0.3], [0.3, 63, 0.2], [0.2, 52, 0.5],
         [0.5, 39, 0.9], [0.9, 62, 0]] )

132 CourseNana.COM

It is important to note that the examples provided are not exhaustive.There are many other possible cases, with specific edge cases which you would need to validate for your solution to ensure correctness. Thus, do ensure your solution is sufficiently tested using techniques you have learnt in prerequisite units such as unit-testing. CourseNana.COM

2 Question 2: Delulu is not the Solulu
(10 marks, including 2 marks for documentation)

You are a bear stuck in the forest and would like to escape the forest. Unfortunately, the forest itself is known as the Delulu Forest where it is easy to get lost. Your ancestors have left markings on various large trees in the forest to help you escape the forest, where each of the large tree will provide a road to one or more other large tree. This is drawn onto a treemap that is given to you: CourseNana.COM

  • There are a total of |T| trees in the forest, from t0 all the way to t|T|−1. CourseNana.COM

  • One of the trees would be start which is where you begin from. CourseNana.COM

  • One of more trees would be end which is where you can exit from. These trees would be marked in the treemap given to you. CourseNana.COM

  • There are |R| roads in total connecting the trees, from r0 all the way to r|R|−1. CourseNana.COM

  • You can go from tree-u to tree-v if a road r = (u, v) exist. However, you can’t go from CourseNana.COM

    tree-v to tree-u unless the opposite road r= (v, u) also exist in the treemap. CourseNana.COM

  • It takes w-minutes to travel along the road r = (u,v,w). The travel time could differ CourseNana.COM

    between, and all of the time to travel along the road is stated in the treemap itself. CourseNana.COM

  • Some Solulu trees will teleport you to another tree-t upon destruction. This teleportation might bring you closer to, or further from your exit. CourseNana.COM

    You can’t bear to be in the forest anymore and would want to escape as soon as possible. Thus, you use your pawsome computer science knowledge of Graphs to find figure out the quickest way to exit the Delulu forest. You would model the treemap using the graph ADT as follow: CourseNana.COM

class TreeMap:
    def __init__(self, roads, solulus):
        # ToDo: Initialize the graph data structure here.
                More details to be described in Section 2.1
    def escape(self, start, exits):
        # ToDo: Performs the operation needed to find the optimal route.
                More details to be described in Section 2.2

2.1 Graph Data Structure CourseNana.COM

You must write a class TreeMap that represents the trees in the forest and the roads between them. CourseNana.COM

The __init__ method of the TreeMap would take as an input a list of roads represented as a list of tuples (u, v, w) where: CourseNana.COM

  • u is the starting tree ID for the road. This is a non-negative integer, in range of 0...|T | − 1. CourseNana.COM

  • v is the ending tree ID for the road. This is a non-negative integer, in range of 0...|T | − 1. CourseNana.COM

  • w is the amount of time needed to travel down the road from tree-u to tree-v. This is a non-negative integer. CourseNana.COM

  • You cannot assume that the list of tuples is in any specific order. CourseNana.COM

  • You cannot assume that the roads are 2-way roads. CourseNana.COM

  • You can assume that all trees are connected by at least 1 road. CourseNana.COM

  • The total number of roads |R| can be significantly smaller than |T|2 and therefore you should not assume that |R| = Θ(|T|2). CourseNana.COM

    The __init__ method of the TreeMap also takes as an input a list of solulus represented as CourseNana.COM

a list CourseNana.COM

• • CourseNana.COM

• • CourseNana.COM

of tuples (x, y, z) where:
x is the tree ID where that tree is a Solulu tree in the forest. This is a non-negative CourseNana.COM

integer, in range of 0...|T | − 1.
y is the amount of time needed to clay and destroy the Solulu tree. This is a non-negative CourseNana.COM

integer. CourseNana.COM

z is the tree ID where you will be teleported to if the Solulu tree is destroyed. This is a non-negative integer, in range of 0...|T | − 1. If x == z, then it means you will not be teleported. CourseNana.COM

You cannot assume that the list of tuples is in any specific order.
You can assume that each of the
x values in the list solulus list is unique. CourseNana.COM

Consider the following example in which the roads and solulus are stored as a list of tuples: CourseNana.COM

# The roads represented as a list of tuples
roads = [(0,1,4), (0,3,2), (0,2,3), (3,1,2), (3,0,3)]
# The solulu represented as a list of tuples
solulus = [(0,5,1), (3,2,0), (1,3,1)]

There are a total of 5 roads, connecting a total of 4 trees from ID 0 to 3 in the forest. The first tuple (0, 1, 4) can be read as – there is a road from tree-0 to tree-1 and traversing this road takes 4 minutes. CourseNana.COM

There are a total of 3 solulus trees in the floor. Tree-0 is a Solulu tree that requires 5-minutes to destroy; and upon destroying it, you will be teleported to tree-1. CourseNana.COM

Running the following code would create a TreeMap object. We visualised the graph below for your viewing with the solulus trees underlined; you do not need to visualize the graph in your solution. CourseNana.COM

Of course, you can implement the TreeMap class to best solve the problem – adding any ad- ditional vertices and edges as you deemed to be appropriate. For example, you might need to represent the teleportation caused by the destruction of Solulu tree-0. CourseNana.COM

2.2 Optimal Escape Function CourseNana.COM

You would now proceed to implement escape(self, start, exits) as a function within the TreeMap class. The function accepts 2 arguments: CourseNana.COM

  • start is a non-negative integer that represents a tree in the forest. You begin from here and there is only a single starting tree. CourseNana.COM

  • exits is a non-empty list of non-negative integers that represents the exit trees in the forest. Arriving on this tree will allow you to escape the forest, as long as you have destroyed a Solulu tree prior. CourseNana.COM

  • Do note that it is possible for the solulus to be the same tree as the start and/or exits. As stated earlier, you can choose: (1) to spend time to claw the tree and destroy it; or (2) to not waste any time and travel along another road. CourseNana.COM

  • You must destroy one of the solulu tree in order to be able to exit the forest. CourseNana.COM

  • You can only destroy exactly one solulu tree, as your claw will need to rest after. CourseNana.COM

    This function would return one fastest route from start tree to one of the exits trees. This route would need to include destroying one Solulu tree, in order to break the seal of the forest. Thus the function would return a tuple of (total_time, route): CourseNana.COM

    • total_time is the time taken to exit the forest. CourseNana.COM

    • route is the shortest route as a list of integers that represent the tree IDs along the road. If there are multiple routes that satisfy the constraints stated, return any one of those routes. In order words, the route is not a unique solution. CourseNana.COM

      If no such route exist, then the function would return None. Several examples are provided in Section 2.3. CourseNana.COM

2.3 Examples CourseNana.COM

Consider the example floor map below: CourseNana.COM

# Example 1
# The roads represented as a list of tuples
roads = [(0,1,4), (1,2,2), (2,3,3), (3,4,1), (1,5,2),
        (5,6,5), (6,3,2), (6,4,3), (1,7,4), (7,8,2),
        (8,7,2), (7,3,2), (8,0,11), (4,3,1), (4,8,10)]
# The solulus represented as a list of tuples
solulus = [(5,10,0), (6,1,6), (7,5,7), (0,5,2), (8,4,8)]
# Creating a TreeMap object based on the given roads
myforest = TreeMap(roads, solulus)

Running the following functions will yield: CourseNana.COM

# Example 1.1
start = 1
exits = [7, 2, 4]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(9, [1, 7])

The simple Example 1.1 above is just going from tree-1 to tree-7, collecting the destroying tree- 7 which requires an additional 5 minutes. Destroying tree-7 does not teleport you anywhere else, thus the total escape takes 9 minutes total. CourseNana.COM

# Example 1.2
start = 7
exits = [8]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(6, [7, 8])

On the other hand in Example 1.2, going from tree-7 to tree-8, we would destroy tree-8 because we would only need to spend 4 minutes instead of 5 minutes to destroy tree-7. Thus the total time taken is 6 minutes. This example also highlight how it is possible for the start and/or exits to be a Solulu tree. CourseNana.COM

In Example 1.3, there are multiple possible routes. One of them is [1, 5, 6, 3] with a total time of 10 minutes, destroying tree-6 within 1 minute. Another is [1, 7, 3] with a total time of 11 minutes because destroying tree-7 requires an extra 5 minutes. There are other routes but those would be slower routes such as the ones that ends at tree-4, especially the ones with cycles. CourseNana.COM

In Example 1.4 there are 2 shortest route with the same time of 11 [1, 5, 6, 3, 4] and [1, 5, 6, 4], both spending 1 minute to destroy tree-6. For such scenario, you can return any of the 2 routes. Any route that exits at tree-0 would take longer, even if destroying tree-5 would teleport you directly to tree-0 which is an exit as it takes 10 minutes to do so for a total time of 12 minutes. CourseNana.COM

In Example 1.5 above, we could reach tree-4 from tree-3 but unfortunately we would need to take a detour in order to destroy-8, adding 4 minutes. This showcase an example where a Solulu tree to destroy is after one of the exits for the optimal escape. CourseNana.COM

# Example 1.3
start = 1
exits = [3, 4]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(10, [1, 5, 6, 3])
# Example 1.4
start = 1
exits = [0, 4]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(11, [1, 5, 6, 4])
# Example 1.5
start = 3
exits = [4]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(20, [3, 4, 8, 7, 3, 4])
# Example 1.6
start = 8
exits = [2]
>>> myforest.escape(start, exits)
(16, [8, 0, 2])

Last example present us with 2 possible options. The first option is [8, 0, 1, 2], taking 4 minutes to destroy tree-8 giving us the total time of 21 minutes. The second option is [8, 0, 2] where we go from tree-8 to tree-0 first, and then spend 5 minutes to destroy tree-0. While destroying tree-0 takes more time than destroying tree-8, by destroying tree-0, we teleport directly to tree-2. This resulted in a total escape time of 16 minutes only. Do note how the escape route is returned in this example. CourseNana.COM

There are many more possible scenarios that are not covered in the examples above. It is a requirement for you to identify any possible boundary cases to ensure that your solution would be able to handle all cases correctly. CourseNana.COM

2.4 Complexity CourseNana.COM

The complexity for this task is separated into 2 main components.
__init__(roads, solulus) constructor of TreeMap class would run in O(|T | + |R|) time CourseNana.COM

and space where: CourseNana.COM

  • T is the set of unique trees in roads. You can assume that all trees are connected by CourseNana.COM

    roads (i.e a connected graph); and the tree IDs are continuous from 0 to |T | − 1. CourseNana.COM

  • R is the set roads. CourseNana.COM

  • The number of roads |R| can be significantly smaller than |T|2. Thus, you should not make the assumption that |R| = Θ(|T|2). CourseNana.COM

  • Note that the solulus is not stated in the complexity. At worst, the size of solulus is |T |. CourseNana.COM

    The escape(self, start, exits) of the TreeMap class would run in O(|R| log |T |) time and O(|T | + |R|) auxiliary space. This would run with the same complexity for any combination start and exits; for any size of exits. CourseNana.COM

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